Dear Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour.
Most important this week is the Tannery issue!
The picture here is of the original plan which has now been modified somewhat following suggestions from Parks Canada and others with a bit more greenspace along the shoreline and buildings that are a bit shorter along the shore and higher towards Rideau St..
Although this picture is not the most recent rendition at this point, it gives an idea of the proposed boathouse where the current turtle basking habitat would be obliterated.
PLEASE sign and share this petition.
A public Planning meeting is scheduled for this Thurs, Aug 5 at 6 pm.
Here is the link to the meeting with participatation/registration details.
Truly important for the future of Kingston’s Inner Harbour!
1. Increasing Thefts
2. Police Warn of Scams Related to COVID 19
3. Third Crossing Turbidity Curtain Issues
4. “Meet at the River” Community Event, Tues, Aug 3, 6;30 pm
5. Climate Action
6. Prison for Women Development – Public Meeting, Wed, Aug 11
7. Messages from the City of Kingston
8. Input to City Budget Deliberations
9. Hilbert’s Piece – Worth a Look
10. Eric Gagnon’s Newest Book
11. Liverpool Stripped of UNESCO World Heritage Statue
12. Sweden’s Interesting Second Hand Mall
13. Chuck Commanda’s Canoe Build with Indigenous Students in Guelph
14. Proposed New Marine Sanctuary on Lake Ontario
15. Doornekamp Shipping Initiative from PIcton to Halifax
1. Increasing Thefts
Received from Councillor Mary Rita Holland and the Kingscourt Community Association
Residents have expressed concern/frustration over the number of incidents of theft and property damage in the area. These reports are on the rise citywide (Stats Canada just released a report, confirming that crime is increasing in Kingston where it is up 4%)https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2021001/article/00013-eng.htm)
The best course of action is to report each incident to Kingston Police either through 911 (if it is in progress and a urgent) or through their online reporting system if non-urgent:
I know there are some concerns that police do not take petty crime seriously. From conversations with their Community Officer, I have learned that reports are crucial as many offenders are known to them and they are more able to address the issues if they are aware of what is occurring and where.
A few online resources for residents to help with prevention:
Another option is to create a Neighborhood Watch program. I know that is essentially what is happening on the Facebook group but the benefit of using the existing program with Kingston Police is that there is a Community Officer available to assist.
Here’s the information in case anyone is interested in learning more/starting a local group: https://www.kingstonpolice.ca/en/crime-prevention-and-safety/neighbourhood-watch.aspx
2. Police Warn of Scams Related to COVID 19
Received from the Kingscourt Community Association, July 22, 2021
Kingston Police have become aware that scammers are preying on the public’s fear and sending various scam-based emails related to the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, according to a release dated
Below are some examples of the types of scam police said individuals should be on the lookout for:
Emails that appear to be from organizations such as the WHO (World Health Organization). The scammers have crafted emails that appear to come from these sources, but they actually contain malicious phishing links or dangerous attachments.
Emails that ask for charity donations for studies, doctors, or victims that have been affected by the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Scammers often create fake charity emails after global phenomenons occur, like natural disasters, or health scares like COVID-19.
Emails that claim to have a “new” or “updated” list of cases of Coronavirus in your area. These emails could contain dangerous links and information designed to scare you into clicking on the link.
Keep in mind, these are only a few examples and the scammers are constantly coming up with new ways to try to fool you, police said.
Police suggest the public remain cautious and always remember the following to protect yourself from scams like this:
Never click on links or download attachments from an email that you weren’t expecting.
If you receive a suspicious email that appears to come from an official organization such as the WHO, report the email to the official organization through their website.
If you want to make a charity donation, go to the charity website of your choice to submit your payment. Type the charity’s web address in your browser instead of clicking on any links in emails, or other messages.
3. Third Crossing Turbidity Issues
The project team continues to inspect and maintain the turbidity curtains as well as monitor and collect styrofoam. The team is committed to the clean-up and maintenance of the curtains and has a dedicated crew allocated to working along the shorelines north and south of the project collecting foam and debris. Not only are we managing the release of styrofoam but we are also working to eliminate the release of styrofoam by replacing the foam inside the turbidity curtains with a different material.
For our efforts for the week of July 19 – July 23, please see below.
July 19th: Curtain repairs and improvements – styrofoam clean up south side of turbidity curtain
July 20th: Causeway clean-up assessment (shoreline)
July 21st: Styrofoam clean up and new float fabrication/float repairs
July 22nd: Curtain removals and repair
July 23rd: Styrofoam collection and reconnaissance
4. “Meet at the River” Community Event, Tues, Aug 3, 6:30 pm.
Belle Park Project in partnership with Swim Drink Fish and River First YGK
Come learn more about what’s happening in Belle Park and the Inner Harbour shoreline
5. Climate Action Received from Jeremy Milloy, July 19, 2021 If you have been thinking about getting more involved in climate action, now is a perfect time. 350 Kingston is back on the streets with TWO weekly climate strikes – Fridays For Future at Tara Foods on Princess between 11-1, and Tuesday mornings at 7:15 AM at King and Lower Union (near KGH). The latter is a commuter protest that will be moving around the city over the next several months – stay tuned for updates. We’re out here to demand change and let people know that you can do something for the climate right here ing Kingston. If you’re on the fence about whether you need to be out here with us, consider this, from the American climate journalist Emily Atkin: individual “behavior” changes will only account for around 4 percent of cumulative emissions reductions in the path to net zero. What’s needed today is sustained outrage at the powerful, by those with the time and resources to express it. We need to be out in the street, demanding those with power act so that future generations actually have a future. Join us! Jude from 350 is collecting a list of the most important individual climate actions and political climate actions for the 350 Kingston website. Got ideas? Send them to me at jeremy.milloy@providence.ca “6. Prison for Women Development, Public Meeting Wed, Aug 11 Received from Bruce Bursey, President, Portsmouth District Community Association, July 31, 2021 Public Meeting, Aug 11, 2021, 6-8 pm. Siderius Development Kingston has unveiled plans for a new planned community on the site of the former Prison for Women in Kingston’s Portsmouth neighbourhood. The new development, Union Park Kingston, is planned for the 8.1-acre property located at 40 Sir John A. MacdonaldBlvd., across Union Street from Queen’s University’s Duncan McArthur Hall. The project is estimated to cost $143 million and will include seniors housing, residential condominiums, a hotel, ground floor commercial space, public green space and, in the last phase of development, a mixed-use apartment building. It would be constructed in two or three phases and would take approximately three to six years to complete. Siderius Development has launched a website + newsletter, unionparkkingston.ca, for residents to learn more about the project and provide direct feedback to the developers. If you’d like to be notified when public consultation sessions are occurring, you are encouraged to subscribe to receive email updates. A presentation on the application will be given by the developer, followed by a question and answer period, 6 to 8 pm on Wednesday, August 11, 2021. Please copy and paste the link to join the webinar: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87668090446 Or call in: +1 587 328 1099 (webinar ID: 876 6809 0446) For more information of the development proposal you can view the status of the application, notices and supporting information on the City’s website using the DASH online planning tool. https://apps.cityofkingston.ca/dash/Cap/CapDetail.aspx?Module=Planning&TabName=Planning&capID1=REC21&capID2=00000&capID3=001K6&agencyCode=KINGSTON 7. Messages from the CityThe Kids’ Corner, sponsored by Utilities Kingston, has offered some excellent programming for children and families, including Stories in the Square (in partnership with Kingston Frontenac Public Library), Arts Programming, and Hilltop History: Tales with the Fort Henry Guard (in partnership with St. Lawrence Parks Commission). Movement in the Market, a new initiative this year, has allowed participants to join a physically distanced, instructor-led wellness or fitness class. Classes such as yoga and Zumba continue to be held in Springer Market Square twice a week!After a successful first season, Sociavore has returned as part of LKM in Springer Market Square as “Bistro at the Square.” Sociavore is a mobile ordering platform that provides delivery of food/beverages from local restaurants to a bistro table in the Square. This continues until October 31, so make sure you try it out! Going beyond the bounds of Kingston’s downtown core, the Arts Walk (which began on July 7) highlights Kingston’s public art along the waterfront from Douglas Fluhrer Park to Lake Ontario Park, as well as downtown. This self-guided walking tour includes decals to highlight the trail and a digital map/app. Printed Arts Walk postcards can be picked up at various locations, including City Hall. Please share your feedback on LKM and its various initiatives by visiting the Get Involved Kingston page. For residents, the brief, voluntary Resident Survey will take 1-2 minutes to complete and your answers are completely anonymous. Feedback will be considered to ensure that Love Kingston Marketplace is accessible and meeting the needs of its residents. The Business Survey is seeking input from Downtown Kingston! businesses on their experience in participating in the activities and programming in the 2021 edition of the Love Kingston Marketplace. 8. Input to City Budget Deliberations Get Involved, Kingston! Access the survey online now at 2022 City Budget Engagement. Learn more about the City’s budgets by attending a pop-up event! Staff from the Financial Services Department will be at Springer Market Square on Aug. 5, starting at 8:30 a.m 9. Hilbert’s Piece – Worth a Look! https://belleparkproject.com/blog-2/little-forest?fbclid=IwAR1XbT0s8FA1wl1E-daiO3u3Edg5iqL_c406FcbQuslwxYM_fWi6b0cUFBI 10. Eric Gagnon’s Newest Book “I’m pleased to announce the publication of “Stories on the Waterfront: A Curated Collection of Memories and Photos of Kingston Harbour” – a companion volume to its sister book published last November. With 150 photos in 70 pages, join me on a tour down the streets lining our city’s waterfront in their industrial hey-day. An era of our city’s history seldom seen. For more infornation, please see: http://tracksidetreasure.blogspot.com/…/stories-on… “ FROM FAR AND WIDE 11. Liverpool Stripped of UNESCO World Heritage Status Are we possibly headed in that direction? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-merseyside-57879475?fbclid=IwAR0lbTc0eHBhrzadl4wYnP0G22WwguA8ibHrdJ0WmnoOAmd8SUdYxMxfiUQ 12. Sweden’s Second Hand Mall https://www.facebook.com/BBCScotland/videos/4100440896658913 13. Chuck Commanda’s Canoe Build with Indigenous Students in Guelph https://www.guelphtoday.com/local-news/local-indigenous-students-use-traditional-knowledge-to-build-canoe-from-scratch-3980999 14. Proposed New Marine Sanctuary on Lake Ontario New York applauds NOAA’s proposed National Marine Sanctuary on Lake Ontario, Hudson Valley 360 (Hudson, New York), July 29, 2021. The New York State Department of State, Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation, and the New York State Museum applauded the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)’s release of its draft proposal for a national marine sanctuary in eastern Lake Ontario and the Thousand Islands region of the St. Lawrence River. The proposed sanctuary designation celebrates upstate New York’s unique maritime heritage and provides a national stage for promoting the region’s tourism and recreational opportunities. 15. Doornekamp Shipping Initiative from Picton to Halifax |
Doornekamp Lines capitalizing on ‘underutilized’ marine corridor with Picton-Halifax shipping line, Ottawa Business Journal (Ottawa, Ontario), July 16, 2021. A family-owned eastern Ontario shipping firm is expanding its service along the St. Lawrence Seaway, looking to compete against rail and truck operators for customers moving cargo between Canada’s east coast and markets across Ontario. Doornekamp Lines launched scheduled marine shipping service this spring, moving containers and bulk cargo between Halifax and Picton, located west of Kingston. The shipping operation is a spinoff of Doornekamp Construction, which refurbished the Picton Terminals in 2015. Ben Doornekamp, owner of Doornekamp Construction and Picton Terminals, is quoted.
So that’s it for now. Hope you tune in this to this Thursday’s Planning Meeting. So important!
Mary Farrar, President,
Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour