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August Newsletter with September Events 2015

Dear  Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour,
Finally we’re back from Poland and the wonderful wedding of our youngest son.
Trust you have all been enjoying the great summer weather.  It was 36C in Poland!
Hoping that this current lovely August weather will continue into the fall.

This update includes:
Upcoming Inner Harbour September Events (4 of them)
Another worthwhile community project
Current Issues re the Official Plan (3 items) and
Other News (3 items)

Upcoming Inner Harbour September Events:

Sunday, September 13 at 12:00pm
Douglas Fluhrer Park.
Rain location: 75 Queen St.

The RRFM is a place where all things are free!  Bring stuff to give away (not necessary), take stuff you need.  The “free market’ benefits big corporations.  The “really, really free market” benefits the rest of us.  All are welcome.  Please feel free to invite friends.  Note:  Please take home items that are not taken.  More info?

or contact

2) WellingtonX September Working Meeting

Monday September 14, 6:30-9 pm,
Minotaur, 78 Princess Street
Given that work continues to expand, and that many hands make light work, Wellington X is inviting supporters to participate in ongoing working meetings. These are different from public meetings where current information is presented and public input gathered. Working meetings focus on the day-to-day work of advocating against the WSE and for access to waterfront green space. Meetings include updates on work completed, upcoming activities and task allocation, as well as determining how to allocate limited human and financial resources. If this sounds worthwhile to you, please consider joining! Meetings are on the second Monday of the month from 6:30-9pm.  More info? Write to

3) Limestone City Dragon Boat Festival

Saturday, September 19, Doug Fluhrer Park
No Experience needed! Come out and try a great new way to stay fit and social! 
September 19, 2015: 16th Annual Festival!
More info?
4) The 5th annual CLIMB FOR THE CURE!
Never climbed before? No problem!
Each year people of all ages, shapes, sizes, eye colour, hair styles (you get the picture!) and climbing abilities are successful.  Participants raise a minimum of $100 in pledges to climb our 100 foot chimney, (Canada’s highest indoor climb!), and then rappel down on the outside. The view from the top is pretty awesome!
This event is about celebrating life, and supporting the fight against cancer. Have fun with it – if wearing a costume floats your boat, go for it! If you’re in a team, create a team name and uniform if you want! Climb as an individual or create a team of up to four with family and friends.
Climbs go from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. To participate you need to register for a specific timeslot. First come, first served, so sign-up early to secure your spot! To register, please sign up at the Boiler Room, either by calling 613-549-0520, or emailing
Another worthwhile community project starting soon!
Sydenham Street Revived
A community-led project to dramatically change Sydenham Street into a pop-up park from August 27 to September 12. A living, breathing experiment as well as a unique project for Kingston, this temporary park will dramatically transform the street into a new public space for the community to enjoy.  Amongst other features, this project includes a large seating space, public art as well as additional greenery in a setting where the arts, culture, and community programming will take place/
If you are interested in organizing an activity and taking advantage of this new public space, please contact them. As this is a community-based initiative, this project is only made possible with volunteers.  They’re always looking for a helping hand.If you are interested in getting involved, please fill out their volunteer form:

Current Issues re the Official Plan and its subsidiary reports

1) FYI:  linked below is a letter that Rob Fonger of submitted to the print media. Rob has been a resident  of the City for 40 years and was the Planning Director for the former Township of Kingston.
In this letter he expresses serious concerns with Kingston’s current Official Plan as it contains contradictions and unclear definitions that confuse citizens and developers alike.
These confusions result in costly Ontario Municipal Board hearings to resolve disputes.
He calls for clear definitions of terms such as “stable communities” and “communities in transition”  in order to save neighbourhoods.  He is also asking for a consistent overall plan for appropriate locations for more intensive development.
It is absolutely worth reading and sending a short letter to Kingston’s Planning Department –
More info?  Home – Our Neighbourhood

2) Councillor Jeff McLaren is planning a public meeting re the Wellington St. Extension, the Secondary Plan for the Inner Harbour and Old Industrial Areas, and formulating a vision for the North End.
Frontenac Mall on Wednesday September 23 at 7:00 pm.
City staff will be present. You are most welcome (and encouraged) to attend.

3) The revised Transportation Master Plan update will be presented to Council in October.
When completed and accepted by Council, this will feed into the Official Plan.

Other News:

1) Laura Murray’s truly wonderful Swamp Ward History Project.
This past summer Laura Murray received a grant for student help to conduct further research and interviews to create an Inner Harbour Heritage tour based on work initiated by the Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour a few years ago.
We are truly thrilled with her work to date.  More anon.

2) K&P Trail to the Downtown:  A consultant has been hired to cost the various options for the trail to be completed by July 1, 2017, in time for Canada’s 150th birthday.

3) If you are looking for a great read, try Walkable City by Jeff Speck for $20.
This is a fantastic book about what other cities in N. America and around the world are doing to make their downtowns more pedestrian and cycle friendly.  True accounts of what is possible and actually happening in other jurisdictions.  These exciting ideas could become reality in Kingston!

Nothing else of immediate urgency on other areas of interest such as:
Wild Parsnip, Bailey Broom Factory, 9 North St., North Block, Capitol Theatre Project, Outer Station, Turtles. Waterfront Decibel Levels, Waterfront Working Group, Bicycle Priority Routes, Cycle Tourism and City Website, Martello Alley, Openness and Transparency in City Government, and other local community associations and their concerns

Hope you enjoy the rest of the summer.
Mary Farrar,
Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour