Dear Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour
First, thanks so much Hilbert Buist for the wonderful picture of muskrats along the north shore of Belle Island. Amazing!
Second, we need to update the webpage to make it more current. If you are interested in helping update the turtle section or the heritage section or the trails section or help establish a river section that would be totally wonderful. Get in touch with Mary at inverarymary@yahoo.com. Thanks so much.
Finally if you would like to donate to our organization just click on the Donate button on our webpage. –
Donations are always truly appreciated and through Canada Helps, you will automatically receive an official tax receipt.
- Making the Right Call in a Utility Emergency
- Local Coverage on Bill C-23 from Jeremy Milloy + What next?
- THAT GROUNDED BOAT is finally gone – Thanks Michael Judd!
- Update + Request from No Clearcuts in Kingston!
- Downtown Business Improvement Association’s New Voices
- Interested in Co-housing Possibilities?
- Youth Imagine the Future Celebration + Awards
- Metal Craft Marine Wins Yet Again!
- Kingston’s Current Living Wage Information
- Local Partners in Mission Food Bank Recognized with National Award
- City Council Receives Briefing on Fresh Water Act
- Local Women-led Tourism Businesses Receive Federal Grants
13.Support Non-Stigma Federal Grant Received - Local 3D Construction Company Forges Ahead
- Ontario Museum Association Bursary in memory of Paul Robertson
- Bill C-23 Submission for Heritage Professionals and CRCA.
- Gov of Can Invests in Marine Emergency Preparedness
- Amazing NEW Turtle Stuff
- Mushrooms Listening to Sounds?
- People in Portland Planted Trees. Decades Later, a Stunning Pattern Emerged
- Financial Empowerment for Canadian Women JUST FOR FUN
- The Rules of Italian Cooking You Should Never Break (and those you can)
- Kids’ Xmas Bird Count with the Frontenac Arch Biosphere
- Holiday Party for the Animals at Little Cat
- Finally, just for fun, me performing “Only You” for my new love, Ken, at the RCHA.
- Making the right call in a utility emergency
Received from The Kingstonist, Nov 28, 2033 – Jessica Foley
“Kingston residents urged to make the right call in the event of utility emergencies
Utilities Kingston is asking area residents to know their electricity provider so they know who to call in the event of an electricity emergency. The utility provider is also concerned with residents reporting potentially life-threatening emergencies using email or social media, according to a media release from the company.
‘This is about making the right call. We proudly serve customers in our distribution area, but there are parts of Kingston that are served by other utility providers. It’s important to know your provider and who to call in case of a utility emergency,’ said Jim Miller, Chief Operating Officer of Utilities Kingston. ‘We want to help people understand how to identify a utility issue. Our 24-hour emergency phone line is the safest way to report it, in our area.’
Utilities Kingston provided the following contact information for residents in the event of a power outage or electricity emergency:
Utilities Kingston customers – check UtilitiesKingston.com/Outages or call 613-546-1181 anytime.
Hydro One customers – report an outage by texting 92887 (WATTS), through the company’s outage map at HydroOne.com/StormCentre, or by calling 1-800-434-1235.
Eastern Ontario Power customers – call 1-844-701-9473.
Utilities Kingston electricity customers are in central Kingston, Barriefield and CFB Kingston, according to the release. Use the address look-up tool on Utilities Kingston’s website to find out if you are in their service area: https://utilitieskingston.com/Corporate/AboutUs/ServiceAreas. If you are not in Utilities Kingston’s area, to find your provider, check your electricity bill or view a map of electricity service areas in Kingston, available at the link above.
In response to Kingstonist inquiries, Utilities Kingston stated that residents have reported the following serious utility issues using social media or email:
Suspected downed powerlines
Smoke coming from electrical substations
Traffic signal outages
Open utility boxes
Water main breaks
Power outages
Utility issues can create a serious safety hazard, and Utilities Kingston is requesting all potential emergencies be phoned in to their emergency line. Some examples of an emergency, and what to do in that instance, are:
If you see a downed power line or other life-threatening situation, call your electricity provider’s emergency line or 911.
Tree branches on power lines, open utility boxes and damaged hydro poles could all create serious safety risks and should be immediately reported. Call the electricity provider for your area.
“Utility issues should always be reported using our emergency line at 613-546-1181, which is secure, private and monitored 24/7, whereas email and social media are monitored during business hours and it can take up to two business days to receive a response,” the utility company reiterated in an email to Kingstonist.
Learn how to prepare for – and prevent – utility issues and emergencies at UtilitiesKingston.com”
Kingston’s 100% independent, locally owned online news site. Find out what’s happening, where to eat, and what to do and see in Kingston, Ontario Canada. The Kingstonist is a Qualified Canadian Journalism Organization (QCJO #Q3386646) and your Kingstonist subscription is eligible for the Digital News Subscription Tax Credit!
- Local Coverage on BILL C-23
Received Nov 28 from Jeremy Milloy, Lead, Integrity of Creation and Climate Change, chco.ca, following last Sunday’s rally at City Hall.
working on traditional Indigenous territories in solidarity with the Indigenous nations whose resistance to fossil fuels during the last decade has halted the equivalent of 25% of Canada-US annual CO2 emissions
“Thank you for coming out yesterday! It was an inspiring morning.
Here’s a Global News piece on the event with some great footage and interviews:
What next?
First the bad news – as you likely know, the government passed Bill 23 today. We have a lot of work to do.
First, contact councillors and the mayor, and let them know you were there Sunday and you want a strong response from Kingston AGAINST what Bill 23 aims to do and FOR environmental stewardship, real affordable housing, and local planning.
Email: bpaterson@cityofkingston.ca; goosterhof@cityofkingston.ca; pchaves@cityofkingston.ca; losanic@cityofkingston.ca; wstephen@cityofkingston.ca; damos@cityofkingston.ca; jhassan@cityofkingston.ca; btozzo@cityofkingston.ca; jmclaren@cityofkingston.ca; vcinanni@cityofkingston.ca; cglenn@cityofkingston.ca; gridge@cityofkingston.ca; rboehme@cityofkingston.ca
Editor’s Note: You should also e-mail the clerk, John Bolognone, with the request that your correspondence be shared with the mayor, council, and relevant staff, and included as “official correspondence” on this file – jbolognone@cityofkingston.ca.
For some reason, e-mails sent to individual councillors are not considered official correspondence.
Second, there are still sections of the Bill open to public comments. You can see the different sections and deadlines here:
and access resources to help you write your submission here: https://cela.ca/reviewing-bill-23-more-homes-built-faster-act-2022/
Third, there are upcoming events on city climate policy and local housing efforts that you should attend. These will help inform us about the issues, what we can do, and make connections with groups working on solutions! See below for details and registration links for those events, and please stay tuned for future actions on these issues. Groups around the province are organizing actions for next weekend – maybe someone should make something happen here?
Organize a rally for the “Hands Around the Greenbelt”: Join groups across the province on Sat Dec 3 or Sun Dec 4 for a weekend of actions. Create your own rally beside those already occurring or invite your members to join with others. See below for helpful resources about rally locations as well as more about the theme “Hands Around the Greenbelt”. For more information and to register your own event go to https://environmentaldefence.ca/handsoffthegreenbelt/
City and Climate Town Hall
Wednesday December 7th, 7pm online
The world’s climate attention is focused on the national leaders at COP27, but much of our emissions are under municipal control. JRK and Kingston Youth Climate Action are sponsoring a City and Climate Town Hall online, December 7 at 7PM, with three people making change in their cities discussing opportunities and obstacles for climate justice at the local level:
-Ian Borsuk, Environment Hamilton
-Alison Gu, Burnaby city councillor
-Mary Jane Philp, 350 Kingston
Click here to register!
Housing for All: Working Toward Solutions for Kingston’s Housing Crisis
Thursday December 8th, 6:30-8:30pm online
register here: https://housingforallwebinar.eventbrite.ca
Do you believe housing is a human right? Would you like to work towards better housing conditions for all? Do you want to get involved with like-minded individuals? If you answered yes to the previous questions, we have the perfect webinar for you!
Attendees will hear from local groups that are working on solutions and interventions for the local affordable housing crisis. In the first part of the webinar we will hear from several groups about their innovative projects related to policy advocacy, tenant organizing, unhoused solidarity, and alternative housing development. In the second part, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the projects and how to get involved. The webinar will end with a conversation on the potential for a housing coalition in Kingston.
Participating groups include:
Just Recovery Kingston
PSAC 901 Affordable Housing Working Group
Displacement Project
Mutual Aid Katarokwi Kingston’s Unhoused Solidarity Group
More to be announced!
This webinar is organized by the Providence Centre. All are welcome!
Please register for the session here https://housingforallwebinar.eventbrite.ca
More info? Sayyida Jaffer at sayyida.jaffer@chco.ca
- That sinking boat is finally gone – Thanks Michael Judd!
Posted on Facebook Nov 28
Soooo glad this got dealt with about a week ago……. only just getting to posting now. It took one direct visit to Coast Guard, 5 calls and 7 emails to coast guard, about the same to Transport Canada, and quite a few phone calls and emails with MP Garretsens office.
As a marine surveyor of over 25 yrs, the dangers this large derelict boat presented, going into the winter in its conditions, really worried me. The harbour is now no longer at risk from the big grounded boat….. healed over to below her gunnel, full off all sorts of stuff to contaminate the waters.
Got a few kind words from the our MP’s office, always nice. They were very helpful and took the ball and ran with it once all parties were connected and on board. This was great as they can push harder and higher than I…. and I could step back. They got er done.”
Gabriella Hubbard, Constituency Assistant for MP Mark Gerretsen wrote to Michael with the following:
“You were certainly instrumental in getting the process started……………….”
Kind regards,
Gabriella Hubbard
Constituency Assistant
M.P. Mark Gerretsen
Kingston and the Islands
(t) 613-542-3243 (f) 613-542-5461
mark.gerretsen.c1c@parl.gc.ca” - Update from No Clearcuts in Kingston! + Request
No Clearcuts is asking you for donations! Yes, for the first time, we need your financial help!!
So far, a few of us have been funding our fight against Patry’s plan to cut down and pave over the Tannery site forest and part of a Provincially Significant wetland. And, as you know, we won at City Council!
But, Patry is appealing that courageous, democratic vote. We now have to fight at the Ontario Land Tribunal! This means hiring lawyers, expert witnesses (scientists etc.)
WILL YOU HELP?? All donations will be channeled through the non-profit Small Change Fund (SCF), which can supply tax receipts!
Here is our brand new SCF link: https://smallchangefund.ca/project/stop-the-chop-save-our-urban-forest-and-wetland/
Finally, thanks to the many Kingstonians who demonstrated their opposition to Doug Ford’s anti-nature, pro-destructive-development Bill 23 at City Hall on Sunday!! Here’s to Citizen Power!!
Hello Again! I’m writing this newsletter under the shadow of Doug Ford’s new pro-rapid-development, anti-nature Bill 23.
Ontarians – only 18% of us voted for this government – can’t let our greenbelts, forests, wetlands, wildlife, and more be paved over as Ford and his developer supporters wish to do!
We face an increasingly deadly climate crisis! We must protect – not threaten – the positive role nature plays in storing carbon, cooling temperatures, calming winds, purifying our air, preventing floods, and more!
Media Release
November 15, 2022
Group Condemns City’s Secretive Backroom Deal
Urges Councillors Not to Repeat This “Undemocratic” Tactic
Kingston, ON – No Clearcuts Kingston condemned the recent behind-the-scenes deal allowing the Elginburg quarry expansion to go ahead despite Council’s vote opposing the asphalt plant and quarry expansion project in May 2022.
From the public’s perspective, the last they saw of this issue was a 9 to 2 “no” vote at Council rejecting a settlement proposal. Then, on November 3, 2022, days after the municipal election, the Mayor and Clerk signed minutes of settlement. The settlement was presented as a fait accompli in an Information Report to Council last week, without any vote at a public Council meeting.
“This is not good process and is unfair to residents,” said Kathleen O’Hara, No Clearcuts Kingston. “It is undemocratic and makes a farce out of previous public consultation and participation on this issue. How can Mayor Paterson go behind the public’s back to make a deal like this? The need for Councillors to vote in public session was completely ignored.”
The quarry and asphalt plant expansion on Unity Road removes the existing Environmental Protection Area, Contributory Woodland, Significant Woodland, and Unevaluated Wetland designations.
No Clearcuts is urging newly elected Councillors to prevent the same thing from happening with the Tannery proposal which is also before the Ontario Land Tribunal.
City Council voted 8 to 5 in September against staff’s recommendation to allow developer Jay Patry to clearcut 1800 trees and fill in part of a Provincially Significant wetland on the Tannery site. Mr. Patry appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
“It is demoralizing to think that, after fighting to protect the Tannery trees, wetland, shoreline, and wildlife and winning at Council, citizens across the city might also be betrayed by a backroom deal,” said Kerry Hill, No Clearcuts Kingston. “This is not the way we want our city to be developed – or governed.”
No Clearcuts will be contacting new Councillors to advise them not to accept this kind of undemocratic maneuvering during their time in Council.
For more information, please contact:
Kerry Hill- 613-546-3956
Editor’s Note:
Response from MPP Ted Hsu on Bill C-23
The Ontario Liberal caucus worked to propose important amendments to Bill 23. In addition, I spoke in the House about changes to the Ontario Wetlands Evaluation System, flood mapping and Greenbelt development. While Bill 23 promises to build more homes, major flaws prevent the Ontario Liberal Caucus from supporting the legislation.
During the committee stage we pushed the government to implement the following amendments:
- Require development charge savings to pass onto consumers, lowering the cost of purchasing a home.
- Provide financial compensation to municipalities to guarantee the cost of building critical infrastructure is not paid for by property tax increases.
- Invest in the green economy by encouraging the construction of green housing that moves Ontario closer to achieving its climate change goals and ensuring the Greenbelt remains intact.
- Ensure communities consist of various housing types that suit the needs of Ontario’s changing demographics.
- Safeguard the use of public hearings to provide new mayors and councilors with adequate time to give feedback on how their community should grow.
Unfortunately, the government has rejected all proposed amendments to Bill 23. Therefore, the Ontario Liberal caucus will be voting against this legislation. Even though the bill is expected to pass third reading today (Nov. 28th), the public can still comment on related regulations in the Ontario Environmental Registry until early December. A lot of important details about Bill 23, and the Conservative government’s reliance on sprawl to build housing, are contained in the regulations. As of November 28th, you can still comment on changes to regulations regarding the Ontario Heritage Act, the Conservation Authorities Act, Development Charges Act, Planning Act, Inclusionary Zoning, Greenbelt area boundary, and Additional Residential Units. Link to Ontario Environmental Registry
- Downtown Business Improvement Association’s New Voices
Received from the Kingstonist November 25, – Jessica foley
Downtown Kingston BIA elects Board of Management for 2023-2026 term
At the Downtown Kingston Business Improvement Area (BIA)’s Annual General Meeting earlier this week, the organization elected its new Board of Management.
A new Board of Management is elected every four years. According to the Ontario Municipal Act, the Board’s term runs concurrent with City Council, with each Director elected for a four-year term. According to a release from the BIA, the Directors are volunteers from the business community who share an interest in guiding and assisting the BIA going forward.
“We are excited to welcome this new Board, and we look forward to working with them to cultivate and enhance downtown Kingston’s position as the region’s leading culinary, entertainment, shopping and services destination,” said Marijo Cuerrier, Downtown Kingston’s Executive Director. “We have a healthy mix of returning and new Board members – which bodes well for the future. There are so many exciting projects on the horizon and a lot to look forward to!”
The Annual General Meeting took place on Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2022. A total of 15 downtown Kingston businesspeople are elected by the membership and, subsequently, appointed by City Council. Two members of City Council are also appointed, usually with a third councillor as an alternate.
2023-2026 Downtown Kingston Board of Management:
Gord Dalton, Confederation Place Hotel
Gennaro DiSanto, CaraCo
Melissa Eapen-Bell, Improbable Escapes
Cynthia Gibson, Agent 99 and Whit
A.J. Keilty, Keilty Realty Corporation
Nicole Kemp, Kingston Frontenacs Hockey Club
Colin Morris, Kingston Frameworks
Yasmine Nassereddine, Sabaya Spa
Stephanie Quick, Delta Hotels
Christine Ray-Bratt, Chris James and Curate.Social
Ed Smith, WCL Holdings
Alexander Splinter, Braebury Properties
Steve Wallace, Luce Hair Studio
Nick Waterfield, Chez Piggy and Pan Chancho
Tina Yan, Midori Gifts
Current Chair and veteran Board member Ed Smith shares Cuerrier’s excitement for the new Board, while acknowledging the efforts of past members. “I’m thrilled to welcome the new Board,” he said, “and I am confident that they will approach the future with the same dedication and enthusiasm as their predecessors.”
“Saying goodbye to outgoing Board members is always bittersweet,” added Cuerrier. “The last four years were trying for this board, but their loyalty and hard work were essential in sustaining our members and our sense of community and in moving the organization forward.” - Interested in co-housing possibilities?
Received from Jane Owen, Oct 28
Kingston Cohousing
Our mission statement is to create an environmentally sustainable, multigenerational, inclusive, intentional community in the Kingston area.
If you would like to learn more, please email us at Kingstoncohousing@gmail.com. - Youth Imagine the Future Celebration + Awards
Received from Jerri Jerreat, Nov 26
What: The first Youth Imagine the Future Festival , will have an exhibition of their artwork and short stories. Come see how the youth of our region have imagined the world, better, with no fossil fuels, and more social justice
Who: Sponsored by 350Kingston, at the Window Art Gallery
When:Dec 1st through 4th.
Dec 1: 9am-8 pm.
Dec 2: 9-3 .
Dec 3: 12-4.
Dec. 4: 12-7. Awards Sunday, Dec 4th at 6 pm.
Where: Kingston School of Art’s Window Art Gallery on Victoria Street just around the corner from 647 Princess Street. Gallery viewing hours:
NOTES: We invited youth, roughly age 13-18, to research new green tech and nature-based solutions to the Climate Crisis, and to imagine a better future for Kingston, for Canada, for the world. This type of writing is often called “solarpunk” or “hopepunk”, but it posits a more hopeful future with no fossil fuel and more social justice. Youth were asked to imagine a real place, solutions for their climate crisis, and to either write a short story in that setting, or show us that future in art.
The juries are really struggling this weekend to choose award winners.
You won’t believe how thought-provoking some of the art is!
These kids are really thinking about the Climate Crisis and solutions.
Despite the flu sweeping through some high schools, a strike, and snow days, we have completed submissions from 11 schools! I’d hoped for a hundred of each, but this is the first year, and we are also teaching the community and the secret inside world of schools about the festival this year. I reached out to every high school to Trenton and up to Sharbot Lake, visited ten schools multiple times, and gave 6 workshops to classes.
In the end, we have very high quality submissions from 11 schools, which is pretty darn great.
Masks requested
Jerri Jerreat, General dogsbody/Director, Youth Imagine the Future Festival,
- Metal Craft Marine Wins Yet Again!
Received from The Kingstonist, Nov 14 – Jessica Foley
MetalCraft Marine Nominated for Most Significant Boat of the Year.
The Monjeb 2 was designed and manufactured by MetalCraft Marine for Kuwait Fire Services.
A MetalCraft Marine (MCM) build is one of 10 boats nominated for the Most Significant Boat of the Year from Workboat Magazine.
Workboat Magazine is “the only maritime industry publication dedicated exclusively to the U.S. workboat market,” according to its website. “It provides in-depth reporting on topics including offshore services, shipbuilding and repair, port security, marine electronics, environmental regulations, and more.”
The Most Significant Boat of the Year award is considered a prestigious industry award, according to a release from MetalCraft. Only boats that appeared in WorkBoat magazine from December 2021 to November 2022 were considered for this year’s award.
MCM designed and manufactured the FireCat 25M, christened the Monjeb 2, for Kuwait Fire Services. Starting in 2015 with a concept originated by the Director of Fire Services, MCM dedicated thousands of hours designing the fireboat systems to be “flawless, easily operated and serviced,” according to the release.
Designed and manufactured between the MetalCraft sites in Watertown, NY and Kingston, ON, the result is a 182,500 lb catamaran with two extra-wide hulls that are big enough to “house large diesels and lots of firefighting equipment, and offer greater stability on rough waters,” the company stated. The bridge is “gigantic” with a full-width wraparound console that houses a full electronic control display, which operates six fire monitors, pumps, and hydraulic towers, according to the release. MCM said that the boat has a very unusual electronic feature, the Radio Direction Finder (RDF), which is the only RDF that gives the latitude and longitude of the radio signal.
According to the company, a specific requirement of the build was that its towers had to be tall enough to reach the decks of the huge oil carriers that travel through Kuwait Ports exporting approximately 2 million barrels of oil every day. The Monjeb 2 is an NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency) Class I and II fireboat and, at 27 knots, it is twice as fast as other NFPA fireboats and half the cost to build, according to the release.
“This boat is the first of its kind, it has never been done before,” said Bob Clark, Contracts Manager for MetalCraft. “We’re proud of our entire team of skilled professionals and the suppliers who contributed to this next generation fireboat. We’re thrilled to be nominated for the Most Significant Boat of the Year. It feels good to have everyone’s hard work recognized for this innovative project.”
Every year, Workboat magazine nominates 10 significant boats based on a variety of criteria, including original concept builds, innovative design, and advancing new workboat frontiers like wind energy. Industry peers and the readers of Workboat Magazine are invited to vote for their favourite vessel. The winner is determined by popular vote and will be announced at the International Workboat Show in New Orleans at the end of November. Read more about the award on the Workboat website.
MetalCraft Marine designs and manufactures premier high-performance custom aluminum boats for government and commercial markets. In 2020 the local boatbuilders won the award for their Interceptor patrol boat that was built for the Los Angeles Port Police. Learn more about Kingston’s own MetalCraft Marine on their website.
- Kingston’s Current Living Wage = $19.05/hr
KEYS Employment & Newcomer Services1,705 followers17h • 17 hours ago
Ontario Living Wage Network have just announced the new living wage rate for the Greater Kingston Area and other economic regions in the Province of Ontario. As communities recover from the pandemic and inflation soars, paying employees a living wage is more important than ever.
Employers who pay a living wage have reported on average lower employee turnover levels, higher worker morale and improved productivity in the workplace.
We want to help recognize the businesses in our community that are already doing this! If you are interested in being celebrated for being an outstanding employer, please contact us to discuss getting certified as Living Wage employers through our partners at Ontario Living Wage Network.
Interested employers can reach out to info@keys.ca and 613.546.5559 to learn more. #decentwork #livingwage
Shelter Costs including insurance & utililties:
$20,482 (3 BRM). $17,009 (2 BRM), $14,896 (1 BRM)
Transportation: 14.2%
Internet & Cell Plans, Medical, Clothing etc. 29.7 %
Food: 12.7%
Child Care 5.2%
Figures represent an aggregation of 3 household types.
Visit ontariokivingwage.ca/documentation for more.
- Local Partners in Mission Food Bank Recognized with National Award
Received from The Kingstonis, Nov 15 – Jessica Foley
Partners in Mission Food Bank named 2022 Top 10 Impact Charity in Canada
The Partners in Mission Food Bank has been named a 2022 Top 10 Impact Charity by Charity Intelligence. The list of charities was released on Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2022, and included the local food bank alongside other local and international charities in Canada making the greatest impact.
Last year Partners in Mission Food Bank was named a Top 10 Canadian Food Bank for the first time and this year the charity is “thrilled” to have been selected to the Top 10 Impact Charities, according to a release from the company.
“With thousands of charities in Canada, we are a little shocked to be named to this list,” said Dan Irwin, Executive Director of Partners in Mission.
“We are very proud that $0.94 of every $1 donated goes towards our food hamper program. For The Top 10 Impact Charities, Charity Intelligence was focused on measuring the financial efficiency of a charity. We at Partners in Mission Food Bank feel that our team of great volunteers are the primary reason we are able to obtain this level of efficiency.”
According to the release, Partners in Mission Food Bank provided a record of over 14,000 food hampers in 2021. As of the end of October 2022, the charity said they are 18.2 per cent higher than last year’s numbers, and have helped over 6,100 people so far this year.
“Some charities create a lot of change with the donations given to them. Others have almost nothing to show for the money coming from donors” said Greg Thomson, Director of Research at Charity Intelligence. “Of the 300 Canadian charities we have analyzed for impact, these Top 10 have the highest measurable demonstrated impact. Our calculations estimate this group of Top 10 Impact Charities delivers average returns of almost seven dollars for every dollar donated, compared with overall average charity returns of only one to two dollars.”
The Top 10 Impact Charities, provided by Charity Intelligence, are as follows:
Charity Location Sector
Against Malaria Foundation Canada Montreal, QC International – Health
Canadian Foodgrains Bank Winnipeg, MB International – Food
The Citizens’ Foundation Oakville, ON International – Education
Effect Hope Markham, ON International – Health
Fresh Start Recovery Calgary, AB Addiction Recovery
Indspire Ohsweken, ON First Nations – Education
Lifewater Canada Thunder Bay, ON International – Water
Moisson Mauricie Trois-Rivières, QC Food Bank
Operation Eyesight Universal Calgary, AB International – Health
Partners in Mission Food Bank Kingston, ON Food Bank
Charity Intelligence researches Canadian charities for donors. Their reports and ratings “help Canadians give confidently”, according to a release from the organization. Charity Intelligence reviews and rates over 800 Canadian charities and provides in-depth reports on philanthropic sectors like Canada’s environment, cancer research, and homelessness. Learn more at www.charityintelligence.ca
Partners in Mission Food Bank has been helping Kingston and Loyalist Township residents in need for over 38 years. They do not receive government or agency funding, and rely solely on the community for food and financial support. The charity’s mission is “to provide nourishment, hope, and support in our community with an opportunity for all to share.” Learn more on their website: https://www.kingstonfoodbank.ca/ - City Council receives Briefing on Fresh Water Act
Received from the Kingstonist Nov 15, – Dylan Chenier
Next Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2022, a special Kingston City Council meeting will be held in order to brief members on their duties and responsibilities under the provincial government’s Safe Drinking Water Act, 2022. According to the Act, local councillors must exercise a “standard of care” when it comes to making decisions about the municipality’s drinking water systems.
A Utilities Kingston report to Council published ahead of Wednesday’s meeting states, “Section 19 [the Standard of Care section of the Act] expressly extends legal responsibility to people with decision-making authority over municipal drinking water systems and those who oversee the operating authority for the system. Specifically, that they exercise the level of care, diligence, and skill regarding a municipal drinking water system that a reasonably prudent person would be expected to exercise in a similar situation.” The standard of care will officially extend to the new City Council beginning on January 1, 2023. Wednesday’s meeting is meant to ensure all representatives are aware of their responsibilities as outlined in the act.
The Utilities Kingston report recommends that Council accept a document titled Taking Care of Your Drinking Water: A Guide for Members of Municipal Councils, which has been prepared by the provincial government. The document provides an overview of the important role city councillors play in maintaining drinking water throughout the municipality.
“The people of Ontario are entitled to expect safe, high-quality drinking water. It is a matter vital to public health. As a member of a municipal council, you have an important role to play to ensure your community has access to safe, high-quality drinking water — and you may be legally obliged to do so,” the document reads.
The report also recommends that Utilities Kingston “keep Council informed and seek opportunities for providing training on the operation, maintenance, and state of repair of the municipal drinking water system.”
Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, members of Kingston City Council could be found personally liable when it comes to decisions made regarding the City’s drinking water system. The act states that councillors are expected to “act honestly, competently and with integrity, with a view to ensuring the protection and safety of the users of the municipal drinking water system.” According to the act, councillors who fail to exercise their standard of care may face potential fines or imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offence.
Where Kingston’s drinking water system is concerned, City Council is actually considered the “owner,” while Utilities Kingston acts as the “operating authority.” Together, Council and Utilities Kingston work in tandem to oversee the safe operation of Kingston’s municipal drinking water system, such as ensuring water is safe to drink, while also carrying out any necessary maintenance and infrastructure improvements.
Individual city councillors are encouraged to regularly ask questions about drinking water operations and remain vigilant with respect to potential complacency. As the report states, ”It is critical you never take drinking water safety for granted or assume all is well with drinking water systems under your care and direction. The health of your community depends on your diligent and prudent oversight of its drinking water.” - Local Women-led Tourism Businesses Receive Federal Grants
Received from the Kingstonist Nov 18 – Jessica Foley
Five women-led businesses in the Kingston area were recognized with grants from the Tourism Relief Fund on Thursday, Nov. 17, 2022. The grants are part of an investment of over $2.7 million spread across 14 women-led tourism businesses in Ontario.
According to a release from the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), the Government of Canada is “committed to helping women entrepreneurs in the hard-hit tourism sector grow and flourish so they can become important contributors to a strong economy.”
The Tourism Relief Fund grants are intended to help women-led tourism businesses develop unique experiences and enhance their offerings to attract visitors and strengthen their communities. The five local businesses that received the grants are:
KPP Concerts (Kingston) — $25,800 to create in-person music concerts at various venues throughout downtown Kingston.
Maple Leaf Tours Inc. (Kingston) — $100,000 to develop and launch an Indigenous-focused Residential School tour, including educational and interpretive elements.
Moonlight on the Bay (Tyendinaga) — $100,000 to create a visitor experience on the Tyendinaga First Nation, through the addition of overnight accommodations and development of Indigenous tourism offerings.
The June Motel (Picton) — $91,500 to expand the outdoor lobby space with fireplaces and furnishings and create a winter activities program.
Topsy Farms (Amherst Island) — $7,500 to enhance the visitor’s experience through the development of a self-guided smartphone application for the farm in Stella.
“The Government of Canada is investing in the potential of women-led businesses so they can grow, thrive and create good jobs,” said The Honourable Filomena Tassi, Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario. “With investments through the Tourism Relief Fund, FedDev Ontario is providing women-led tourism operators… with support to attract visitors, which will lead to more local business and an economy that works for everyone.”
With Women’s Entrepreneurship Day taking place on November 19, this investment highlights the Government of Canada’s continued support for women entrepreneurs, and commitment to making investments to help women-led businesses grow and succeed, FedDev Ontario stated. For more information about the women-led tourism projects receiving support, visit the government website.
13.Support Non-Stigma Federal Grant Received
Received from the Whig Standard, Nov 10 – Steph Crozier
Federal Funding Supports Five-Pronged Initiative
An initiative with five programs aimed at increasing support and reducing the stigmatization of those who use substances has received $1.34 million in federal funding.
“While we’re grateful for this funding, we appreciate it, and we know it will be put to really good use, we are also very, very aware of the fact that we need more,” Ted Robinson, chair of Trellis HIV and Community Care, said Thursday following the announcement.
Robinson explained that he and Trellis HIV (formerly known as HARS or HIV AIDS Regional Services) won’t be content until they don’t need the Integrated Care Hub anymore.
“In the meantime, having this type of support is so vital for what we do and to support the people on the front lines, who every day are facing so many of those challenging situations and so many vulnerable people,” Robinson said.
“These (vulnerable) people are loved, and they are cared for. They are valued and they are valuable.”
The Support Not Stigma initiative was formed by the Integrated Care Hub’s 2021 Needs Assessment and is funded by Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addictions Program.
“By supporting initiatives like this one, we can save lives, improve capacity for health-care providers in Ontario and across Canada, and build a better health-care system that actively serves the needs of people in the community of Kingston,” Carolyn Bennett, federal minister of Mental Health and Addictions and associate minister of Health, said.
In March, the provincial Health Ministry provided the Integrated Care Hub with $4.6 million over two years, and the City of Kingston provided $500,000. Robinson said the cash will keep the care hub around for “at least another couple of years.”
The initiative focuses on five key areas: They are specialized training for those who work with people who use substances; building community through creativity with arts therapy; supporting a regional anti-stigma and education strategy, lowering barriers for vocational training and paid employment; and continued outreach to underserved populations.
Lionhearts Inc. will be leading the vocational internship program. It has already gotten started with a commercial laundry facility and grounds maintenance. The organization will ensure people get into the right program and grow life skills, explained Travis Blackmore, founder and executive director of Lionhearts Inc. who drove in from Ottawa to attend the event.
“Not just that, we’re providing encouragement,” Blackmore said. “I think everybody is searching for a sense of purpose, and by adding that encouragement, giving purpose, making sure they feel valued in the community, that can change a life.”
Shawn Quigley, executive director of Kingston Youth Diversion, explained to those gathered that providing confidence to young people often starts with guidance and mentorship from a relatable adult figure. Through the initiative, Kingston Youth Diversion will be reaching out to those with lived experiences of substance use disorders who are ready to give back.
“As good as we are and as our staff are, sometimes youth need to be able to connect with people who get what they’re going through,” Quigley said. “That’s what is going to be the real significant piece, on top of the things that we’re already doing, having that adult ally in their life is just one more mechanism to address those things going on in their lives.”
- Local 3D Construction Company Forges Ahead
Received Sept 15 from the Kingstonist – Zoha Khalid
Kingston-Based Company Building New Sector in Housing Construction Industry
The first-ever two-storey building with a 3D-printed basement is under construction at Division Street and Adelaide Street in Kingston by nidus3D, a Kingston-based 3D Construction Printing company.
According to Jay Sachdev, the company’s spokesperson, by using 3D construction printing (3DCP), nidus3D is able to create climate-resilient homes at significant savings in time, labour, and cost when compared to a traditional build.
“Concrete and masonry homes can withstand the extreme weather events that are becoming more and more common,” noted Sachdev. “Thanks to 3DCP, we can build these significantly more affordably than through legacy-construction approaches.”
The current housing shortage is a national-scale crisis. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has calculated that Canada needs to build 22 million housing units by 2030, with the Ontario demand making up more than half of this number. Meanwhile, the Canadian construction sector is facing challenges like labour shortages that further strain the sector’s ability to meet that demand. The need for new housing can be met more efficiently, claims nidus3D, by using technology to simplify and streamline construction.
“nidus3D is driven by the mission of increasing access to housing, and we’re honoured to have the chance to work with incredible partners who share that vision,” said Ian Arthur, Founder and President of nidus3D. “We are always focused on the next build. Each build is an opportunity to refine and demonstrate this game-changing technology. Each project is proof of concept for other developments, which further increases efficiency in how we build.”
Beyond Kingston, nidus3D has also partnered with Habitat for Humanity in Leamington/Windsor-Essex and with the University of Windsor to print Canada’s first residential, 3D-printed, multi-unit building. The four self-contained 560-square-foot homes were printed over approximately 200 hours in May 2022.
Leamington’s building was a proof of concept for future projects, said Sachdev, noting that nidus3D aims to demonstrate that 3DCP is a crucial tool for projects with a limited footprint, as in urban areas. “We applied lessons learned at Leamington to subsequent builds — the first 3D-printed multi-storey studio on Wolfe Island, and the Water Snake, a public art installation coming to Kingston. We will continue to learn and refine with each new project.”
The building at Division and Adelaide is not only the first 3D-printed basement plus two storeys in Canada, but the first in all of North America, and is garnering attention in the construction sector.
“The interest in 3DCP has been amazing, and our COBOD Bod 2 printer – the world’s leading construction robots in 3D construction printing solutions – is booked through next year,” Sachdev said. “We are adding a printer and bringing on new crews to meet demand. As the exclusive distributor of COBOD printers in Canada, we are actively working with several groups interested in working with 3DCP to increase the impact this technology can have here in Canada.”
For more information on nidus3D’s work and future projects, visit: https://nidus3d.com. - Ontario Museum Association Bursary in memory of Paul Robertson
Received Nov 9 from Ontario Museum Association
The Ontraio Museum Association is proud to recognize a significant legacy with the announcement of the Paul O Robertson Memorial Bursary. The bursary will be awarded to one or more OMA Conference delegates who identify as members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and as emerging museum professionals. In order to support their attendance and participation in the Ontario Museum Association’s annual conference
The bursary serves to create more opportunities for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community by supporting OMA members and 2SLGBTQIA+ emerging museum professionals in advancing their education and professional development.
In collaboration with Edgar Tumak, Paul’s husband, the bursary is named in honour of Paul in recognition of him being a proud openly gay man and a dedicated same sex husband and how this informed the significant contributions this made to the Ontario Museum Association, and to the Ontario museum community as a whole during his term as the President of the OMA Council, along with his involvement in numerous other initiatives.
Paul made contributions to the Ontario museum community for more than 30 years, working in museums and heritage since the 80s at the Official Residences of the Nation at Capital Commission, the House of Commons, the Canadian Museum of History (Civilization), the Museum of Health Care at Kingston, and as Kingston’s first City Curator, a post he hel for more than a decade.
As an active member of the OMA, Paul served the Ontario museum community on OMA Council and committees, including the Nominations Committee, Looking Ahead Task Force, Conference Committee, Modernizing Community Museum Funding Working Group , and in various Executive Positions including as OMA President from 2019 to 2021.
His professional contribution to our sector was substantial. Some of his earliest involvements with the OMA were May is Museum Month events in Eastern Ontario in the early 2000s, and he was an engaged representative for Museums at Queen’s Park Days, OMA Conferences, and Study Tours. In 2010, he was elected to serve on the OMA s Nominations committee, eventually becoming an OMA Councillor in 2016 and Vice President in 2017. Paul welcomed the OMA to Kingston on several occasions, including as
Conference Chair in 2017. His leadership and forward thinking supported the OMA s Looking Ahead Task Force, which helped our sector define its vision in Ontario’s Museums 2025. He led by example, building a culture of respect and inclusion and taking an active role in supporting emerging professionals, including through Conference Connections mentorship and the Inclusive Museum Leadership Symposium. He encouraged others to participate in OMA opportunities like Conference and the Diversity Census through making personal videos.
In recent years as OMA President, he took on a greater role in the OMA’s advocacy, meeting with Ministers, governments, and funders to express the challenges and contributions of museums. He deftly and persistently represented the sector, including on the Modernizing Community Museum Funding Working Group of OMA Council, and on an advisory for the future of the R. Tait MacKenzie Memorial Museum in Almonte. His advocacy work continued up to a deposition to the Town of Gananoque in April of 2022. During the pandemic, Paul continued to lead, offering words of encouragement to the OMA and to Ontario’s museums and meeting with then Minister Lisa MacLeod at two OMA online conferences.
Whether he was chairing and facilitating gatherings, meeting with elected officials, Ministers and key stakeholders, presenting at various museum events, or offering good advice, Paul always brought a sense of good humour and cheer along with his knowledge and wide-ranging expertise. We remember his steadfastness, encouragement, and warm demeanour. He was a passionate advocate, tireless leader, and a true friend. It was an honour to work alongside him, and we miss him dearly.
The OMA hopes that this Paul O. Robertson Memorial bursary will serve as an ongoing reminder of the contributions he made to the museum community, and that it will continue Paul’s work of building connections and championing inclusion.
We look forward to sharing more about the bursary and application dates in 2023.
To honour Paul’s legacy, donations to the Ontario Museum Association Paul O. Robertson Memorial Bursary can be made through the OMA’s CanadaHelps page, available here: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/m/76096
- Bill C-23 Submission for Heritage Professionals and CRCA.
https://cataraquiconservation.ca/blogs/2022-news/bill-23-more-homes-built-faster-act-2022 - The Government of Canada invests in marine emergency preparedness, response and partnerships as part of the next phase of the Oceans Protection Plan, Newswire, November 18, 2022. With the longest coastline in the world, keeping our oceans safe and clean is a top priority for the Government of Canada. Since its launch in 2016, the Oceans Protection Plan – the largest investment ever made to protect our oceans and keep our coastlines clean – has led to over 50 initiatives and the completion of more than 300 projects to keep our waters safe and clean from coast-to-coast-to-coast. To build on this investment in our oceans, today the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Omar Alghabra, announced over $1.2 billion for 29 initiatives as part of the next phase of the Oceans Protection Plan. This investment includes $890.3 million for 19 initiatives to strengthen Canada’s marine safety and prevention response.
- Amazing New Turtle Stuff
Near here in Opinicon turtles moving while hibernating (2 mins) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdgeJ2b_U1k
Turtle personality affects ability to survive when reintroduced to the wild – exploration, boldness and aggression = helpful traits
Turtle’s Waiting – Received Nov 28 from Inward/Outward Together
“Sunk in its bottom-mud, for six months she will not draw air into her lungs. To survive a cold that would kill her, or slow her so that predators would kill her, she slows herself beyond breath in a place where breath is not possible… It’s this radical simplicity that will save her. And deep within it, at the heart of her stillness, something she has no need to name, but something we might think of as trust: that one day, yes, the world will warm again, and with it, her life.”
–Gayle Boss, All Creation Waits: the Advent Mystery of New Beginnings (Paraclete Press, 2016), p. 2
- Mushrooms Listening to Sounds?
Received from the Marginalian Nov 20
https://www.themarginalian.org/2022/11/13/mushrooms-sound-waves/?mc_cid=876ac17d69&mc_eid=8eccd15e86 - People in Portland Planted Trees. Decades Later, a Stunning Pattern Emerged
Received from Health, Nov 25 – Russell McLendon
https://www.sciencealert.com/people-in-portland-planted-trees-decades-later-a-stunning-pattern-emerged - Financial Empowerment for Canadian Women
New book by local financial advisor, Laura Southall.
The first half of this book is dedicated to exploring the emotional side of money.
Together, we’ll examine our deepest memories surrounding money, the role money plays in our relationships, and the messaging we receive from society around money.
We’ll analyze our money styles and the money styles of those around us.
We’ll recognize our behaviours, our feelings, and our actions.
Once you understand your money story and who you are because of it, you can start making changes for the better.
The second half of this book will teach you what you need to know about money at the different stages of your life, beginning with basic financial concepts that everyone should understand and progressing to higher level financial concepts.
We will cover what you should know about money and your career, and what you should understand about money and your household. We will explore investing and taxes and conclude by examining retirement income and how to pass on your money to your family.
The profit from each book sold before Christmas is being donated to Girls Inc. Limestone, an organization that has as their mission statement “To Inspire Girls to Be Strong, Smart, and Bold”You can order the book using the following link: https://a.co/d/9f4HcNz
- The Rules of Italian Cooking You Should Never Break (and those you can). Thanks Ken Fisher for this – taken from The Times, Nov 23.
All Italians or lovers of the nation’s food know one thing: pasta — the country’s most beloved creation — should always be cooked at a rolling boil in plenty of salty water. This is the approved gospel and shall not be strayed from.
So when Barilla, one of Italy’s biggest pasta brands, proclaimed there was another, rather unusual, method of cooking pasta there was confusion, outrage and talk of heresy. The company told its customers that they can boil the pasta for two minutes, turn off the heat, put the lid on and let it cook “passively” in the cooling water. The technique, invented by a Nobel prizewinning physicist, Giorgio Parisi, 74, is being promoted by the company as an energy-saving hack.
Some people aren’t convinced. “It’s shocking if you ask me,” says Francesco Mazzei, the Italian chef-patron at Sartoria in Mayfair, London. “Heresy.”
Mazzei, who has been cooking pasta for 35 years, says the technique is “completely wrong” and will produce mushy pasta. “If you want to save energy just cook something else,” he says. “A lot of things can be cooked in three or four minutes. Why would you jeopardise one of the most amazing foods in the world? I wouldn’t cook a Yorkshire pudding in a steam oven.
“There are rules for cooking pasta and they need to be followed. My mamma taught me; I’ll tell my kids and they’ll pass it on. That’s how it works. Changing the rules is like trying to change a great opera. It’s a lack of respect for the Italian nation.”
But can other rules of Italian cooking ever be broken? I consulted Mazzei from the south (Calabria) and restaurateur James Chiavarini, whose family is from the north (Emilia-Romagna), to find out.
- Always cook pasta at a rolling boil in plenty of water — CORRECT
For perfect pasta, this is a must, say the experts. “Could you do the Barilla technique? Probably,” says Chiavarini, who owns Il Portico in Kensington. “But why would you want to? I can’t see any advantage except saving a bit of gas.”
The amount of water is also important. “For one kilo of pasta you need ten litres of water,” Mazzei says. “For pasta to be beautiful it needs to lose its starch so use lots of water and stir it often.”
He also recommends finishing off the cooking of the pasta in the sauce. “That’s what my family always taught me. That way the pasta absorbs the flavour of the sauce. - Pasta water should be as salty as the sea — INCORRECT
Salting your pasta water is essential, yes, but you can overdo it. I remember when my mum and dad accidentally salted the pasta water, not knowing the other had done it, and it resulted in an inedible mess.
But how much salt should you add? Mazzei recommends one tablespoon of salt in his ten-litre pan of water; Chiavarini is less prescriptive. “It’s hard to say,” he says. “Maybe a couple of teaspoons for a big pan of water but I do everything by hand. This whole measurement thing doesn’t really exist in Italy. You’ll never find a set of scales in an Italian household. You learn by practice.”
What he does recommend is using a quality salt. “Cervia sea salt from Emilia-Romagna is the best but use a natural salt where you can.” - Al dente is always best — INCORRECT
Serving pasta so it still has a bite is non-negotiable for many pasta chefs and pasta eaters but I must take a stand here. There is a very fine line between al dente and not cooked, and often, in people’s furious pursuit to achieve the former, they produce the latter.
Undercooked pasta is chalky, horrible and unpleasant to eat. In my experience the suggested time on the packet is normally correct but the only way to get it right is to taste it constantly. Mazzei agrees. “Taste, taste and when you’re sure taste again,” he says. “If the packet says ten minutes I do six in the water and four in the sauce.
“I like it with a bite — so it still has a soul, we say — but for some customers I’ll do it one minute more.”
Chiavarini says each to their own. “I like it al dente but my wife likes it more cooked. There’s leeway on it but it should always have a little texture.” - Never put oil in your pasta water — INCONCLUSIVE
Some people think that adding olive oil to pasta water prevents it from sticking. I’ve always been taught this is a fallacy and Chiavarini and Mazzei agree. “All pasta needs is water and salt. Never ever add oil,” says Mazzei.
But on a recent trip to Tuscany I was taught how to make fresh pici (like fat spaghetti) by a woman named Stefania. I was surprised to see her add a big glug of oil to the pasta water to “stop it sticking together”.
“Many things in Italian cooking are very regional,” explains Chiavarini. “Some people do it, others don’t. I never have and I don’t know what it adds. People say it stops it clumping but just stir your pasta.” - Match your pasta shape to your sauce — CORRECT
“Spaghetti bolognese drives me up the wall,” says Chiavarini. “Spaghetti doesn’t suit a ragu. You need a thick, egg pasta like a pappardelle or a tagliatelle; something more robust to stand up to the sauce.”
As a general rule the larger shapes work better with thicker, chunkier sauces whereas skinnier pasta, such as spaghetti, works better with lighter, more delicate sauces such as vongole or aglio, olio, peperoncino.
You can make a few changes, says Mazzei. “If the recipe calls for ziti and you can’t find it you can use rigatoni or penne. You should never stop your creativity. But as a chef I’d say some things work better than others.”
● Angela Hartnett’s 10 easiest, fastest pasta sauce recipes - Always reserve some pasta water — INCORRECT
You’ll hear many a foodie go on about this as if it were the greatest hack in the history of cooking and while it can be helpful it is not essential for all dishes. “Every pasta recipe has a different technique,” says Mazzei. “It can be helpful sometimes if your sauce is looking too dry. For spaghetti vongole I wouldn’t; for aglio, olio I would; for tomato sauces sometimes yes and sometimes no.”
Chiavarini says that in his restaurant they normally use chicken broth instead. “It makes everything tastier.” - No cream in carbonara — CORRECT
Carbonara is a pasta dish made with eggs and guanciale (fatty, cured pork cheek). If you add cream “you have made something else”, says Chiavarini. “It might be delicious but it’s not a carbonara.”
He will allow some swaps — pancetta for guanciale and parmesan for pecorino. “A Roman would probably disagree but I think that’s acceptable.
“There is a place for cream in pasta,” he adds. “We make one with leeks and pancetta and it’s delicious but in carbonara, no.”
Mazzei says: “I would never add cream. No way. Never.” - No parmesan with seafood — INCORRECT
People who are into Italian cuisine know that it’s a faux pas to sprinkle parmesan on your seafood pasta. “It’s blasphemy,” says Chiavarini. “Putting parmesan on spaghetti vongole would be outrageous,” agrees Mazzei.
But both admit there are some exceptions. “My mother makes stuffed mussels with breadcrumbs, garlic, chilli, parsley and pecorino cheese cooked in a tomato sauce — beautiful,” says Mazzei. “And for me anchovies and mozzarella is one of the best combos in the world.”
Chiavarini’s exception is pasta with tomato sauce, tuna, capers and black olives. “You’re allowed to put parmesan on that because tinned tuna doesn’t taste like normal seafood. But you’d never put parmesan on grilled sea bass, would you?
“In the restaurant of course we let people do what they like. It’s their dinner, not mine.”
Nigella has a recipe for spaghetti with rainbow chard, anchovies, and parmesan and pecorino on top. If it’s good enough for Nigella . . . - No fruit on pizza — CORRECT
I asked and the consensus was solid — pineapple does not belong on pizza. In fact, according to Mazzei, nothing much does. “It has to be a margherita,” he says. “Sometimes a bit of prosciutto is nice too or something more sophisticated like nduja and honey but pineapple? No. The furthest I can go is figs and prosciutto on a pizza. That’s a lovely combination.”
In my opinion a worse crime than pineapple on a pizza is chicken. Weird, twisted and wrong.
● Official recipes from Pasta Grannies — Italian dishes just like Nonna used to make - Never skimp on extra virgin olive oil — CORRECT
Italian cooking tends to rely more on the quality of ingredients than quantity and while you can pick more economical options with some things, olive oil shouldn’t be one of them. The difference in taste between a good olive oil and a bad one is vast and will affect your cooking massively.
“If you want to cook with it — making a sofrito or pan-frying something I can live with a slightly cheaper one,” says Mazzei. “But for dressing it has to be the best.
“Bread or a slice of mozzarella with extra virgin olive oil and nothing else is one of the best things you can eat.” - Never put balsamic vinegar on tomatoes — CORRECT
Maria, my mum’s cousin’s wife, but let’s just call her auntie, taught me this rule. “Olive oil only,” she would warn when dressing the tomatoes in her home in a small village north of Naples.
Mazzei agrees and explains why: “Rocket can be very bitter and oil can be bitter so you need balsamic for sweetness,” he says. “Tomatoes already have sweetness and acidity so just drizzle olive oil and be happy.”
Similarly, Mazzei thinks the trend for mixing olive oil and balsamic and dipping bread in it is silly. “A good olive oil is expensive and so is a good balsamic. Why mix them? You’d ruin both. If I’ve got a very good balsamic I’ll dip chunks of grana padano into it or drizzle it over vanilla ice cream — bellissima. - Kids’ Xmas Bird Count with the Frontenac Arch Biosphere
CBC4Kids 2022 is officially HERE!
What: Join us at Landons Bay, Thousand Islands National Park on December 10th for the 5th Annual Christmas Bird Count for Kids.
Cost: FREE
Time: 9:30am to 11:30am
There are so many unique and beautiful birds that call the Frontenac Arch Biosphere home. Do you ever wonder the names of the birds who visit your feeders or how you can help birds in your own backyard? Are you curious about getting into bird photography? Bring all of your birding and nature photography questions and share them with our special guests Lana Marion, local Ornithologist and her partner Bryan Scholes, Nature Photographer.
NOTES: This event is free to the public but we do ask that your register in advance. Please send a quick email to kelly@fabn.ca and let us know how many people will be in your “flock” for the the day and we will make sure there is enough hot apple cider and cookies for everyone - Holiday Party for the Animals at Little Cat
Date: Sunday December 18
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area
Cost: $5 for adults, $3.50 for children
Registration is required
On Saturday Dec. 18 join Cataraqui Conservation staff as we host an outdoor Holiday Party for the animals at Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area. Bring your family and friends as we feed the birds, play some games and enjoy a fun winter’s afternoon in the great outdoors. We will also leave a special nature present for all of our animal friends. This program is geared towards children but all are welcome.
Visit our registration page - Finally, just for fun, me performing “Only You” for my new love, Ken, at the RCHA.
Thanks so very much to Craig Jones and the Alternative Facts for agreeing to let me do this, to Al Rankin and Craig Jones for providing rehearsal space, advice and support, for all the members of the band and the back-up singers, to Jean, Chris and Ken for making videos with their phones and to brother John for splicing them together. Just so much fun. https://youtu.be/ZP3gW0adVRU
So that’s it for now.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Xmas holiday with lots of warmth, fun, and re-connection with famly and friends,
Mary Farrar,
Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour