Dear Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour,
Three cheers for David McDonald and his Water Access Group who have done so much to promote community possibilities along Kingston’s shoreline!
Due to his leadership pressuring the city, including the creation of wonderful musical events at Breakwater Park and the Shoreline Shuffle (with Sue Sheedy’s beautifully curated art installations all along the waterfront), we now have an award-winning Waterfront Master Plan. But pressure is still needed for help with the logistics of Inner Harbour skating.
Thanks so much Martine Bresson for the great photo!
Thanks so much Jamie Swift for the great feature.
And thanks to the KINGSTON LOCALfor publishing wonderful features like this one!
Do have a look. It also includes more of Martine’s photos –
1. Third Crossing Update -Your Input for East Side by Feb 23
2. Mayor’s Annual Innovation Challenge
3. Police Warn of Scary Sextortion Scam Luring Teens
4. Recent Ice Rescues
5. Utilities Kingston: Optional and Voluntary Service Line Repair Info
6. Ping Pong in Parks?
7. News from City Council, Feb 16 – EDI + Love Kingston Marketplace
8. City Outreach re Climate Change
9. Marine Museum Outreach Meeting, Feb 23, 7 pm-
10. Frontenac Arch’s Great Documentary
11. Cruise Ships Banned
12. Current Ice Cover in Great Lakes
13. Water Is Alive
14. Privatizing Water – Lesson from Mapleton
15. Isha Mistry’s Master’s Thesis on the Rideau Waterway
1. Third Crossing Update – Your Input for East Side by Feb 23
“Part of east side heritage stone wall dismantling begins week of Feb. 15
– As the team continues building out the Third Crossing and related infrastructure, part of the heritage stone wall on the Pittsburgh library branch site will temporarily be dismantled starting the week of February 15.
– This work, which has been previously approved by Kingston City Council and the heritage committee, is being done to accommodate roadwork related to the bridge and active transportation elements.
– Approximately 16 metres of the total 40 metres will first be carefully dismantled and then rebuilt on a connecting right angle to the current stone wall formation once all roadwork and related active transportation elements are complete. Thank you for your continued patience as we complete this work.
Main span arrival begins Feb. 16 and continues over the next few months
Starting February 16 residents can expect short delays at Hwy 15 and Gore Road intersection as trucks carrying steel girders as part of the Third Crossing’s main span start to arrive. Trucks are expected to arrive twice a week in the early afternoon over the next few months.
Engagement on Point St. Mark Dr. and Gore Road until Feb. 23
We have released the final design for the east side intersection, which offers features for cyclists, pedestrians, and transit users along with roadway improvements
Review the changes to the intersection and ask questions on the City’s Get Involved Kingston page.
Engagement is open until February 23 for residents to see the new intersection design and ask questions.
Construction of the intersection will begin this spring and will be completed by the end of 2021.”
February 18, 2021
This week marks another milestone for the Third Crossing project with the first shipment of steel girders for the main span. The main span will be a significant feature of the bridge that will have two lookout spots for residents to enjoy the views of the Cataraqui River. “I’m excited to see the arrival of this architectural feature. As these steel girders are installed, we’ll really begin to get a sense of what this bridge will be,” says Mayor Paterson. “I’m so pleased with the team’s progress on this historic project. Every milestone is one step closer to a more convenient and connected Kingston.”
Each of the four main-span girders is made up of 12 separate pieces that will be placed together in stages when they arrive at the site. The main span portion of the Third Crossing is located close to the east shore and will be situated over the navigation channel in the Cataraqui River. In all, 48 steel girders will be used to construct the main span with this portion of the work anticipated to be completed in the summer.“ This is another significant part of the overall bridge construction that the project team is looking forward to getting started. With the arrival of the main span steel girders over the next number of months, the progress on the bridge is going to really start taking shape. We’ll all be able to see and appreciate the main span portion of the bridge that will connect to the approach spans on both the east and west sides of the bridge,” says Mark Van Buren, Deputy Commissioner, Major Projects.
Minor traffic delays are anticipated with the steel girder deliveries. There is a comprehensive transportation plan laid out for the delivery of each girder that is guided by a permit from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.
For more information about the arrival of the girders visit the project website thirdcrossing.cityofkingston.ca.2. Mayor’s Annual Innovation Challenge
You could win entry into the Queen’s Innovation Centre Summer Initiative (QICSI 2021) to build a venture around your idea – or bursaries toward your university or college program
How to participate – online in March
– Attend an online (Zoom) workshop from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Feb. 23 or from 12 to 1 p.m. on Feb. 24. – – Find out more and register now at: www.CityofKingston.ca/MIC.
– Prepare a 2-3-minute video proposal that presents:
an innovative project that could be implemented in the city and contributes to the quality of life of residents, or a proposal that leverages emerging technologies or develops new innovations to enhance the delivery of municipal services.
Proponents of shortlisted proposals will be invited to present their ideas in a virtual (Zoom), live-streamed event to a panel of leaders with expertise in municipal government, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
This year’s pitch competition will take place online on March 26 following municipal innovation week (March 22 to 25), which will feature lunch-time presentations highlighting innovation in the municipal sphere.
Prizes are being offered in two streams:
Winners of the Dunin-Deshpande Smart Kingston Stream will receive admission to the Dunin-Deshpande Queen’s Innovation Centre (DDQIC) incubator program. This prize includes a $7,000 stipend for up to three co-founders, up to $4,000 seed capital to build a venture around the winning idea, and full participation in the Queen’s Innovation Centre Summer Initiative (QICSI 2021) program – including the opportunity to pitch again in August for a grand prize of $30,000. Learn more about the QICSI program.
Winners of the Public Sector Innovation Stream will be awarded bursaries to use toward their university or college programs. A total of $8,000 is available in bursaries for the students who excel in the student showcase. Funding for this prize is being provided by Bell Canada.
3. Police Warn of Scary Sextortion Scam Luring Teens
Received from The Kingstonist, Feb 2021 – Jessica Foley
Kingston Police are warning parents about an increasing and serious trend involving youth being extorted for money.
“There has been a concerning rise in teenagers reporting issues surrounding video communication with adults posing as teenagers, according to a report from Kingston Police, dated Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. On platforms that allow users to communicate by video, offenders are secretly recording teenagers exposing themselves and then threatening to share the sexual content if they don’t pay money (often hundreds of dollars or more) to the individual, Kingston Police say.
According to the report, the scammer will usually start by befriending the victim online and then proceed to convince them into engaging in “intimate private moments” with them via Facetime, Skype, Zoom, or other video based social media platforms. The scammer then claims to have recorded the encounter.
Kingston Police say attempts to extort the victim include the scammer threatening to send the video or pictures to the victim’s contacts through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other social media platforms unless they receive some form of payment. Often, even once a payment has been made the scammer will continue to demand additional money, according to the release. The thought of being exposed in a compromising situation to their contacts, family and friends can cause a great deal of undue stress to the involved victims who often decide to comply with the scammer’s demands, according to police.
While many teens understand the dangers associated with recording and sharing sexual images and videos, Kingston Police say they may not be as aware of the risks associated with live video feeds. With relative ease over live streaming, anyone can capture a still image or video of a person sexually exposing themselves, all without the other person’s knowledge, according to the release.
Parents need to have regular, open dialogue with their teen around this topic encouraging teens to seek parental support in situations like this. Kingston Police say it is also important to talk to teens about never complying with threats online, since in most cases this will only make matters worse.
“Parents should openly discuss the importance of their children coming forward if they or their peers are facing concerning online situations,” Kingston Police stated in the release. “It is also important to discuss the risks associated to live streaming and agreeing to do something sexual online. Parents should advise their teens that under no circumstance is it ever a prudent decision to share intimate images online. Parents are strongly encouraged to take the time and learn more about ways to increase your teen’s safety online by visiting www.needhelpnow.ca and the Internet Safety section of the Cybertip.ca website.”
As Kingston Police has received numerous reports of both male and female youths being extorted in these sextortion scams it is important for citizens in the community to be extremely mindful in regards to their online activities and who they decide to share videos and images with. It is never wise to share intimate images online. Kingston Police say the scammers are adept at their craft and sharing “intimate private moments” online could prove to be a very costly and embarrassing endeavor.
If you or one of your family members has been extorted please contact Kingston Police at 613-549-4660 or visit our website and submit an online report.”
4. Recent Ice Rescues
Received from The Kingstonist, Feb 16, 2021 – Jessica Foley
Kingston Fire and Rescue (KFR) responded to three separate ice rescues over the past week
“According to a statement from KFR, released on Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021, as of 11:23 am on Monday, Feb. 15, emergency services had responded to three recent calls for ice rescue in Lake Ontario.
At approximately 4:45 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021, KFR responded to a call off the foot of Albert Street. According to the statement, the person who went through the ice had gotten themselves out by the time crews arrived.
On Saturday, Feb. 13, 2021, at approx. 3:30 p.m., another individual had gone through the ice off the Gord Edgar Downie Pier. KFR said that person had also gotten themselves out by the time KRF crews arrived.
At the foot of Emily Street an iceboat with two people in it went through the ice at approximately 1 p.m. on Sunday Feb. 14, 2021. KFR say they called for assistance from their cellphone and were out of the ice by the time crews arrived. When crews were on the scene to respond to that call, a cyclist also went through the ice and required rescue.
“A Kingston Fire & Rescue ice rescue is no small endeavour,” KFR said in the statement. “A response team of 12-14 crew members and a significant amount of equipment is required to monitor and ensure the safety of the rescue team in addition to those being assisted.”
Kingston Fire & Rescue (KFR) reminds residents that all ice can be dangerous. Conditions can change rapidly, and the quality of ice can be influenced by many factors including temperatures, water depth, tides and currents, water levels, and more. KFR advises residents to stay off Lake Ontario. Many parts of the lake have open water, and poor shoreline ice conditions. By venturing onto the lake, you place yourself and others at risk.
For more information about ice safety, please consult the Canadian Red-Cross. “
5. Utilities Kingston: Optional and Voluntary Service Line Repair Info
Received Feb 17, 2021
Service Line Warranties of Canada Provides Optional and Voluntary Emergency Repair Programs to Local Homeowners
Utilities Kingston has entered into an agreement with Service Line Warranties of Canada (SLWC), a provider of homeowner emergency repair programs, to provide optional and voluntary service plans to residents in Kingston. Residential property owners will receive a reminder mailing from SLWC that includes Utilities Kingston’s logo. The utility wants to assure its customers that this offering is legitimate.
Residential property owners are responsible for the water service and sewer lines and interior plumbing on their private property. Optional Exterior Water Service Line Coverage and Exterior Sewer Line Coverage plans from SLWC can help protect Kingston homeowners from potentially expensive repair costs due to breakdowns of major systems inside and/or outside their homes.
Participation in this emergency repair program is optional and voluntary for Kingston residents.
SLWC and Utilities Kingston will not go door-to-door or telephone residents to market these optional warranty plans. Signing up for these plans is entirely up to the homeowner.
Utilities Kingston and the City of Kingston extend no warranty of any kind with respect to SLWC’s coverage. Utilities Kingston does not receive commission or payment when customers sign up. The protection of privacy is important. Utilities Kingston did not share personal or account information about its customers with SLWC.
Residential property owners in Kingston can learn more by visiting the website at www.slwofc.ca, viewing the SLWC frequently asked questions, or by calling SLWC toll-free at 1-844-616-8444.
6. Ping Pong in the Park?
Thanks Dawn Crawford for this really fun idea. Could be fun in Doug Fluhrer Park?
7. New from City Council, Feb 16 – EDI + Love Kingston
Received from The Kingstonist FEB 18, 2021 – Samantha Butler-Hassan
Equity, Diversion & Inclusion Update & Recommendations
“Kingston City Council members gathered for a virtual meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021.
City Council met virtually on Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021. After a closed session, in which they discussed labour relations, potential litigation over the collapse of 223 Princess St. on Christmas day 2020, and activity around Clyde Industrial Park, Council proceeded with a public meeting broadcast to YouTube starting at 7 p.m.
Council approved recommendations from city staff to create a municipal Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee, as well as establish a full-time Diversity and Inclusion Manager position at the City of Kingston in 2021. The recommended cost would be $90,000, incorporated into the 2022 operating budget.
Stemming from a July 2020 motion by Council to acknowledge systemic racism at the City of Kingston and review internal policies, the goal is to remove systemic barriers caused by discrimination against race, colour, ethnic origin, ancestry, religion or place of origin.The report drew on examples of similar committees in six other Ontario municipalities including Burlington, London and Windsor. Locally, the committee’s mandate would include assessment of inclusivity of workplace culture and assessing the methods in which municipal services promote and model EDI.
Wessam Ayad, Workplace Inclusion Coordinator at KEYS, presented to Council on the role of the committee. She said it would scrutinize the City of Kingston as both an employer and a service provider.“We need all voices to be heard,” Ayad explained. “We want to make sure that we are incorporating in that advisory group voices from different populations — people who represent all systemic barriers.”This could include representatives from diverse underrepresented groups, she said, including Indigenous, Inuit and Metis communities, newcomers and refugees, racialized minorities, linguistic minorities, the LGBTQ community and women.
Council also heard from Dr. Aba Mortley. Dr. Mortley is a local business owner, has served as a board member and finance chair for Tourism Kingston, and a former associate professor at RMC.“The intent of the City is a good one,” Dr. Mortley said. “But the key to success is to ensure that all sides are engaging and participating in the conversation. This includes the members of council, union leaders, managers and frontline staff for the City. The City has to be willing to put in the work to assess the implicit bias that we all have…Not just ticking off a box, but making sure that these practices are actually serving communities.”“It really has to be a grassroots, bottom-up approach that takes into consideration groups whose opinions and recommendations may make for uncomfortable conversations, and may require radical shifts in the way things are currently done. It is with that discomfort that the city needs to grow,” she said.She called on Council to support the creation of the EDI Officer who would report directly to the City CFO. “The City and the CAO have to create a culture that encourages and supports the changes that will establish a bureaucratic structure and dismantle the one that we currently have.”
Love Kingston Marketplace, 2021
Looking ahead to spring 2021, Council is also preparing to reopen the Love Kingston Marketplace (LKM), an initiative to allow downtown businesses to expand their footprint outdoors by creating more sidewalk patios and pedestrian space. In 2020, the Marketplace’s hasty establishment was a point of contention for downtown business owners.
LKM 2021 is anticipated to launch in April or May of 2021, said City CAO Lanie Hurdle, and include live musical performances, programming for children and families, Indigenous programming and reintroduction of the Love Kingston Vending Stalls in Springer Market Square.It will also, once again, convert paid downtown parking space into patios between May and October, allow for the creation of sidewalk patio space and for temporary road closures to increase pedestrian access, patio expansion, “animation and /or place-making.”
For the 2021 season, the City has proposed that Market Street be closed to traffic full time, that Sydenham be closed Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., that Ontario street be closed between Johnson and Clarence on weekends and that Princess Street be closed from Division to Ontario on four Saturdays between June and September.“I’m going to be frank and tell you that not every business is happy with the outcome, and that would be impossible, as every business has different needs,” Hurdle said as council began their discussion.
Councillor Ryan Boehme asked CAO Hurdle to explain how downtown businesses were consulted and engaged in the new plans, and what had been done to address the varied concerns raised by members of the business community last year.Hurdle replied that the Downtown Kingston BIA and Tourism Kingston had been assigned to work as a direct liaison between the City and the business community for 2021, and to make sure their concerns were reflected in the plans.“Businesses pay their fees to the BIA,” Hurdle said. “We recognize that and they have a role in supporting and representing the business interests.”Councillor Wayne Hill, who sits on the Downtown BIA, said that in 2020 he felt City of Kingston staff had been adequately responsive to the needs and concerns of business owners, but that the BIA had not consulted with them enough from the start.
Council also heard a delegation from Bruce Bursey and Roger Healey regarding the layout for the LKM, saying it should be adapted to be more bike-friendly.“A recent travel survey reported that there are virtually just as many bicycles as there are personal cars in Kingston,” said Healey. “To design the road without accommodating cyclists is just a huge [misstep]. When you look at the radius of three kilometres from Princess Street and the marketplace, there’s probably 1,000 people who live within three kilometres. That represents a half hour walk or a 12-minute bicycle ride.”
The plans for the Marketplace were approved by Council with one amendment made requiring staff to report to the City’s Environment, Infrastructure and Transportation Policies Committee within one a year. They are to present information gathered from LMK 2021 and allow the public to engage with and evaluate it in an open forum.
Other Matters Discussed
Council also approved renewal of an agreement with the PulsePoint foundation, and a Single-Source Agreement with Mercer Canada for a Non-Union Compensation Review.
They received the 2020 Annual Summary Reports for the King Street Water Treatment Plant, the Point Pleasant Water Treatment Plant and the Cana Well Water Treatment and Supply System.
They approved a decision to revise the current application-based 2021 Interim Property Tax Deferral Program, and approved a new motion to provide assistance to the DKBIA in the revision of By-Laws.
A full agenda for Tuesday’s Council meeting and detailed reports for each item discussed can be found here. The livestream of the council meeting can be viewed here.
The next meeting of Council takes place on Tuesday, Mar. 2, 2021.
8. City Outreach re Climate Change
Received from the City, Feb 17. 2021
New Survey Invites Community Input that will Shape the Climate Leadership Plan
Business owners and individuals are invited to help achieve carbon neutrality no later than 2040.
Two surveys: one for residents and one for businesses have been created.
– at Get Involved Kingston
“Responding effectively to climate change is not something the City can do on its own. Our community needs to pull together to take meaningful action, and the City wants to understand how it can support your personal efforts,” says Julie Salter-Keane, Manager of the City’s Climate Leadership Division. Residents and business owners may also complete the Climate Leadership Plan survey by calling 613-546-0000 ext. 1800. Open until March 16, the two surveys will help uncover the types of climate actions residents, organizations and businesses are most interested in pursuing and programs that could provide necessary support. “We’ve seen that the only way to respond to an emergency is by working together,” says Salter-Keane. “And climate change is an emergency,” she adds. “In full recognition of all the challenges COVID-19 has caused, the plan will also focus on supporting businesses and sustainable, resilient growth.” Community members will have an opportunity to review the draft plan in Spring/Summer 2021. The finalized plan will be published in Fall 2021. Demonstrating leadership on climate action is one of Council’s strategic priorities. |
9. Marine Museum Outreach Meeting – Feb 23, 7 pm
Members of the public are invited to attend an information session and share their feedback on the proposed project. The Marine Museum is holding a public information session to discuss the opportunity to create an enclosure for a new Museum Ship at its historic property at 55 Ontario Street.
Register now.
10. Frontenac Arch’s Great Documentary – First Aired Dec, 2020
11. Cruise ship visits to Canada now banned until February 2022, CBC, February 4, 2021 (also appeared in 21 other publications). A ban on cruise ships with more than 100 people coming to Canada will remain in place until February 2022, a federal government release said Thursday. The temporary measures for cruise ships were scheduled to end on February 28. Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra announced the interim order, and also extended an order prohibiting pleasure craft in Canadian Arctic waters except for those used by residents of the region. Essential passenger vessels, such as ferries and water taxis, should continue to follow local public health guidance and mitigation measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and prevent future outbreaks, the release said.
12. Great Lakes Ice Coverage Is The Smallest In Decades, gcaptain (Oxnard, California), February 11, 2021. The U.S. rang in the new year with an unusually mild January 2021 that tied with 1923 for the ninth-warmest January on record. The warmth was felt coast to coast with 48 contiguous states seeing above-average temperatures but the relatively high temperatures are most notable in the Great Lakes. This winter’s mild temperatures also brought scant ice coverage to the Great Lakes in January, according to scientists at NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information. Peak ice coverage is expected to span only 30% of the surface sometime between mid-February and early March 2021. The amount of ice covering the Lakes during the peak is usually around 53%. This news has some at the US Coast Guard breathing a sigh of relief as the region is in desperate need of new icebreakers. A 2020 US Senate report warned about the lack of available Great Lakes icebreaking capacity.
Water, along with its amazing microscopic creatures, continues to startle.
Almost as if these were pilot prototypes!
I am also inspired by the work of the late Austrian forester Schauberger who points out that H2O is just a skeletal form of water. In Nature, water also includes other elements, plants and minerals etc. depending on location and temperature. Water is ever-changing – just like us.
A lot is happening currently politically with water. as well. The Canadian government is bringing together literally hundreds of groups across the country to form a Canada Water Agency framing the conversation around watersheds. And the International Joint Commission is trying to expand their watershed boards.
Long-term, personally, I am really interested in securing “Personhood” for the Great Cataraqui River, in reaching out to other jurisdictions world-wide who have achieved success in other jurisdictions. If any of you are also interested in this do get in touch – inverarymary@yahoo.com.
It is urgent, in this time of Climate Change Emergency, that we really need to come together as a community, a country, and a planet to deal with water issues.
We need to understand that we are water, that we could not live without it, that it is our responsibility to heal the water that we have, as a species, so polluted.
We have a lot to learn from our Indigenous friends and neighbours.
13. Water Is Alive
Trusting that It’s OK to share the following given the urgency and the need to come together here is the follow-up to a recent conversation between several Indigenous water leaders and their reflections on ways to recognize water as a spirited being with agency.
Sadly, I can’t seem to find the original source. Sincere apologies if I have offended anyone..
After an opening prayer and introductions, Kat Ying gave some context to water as private property, water as a public good (owned by the government), and water as a collective resource. While there are significant differences between these 3 categories, they are all about water belonging to humans. Kat invited us to think about water governance that centres how we are a part of a larger waterbody, rather than these 3 ways of water belonging to humans. She also made the critical difference between the rights “to” nature and the rights “of” nature (ie, the right of humans to a healthy environment v.s. the right of waters, animals, trees, etc. to have their own sets of rights).
There was also a summary of the various examples of to protect water from a ‘Rights’ or ‘Personhood’ perspective — sometimes braiding Western and Indigenous legal frameworks. We learned about the constitutional changes by Ecuador, India, and Colombia that recognize the rights of nature. There are also examples of legislative change such as the Lake Erie Bill of Rights and the personhood of the Whanganuiriver in New Zealand. In these examples Creation has legal standing for its own sake, rather than laws only coming into effect when property, profits, or human health are harmed. Corporations have had legal personhood for hundreds of years which grant them legal protections for expressing speech, collecting damages, making political donations, and much more. See the two videos below for more on these examples…
One of the 3 examples talked about during this webinar was the Nibi Declaration of Treaty #3. The written and oral versions of this Declaration affirm that water has spirit and various forms of water all have their own spirit (fresh, salt, ground, birth, rain, snow, etc). Water also has agency. Water gives life, but also takes it. Aimée Craft invited us to think about a moment in our lives where water (and not us) was in control.
Rights of Nature and water personhood discussions often leave these elements out — water has spirit and water has its own agency (including intelligence).
While recognizing the legal personhood of water might enable more effective protection strategies, the legal ‘personhood’ of a river or lake is very singular protection strategy for a particular body of water. If new and ancient strategies are being explored about the personhood of water, we should acknowledge all the forms and movements of water as understood by the water cycle. On our blue planet there is only one water in constant flow and flux.
Aimée also contrasted Western and Indigenous legal approaches. Canada’s laws focus on harms and reparations, while Anishinabek laws (to name just one Indigenous nation) promote vitality and the ongoing maintenance and balance of life…
Art by Danielle Morrison (Anishinaabeg of Naoongashing) done in the Woodlands style of Treaty #3, overall captures the essence of the interconnectedness between water, fish, animals, plants and finally, humans. There are two human figures, representing two generations and the responsibility we have to protect water and life for the present and for the next generation. The duality of these figures also represents our responsibility we have to pass along the teachings of being a protector. Night and day are reflected in both the sun and the stars. Water in various forms is presented in a flowing river or body of water, the rain, and the snow. All of this embodied in a single drop of water, which can hold life, knowledge, and memory. (NOTE: Sadly it wasn’t possible to upload this beautiful image.)
This conversation about the Rights to/of Water and Water Personhood was also deepened by the question of responsibilities. Regardless if we are Indigenous to Turtle Island or not, we have individual and collective responsibilities to water since water provides us not only with our drinking water and sanitation, but all the lives we depend upon for our material and spiritual wellbeing. The interconnectedness of these responsibilities is illustrated within the Nibi Declaration logo.
The Watchmen of Great Bear Lake and the Lake Winnipeg Indigenous Collective are two more examples of Indigenous-led water protection using the laws and cultures of the participating nations.
There is a lot of current interest — even excitement — about the potential for advancing new legal frameworks that give nature ‘rights’ or a form of legal ‘personhood’ in order to compensate for the devaluing of water, air, trees, animals, insects (aka Creation) have within our current legal structures and even within our most cherished environmental laws. It’s definitely time for a reboot.
But let’s not use the same kinds of thinking that created this crisis and create new laws with a flawed understanding of what rights and responsibilities are ultimately for and where agency and spirit also live. The Water is Alive conversation hosted by the Decolonizing Water Governance collective gives us a lot to think about.
What are your thoughts about how we value water’s spirit and agency in 2021 and pathways for changing Canada’s legal systems and how Canadians value water?
Link to Kelsey Leonard’s Ted Talk- https://www.ted.com/talks/kelsey_leonard_why_lakes_and_rivers_should_have_the_same_rights_as_humans?language=en
14. Privatizing Water – A Lesson from Mapleton
A small township outside of Guelph, Mapleton Ontario, had been promoted as the poster child for a federal effort by the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) to privatize water and wastewater across Canada. However, this past summer Mapleton called off its plans to privatize its water infrastructure with the CIB on the grounds that it would have been too risky.
Communities across Canada must learn from the example in Mapleton and reject any attempt to privatize these critical infrastructure and services. Water is a human right and should remain in public hands.
Read more from Mapleton.
15. Isha Mistry’s Master’s Thesis – Isha Mistry et al Prepared for Three Lakes Group
November 18, 2020 University of Ottawa
Collaborative Systems Thinking for Effective Engagement: Research Report on Water Quality in the Lower Cataraqui region of the Rideau Canal
Remember that we truly appreciate donations if you can space a little cash at this time.
Click the Donate button on our webpage to donate through Canada Helps, or write a cheque to the Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour and mail to 1 Place d’Armes, Unit 83, Kingston, ON, K7K 6S6.
Thanks so very much for considering this. Very much appreciated.
Mary Farrar,
President, Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour