Dear Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour,
This edition focuses on trees – reflecting a lot of recent concern among community members about city policies concerning trees in general but also about recent Council decision to allow clearcutting on the old Tannery site in Kingston’s Inner Harbour.
1. Council Adds Expanded Tree Planting Program to Budget
2. Joyce Hostyn’s Informative Tree Power Point, Council, Nov 25, 2021
3. City Staff Tree Comments, Nov 25, 2021
4. “No Clearcuts in Kingston!” Update with Info on MZOs
5. Potential for Inner Harbour Shoreline Community Tree Plantings
6. Zoom Event Jan 11 on the 50 Milion Tree Program for Homeowners
7. Talking Forest Stories and More
8. Kingston’s Climate Action Plan
9. City’s Climate Action Fund
10. Municipal Candidates Webinar, Jan 16, 2022
11. Golder Consultants Inner Harbour Posting.
12. Kingston Community Arts and Design (KCAD) Exciting New Downtown Exhibition Space
13. Kingston Heritage Property Owners, 2022 Grants
14. Downtown Substation Renovations Completed
15. Kingston’s Annual Climate Symposium, Jan 13, 2022
16. Indoor Bocashi Composting Workshops, Jan 10 & Jan 22, 2022
17. Canada’s Trade Surplus
18. Recent Enbridge Line 5 Concern
19. Making Food from Used Xmas Trees
20 Potential Problems with Plant Based Diets
21. N95 Mask Info
22. City Update on Openings and Closings
23. ON Gov. Emergency Child Care Option
24. Ontario’s COVID Small Business Relief Grant for Closures
25. Eric Gagnon’s Amazing Inner Harbour Model
1. Kingston Council Adds Expanded Tree-Planting Program to Budget
Whig Standard, Nov 26, 2021 – Elliot Ferguson
“Last year, the neighbourhood tree program sold out the 1,000 trees that were available. This year’s edition was aiming to sell 1,800 trees.
Council voted to double the number of trees available through the program to 3,600.
Sydenham District Coun. Peter Stroud said the program was the most cost-effective way to get trees planted in the urban area.
“The labour is free and the trees are much cheaper done this way than any other way,” Stroud said. “The bang for the buck is highest.”
On its final night of budget discussions, councillors were asked by a representative from a tree-planting group to commit to a better understanding of the state of the city’s urban forests.
“What we don’t know is how many trees were cut down in this past year, in this past few years,” said Joyce Hostyn of Little Forest Kingston, which last year facilitated the planting of about 1,800 saplings.
“So we don’t know how we are actually doing in terms of doubling our tree canopy.”
Hostyn asked council to fund an expansion of the neighbourhood tree program, commission an audit of the tree canopy, stop mowing treed areas to allow natural regeneration, and speed up the process of approving new plantings.
Hostyn said there was a need to increase equitable access to trees by ensuring that all residents are able to see at least three trees from their windows, provide 30 per cent tree cover in neighbourhoods, and increase parkland to make sure all residents live within a 300-metre walk to the nearest park.”
2. Joyce Hostyn’s informative PowerPoint on Trees for Council on Nov 5, the final night of budget deliberations – https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WSvAkg6M_mi8DBYf50i03xfcFQvWwBv8_2FD3XPagNs/mobilepresent?slide=id.g102bed82ae7_2_10
3. City Staff Comments
Brad Joyce, commissioner of transportation and public works, said the city is awaiting the results of the most recent tree canopy study.
The city also plans to increase the frequency of tree surveys from every seven to 10 years to every other year.
City council is also to receive a report about a proposed revision to the forestry management plan in the coming months, Joyce added.
Collins-Bayridge District Coun. Lisa Osanic said the expanded program would partially offset, although not replace, mature trees cut down to make way for development.
Adding $100,000 to the $70-million capital budget is not expected to affect the tax rate.
4. No Clearcuts in Kingston! – Update with info on MZOs
Council voted last year to allow Jay Patry, developer, to clearcut 1800 large trees, including a 220 year old oak,to help make it easier for him to clean-up contaminants on the site prior to building. Community members are becoming increasingly upset about this decision and are hoping Council members might change their minds.
The two main leads for No Clearcuts in Kingston! are Kathleen O’Hara and Bob MacInnes.
More Info? Contact: – kathleenohara@yahoo.com
Here is a brief description of their goals:
Developer Jay Patry has proposed building 1500 housing units after clearcutting the site and shoreline, cleaning up the contaminants, and filling in part of the adjacent Provincially Significant Wetland, prior to grading and capping the site for development.
Group members agree that downtown housing is needed but they suggest either that the proposed development should have a smaller footprint – perhaps high rises along Rideau St. or that similar density could occur in vacant lots along Montreal St. At the very least, a better design for the site is warranted.
Group members believe strongly that most of this urban forest should be saved -that it is dynamic and filled with varied wildlife – not just a pile of useless invasive species – and that nature should be allowed to continue to healing the area as it is doing in other global settings such as Chernobyl.
Here is a short drone video showing the 220 year old oak and some of the 1800 trees that would be lost if this development proceeds as proposed.
Group members argue that trees are our allies as we face a growing climate crisis because trees store carbon; their roots help prevent soil erosion and flooding; they lower temperatures; they calm strong winds – all while providing shade and homes for diverse wildlife. And their quiet presence and natural beauty increase our quality of life!
Group members are also very concerned about rumours that the developer and the City are advocating for a Municipal Zoning Order (MZO) that would mean the developer would be freed from any environmental concerns, freed from any recommendations from the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority
Here is a short video from Ontario Nature explaining MZOs:
CAO Hurdle has stated that council would have to approve an MZO. However, group members have learned that it is also possible for the developer to apply directly to the provincial government.
Group members have been asking people to write to city hall and council opposing the introduction and approval of an MZO.
For your email to be recorded, you must email the city clerk John Bolognone –jbolobnone@cityofkingston.ca with the request that it be forwarded to the Mayor, Council, and relevant Planning Staff and that it be recorded as “official correspondence on the Tannery file
Here is an edited version of arguments submitted by Rosemary Thoms, a group member, that contains some additional reasons for being opposed to the possible MZO. She has stated that anyone who wishes is welcome to use any of these arguments as their own.
I am writing to express my concern that the city may request a Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) to expedite Jay Patry’s proposed development of the former Davis Tannery lands.
1.MZOs allow developers and the province to disregard legitimate concerns raised by local citizens, planning committees, and conservation authorities.
2. Since 2014, the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority (CRCA) has been involved in the review of Mr. Patry’s planning application and it has raised someimportant concerns – which the developer has not yet addressed.
These include: the proposed development “achieving an appropriate balance that protects the ecological and hydrologic integrity” of the provincially significant wetland during remediation of the contaminated soil on the site. Mr. Patry has not demonstrated to the CRCA that his remediation plan will actually accomplish this.
3.The CRCA and many local citizens would also like the developer to demonstrate that his remediation plan of filling in and paving over substantial parts of the property will not “exacerbate flood risk on other properties.” Thus far, Mr. Patry has not demonstrated this.
4.In addtion, the CRCA and many local citizens have concerns about the planned placement of a boathouse and the possible destruction of the natural vegetation along the shoreline which would impact “water quality protection, erosion protection and species habitat.”
5.As the CRCA notes: “Development of the site cannot be at the expense of natural protections or the integrity of the Greater Cataraqui Marsh.” (CRCA letter to Chris Wicke, Senior Planner, December 13, 2019)
6.Along with giving a developer permission to ignore these kinds of concerns, MZOs take the democratic right to appeal planning decisions away from local citizens.
7. During this time of climate emergency, urban planning should be realized carefully and wisely – and always through the lens of climate resilience and adaptation.
Now is not the time for haste or for overriding thoughtful public input and/or the revisions of a planning application suggested by local planning committees and conservation authorities.
8. The Mayor and City Councillors should never put the short-term needs and goals of any developer before the long-term health, well-being, and interests of the environment, local citizens, and their city.
The No Clearcuts group has been collecting signatures on a petition. Some signatures have been (and are being) collected in person on warm sunny days downtown. It is also possible to sign online at
5. Potential for Inner Harbour Shoreline Community Tree Plantings.
As part of the Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour’s stakeholder consultation with Golder consultants, Transport Canada, Parks Canada and Public Works & Procurement Canada (regarding the proposed 70 million dollar Inner Harbour “clean-up” for sale of federally owned water lots at fair market value), the Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour are advocating for a natural shoreline in the Inner Harbour rather than revetment (rocks). We feel that rocks would be very detrimental to Inner Harbour wildlife as well as make the Inner Harbour less accessible for small craft users in spring/summer/fall, and skaters/skiiers in winter.
Here is what we are proposing for the City to consider as fellow stakeholders:
In light of
i) the importance and value of Natural Climate Solutions/blue-green infrastructure in building climate resiliency and tackling our climate emergency,
ii) growing global awareness of the financial value of natural assets,
iii) the federal government’s new Municipal Natural Assets Initiative(MNAI) and the federal Freshwater Action Plan with potential funding available through the Federal EcoAction Community Funding Program,
iv) the connection between the climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis, recognized in the Government of Canada’s decision to allocate at least 20% of its $5.3 billion climate finance commitment to nature-based climate solutions such as conserving carbon-rich natural areas and restoring wetlands with biodiversity co‑benefits,
v) Watersheds Canada’s directive that 75% of shorelines should be natural,
vi) the success of Little Forests Kingston community-led afforestation and its 2022 goal to build a Neighbourhood Climate Resilience Toolkit to ensure tree equity,
vii) serious concerns that the federal government’s proposed revetment (rocks) of Inner Harbour shorelines may well cause more damage than benefit to these eco-systems with their at-risk species,
That the City
a) document the City’s natural assets as part of their Climate Action Plan with reference to the upcoming reports from the Tree Canopy study, and the Forestry Management Plan, and
b) partner with Little Forests Kingston to develop plans for community riparian plantings in Kingston’s Inner Harbour and
c) report back to Council in Q 3, 2022
6) Forests Ontario’s Zoom Event with info on the 50 Million Tree Program
What: Through the 50 Million Tree Program, Forests Ontario has planted more than 34 million trees, producing over 17,000 hectares of new forest. (Visit forestsontario.ca.)
Planting trees is valuable for wildlife, watersheds and communities They state further that even if you are not a large landowner there will be lots information about the benefits of tree planting.
This is the third event in the online Winter Speaker Series co-hosted by Friends of the Salmon River and Friends of the Napanee River.
Who: Jim Hendry, Field Advisor for Forests Ontario in Eastern Ontario and a registered professional forester, will outline the 50 Million Tree Program, what has been accomplished, and how to get into the program.
Steve Pitt, a local forestry consultant working with Forests Ontario, will also describe his tree planting work in L&A, PEC and Quinte area.
When: Tues, Jan 11, 2021 – 7 pm
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the event.
Phone numbers will be provided for anyone who wishes to access the session that way.
The webinar will be recorded as a youtube video for future viewing.
Questions? Susan Moore, Friends of the Salmon River, www.friendsofsalmonriver.ca
susan@moorepartners.ca, 613-379-5958
7. Talking Forest Stories and More
a) https://globalnews.ca/news/8493462/the-talking-forest-stories-trees-lindsay-ont/
Not sure how I actually feel about this. Certainly a novel approach.
b) If you haven’t yet come across Suzanne Simard do read her book “Finding the Mother Tree.”
So puts together her love of trees and her personal struggles so beautifully. Or if that seems too much, you can find her on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un2yBgIAxYs
c) And then there is Diana Beresford-Kroeger from Merrickville via Ireland and her film “The Forgotten Wisdom of Trees”– https://www.tvo.org/video/documentaries/call-of-the-forest-the-forgotten-wisdom-of-trees, and her fascinating autobiography “To Speak for the Trees“
d) Finally, there is “The Overstory” by Richard Powers – a NY Times Best Seller.
8. City’s Climate Action Plan
Received from Jeremy Milloy of Just Recovery Kingston Dec, 2021
Council passed Kingston’s climate leadership plan, and did so with the added direction, raised by Kingston Youth Climate Action and 350 Kingston, that staff work with the community to raise our reduction target to 50% by 2030, in line with what scientific models say we must do.
This is excellent news, and it means that all of us have a role to play advancing local climate action. KCAL readers will know by now that I focus on the systematic, big picture changes that will be needed to achieve a liveable, healthy world. But there is also much to be said for looking at one’s own individual life. This year, we can all work together to reduce our own use of energy and resources by changing our diet, buying less, driving less, and making our homes more energy efficient. If you are or have done something like this, please email me at jeremy.milloy@providence.ca and share any thoughts or advice you might have! I find connecting with others makes doing things like this way easier. jeremy.milloy@providence.ca
9. City’s Climate Action Fund
Local projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions – Info for both applying and donating
10. Municipal Candidates Webinar
Jointly sponsored by River First YGK and Skeleton Park Arts Fest
When: Jan 16, 7-9 pm
11. Golder Consultants with Parks and Transport Canada and Public Works & Procurement Canada related to proposed 70 milion dollar Inner Harbour clean-up project
Update received from River First YGK’s Facebook page, Jan 7, 2022
Various stakeholder groups (River First YGK, FKIH, Kingston Field Naturalists, Turtles Kingston) have been requesting background documents related to the proposed 70million dollar proposed clean-up.
The federal government have updated the website for what they are referring to as their KIH Project (KIH =Kingston Inner Harbour). It contains, as per request, a list of the studies and documents upon which they are basing their plans for remediation.
You can see that list here: http://www.kihproject-projetpik.ca/Home/DocumentsEN
Currently, only the names of documents are on the site. If you want to view a full document, contact KIHproject-projetKIH@golder.com and request the document you want to read.
Have you read one of these documents? Thoughts on the new website and the documents list? Please share your perspective on the River First Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/groups/488706942378671
The Friends of KIngston Inner Harbour are planning on posting their questions to the Golder group (with Golder’s responses and FKIH’s follow up comments) on the FKIH webpage in a few weeks. Stay tuned…
12. Kingston Community Arts and Design (KCAD): Exciting New Downtown Exhibition Space!
Received from Karen Peperkorn, Director and Founder, Dec, 2021,
Kingston’s wealth of Arts-Based Organizations, Galleries, Businesses &Events has a new, Non-Profit Contributor; whose goal is to act as a support network and discovery space for the entire Arts Community from the grass roots level! Small but mighty, they will showcase emerging talent, fun finds & gifts. They will also be offering mentorships, Career/Portfolio coaching, Workshops &more!
They are currently shut down due to COVId but are incredibly excited to begin operations sometime soon.
Location: 75 Priincess St.
13. Kingston Heritage Property Owners, 2022 Grant Program
Received from the City, Jan 6, 2022
The City is excited to kick off the new year with the opening of the 2022 Heritage Property Grant program. The City’s Heritage Property Grant program provides owners of eligible properties a chance to receive funding to cover up to 50 percent of the total cost of an eligible project, to a maximum of $5,000, once every two years. Grant applications will be accepted from Jan. 1 to Mar. 31 at 4:30 p.m. “Part of what makes Kingston such a wonderful place to live is the well-maintained historic buildings. We are all stewards of the past, even as we move into the future. Heritage property owners work hard to maintain their properties. Recognizing this, the City introduced this program to help heritage property owners preserve their highly-valued heritage assets for the future,” says Jennifer Campbell, Director of Heritage Services. In 2021, 12 property owners were awarded funding through the Heritage Property Grant program to undertake important conservation work. These properties are all designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, either individually or as part of one of the City’s three Heritage Conservation Districts. Each awarded grant matches contributions made by the property owner. Heritage property owners can find Heritage Property Grant eligibility details and an application for the Heritage Property Tax Refund program on the Heritage Grants/Tax Relief Programs page. |
14. Downtown Substation Renovations Completed
Received Dec, 2021
The newly upgraded Municipal Substation No. 1 (MS1) is now supplying power to the downtown core.Utilities Kingston has invested $5.1 million in multi-year upgrades to Kingston’s oldest substation, located inside a heritage building on lower Queen Street. This critical community investment will strengthen the vitality, growth and development of Kingston’s downtown, university and hospital district for decades to come.
“This investment in Kingston will support economic development of our vibrant downtown, provide reliable power to our hospitals and underpin urban intensification. By adding system capacity, we’ll also further climate action through electrification, all while making the system safer for our workers. I’m very proud of the work our employees have done,” says Jim Keech, President and CEO of Utilities Kingston.
Built in the late 1800s, the building has played an important role in the supply of heat, light and power to the citizens of Kingston for over 120 years. Today, MS1 is a critical part of Kingston’s electrical distribution system, providing safe and reliable electricity service to downtown Kingston and our local hospitals.
This multi-year project was initiated in 2015 and has now been completed, ahead of the anticipated completion in 2023. The upgrades were made almost entirely by Utilities Kingston’s journeypersons, which resulted in cost savings for the project.
Utilities Kingston staff completed design and engineering, electrical construction and installation, building work and replaced end-of-life electrical equipment within the substation, some of which had been in operation for over 65 years.
Replaced electro-mechanical relays with electronic relays.
Upgraded protection systems for worker safety and asset safety.
Installed six power transformers.
Installed new 44kV circuit breakers.
Installed a new ventilation system.
Commissioned the overall protection system to ensure integrity.
These upgrades result in improved worker protection, increased capacity and a more reliable supply of power to Kingston’s downtown core.
15. Kingston’s Annual Climate Symposium
Kingston’s annual Climate Action Symposium, presented by Sustainable Kingston, takes place Thursday, January 13! It is ONLINE AND FREE
Who: Sheila Watt-Cloutier, author of The Right to be Cold.
16. Indoor Bokashi Composting Workshops, Jan 10 & Jan 22, 2022
Received from the Kingston Frontenac Public Library, Jan 3, 2022
In most parts of Canada, traditional compost heaps are dormant and largely inaccessible during the winter. But there is a way to deal with kitchen waste this time of year, allowing you to make good quality compost and keep waste out of landfill, according to a release from Kingston Frontenac Public Library (KFPL).
This January, join Astrid Muschalla from the Rideau 1000 Islands Master Gardeners as she introduces indoor Bokashi composting. Unlike aerobic composting, the Bokashi method won’t produce greenhouse gases, so it’s a low-tech tactic that both individuals and businesses can use to combat the climate crisis, KFPL stated. This method can also handle meat scraps, dairy, and fat that would normally be harmful in an outdoor aerobic compost pile, according to the release.
“From all kitchen scraps including meats and bones, to soil, this closed system composting is great for small spaces and starts indoors, allowing you to compost all year round,” Muschalla shared.Muschalla is presenting two identical indoor Bokashi composting sessions. The first is Monday, Jan. 10 at 7 p.m. and the second is Saturday, Jan. 22 at 2 p.m.
Both presentations are happening on Zoom, KFPL said.
Register online at https://calendar.kfpl.ca/event/5947351 (Jan. 10 session) or https://calendar.kfpl.ca/event/5947640 (Jan. 22 session), or by phone at (613) 549-8888. Registrants will be emailed a Zoom link immediately upon registration and will need to download Zoom in advance.
17. Canada posts biggest trade surplus for 13 years, exports offset flood impact, Reuters, January 6, 2022. Canada posted a trade surplus of C$3.13 billion ($2.45 billion) in November, the largest in over 13 years, with record exports offsetting the impact of floods in British Columbia, Statistics Canada said on Thursday. Analysts polled by Reuters had forecast a November surplus of C$2.03 billion. Exports and imports hit all-time highs for the second month in a row, pushing the surplus to a level not seen since the C$3.45 billion posted in September 2008.
18. Pipeline expert warns of Line 5 tunnel explosion risk, Enbridge balks, MLive, January 7, 2022. An oil and gas expert warned Michigan utility regulators not only would a tunnel for the Line 5 pipeline not be a failsafe replacement for the underwater section of the line, but possible accidents could cause a catastrophic underground explosion. But Enbridge doesn’t even want the possibility considered by decision-makers.
19. Making Food from Used Xmas Trees
Received from Newsweek, Jan 5, 2022 – Imogen Tinkler
Even as a kid, I used to find it really strange that the tree would come into our home at Christmas and then get thrown away. We planted one on our front lawn and it grew to be huge but afterwards, my dad said we weren’t planting any more. It used to really upset my mom because she’d want to plant them each year.
My mom came from a rural village in Ireland where in the 1950s they didn’t have much, so she would keep and mend everything and forage from the land. Growing up, I would use the leaves of Silver Birch trees to make chips. You eat them when they come into season, which in the U.K. is March or April, when the leaves are young. I would pick the leaves, fry them in oil and add my own flavours, like chilli, salt or pepper. I also love nettles and now I cook them a lot. I make bread with them and in 2021 my husband and I made nettle and ginger beer.
In 2020, I began to feel guilty that although we were trying to live sustainably, each year we would cut a Christmas tree down and then throw it away. My four-year-old has always asked why we just throw it out and don’t do something with it. In America, around 30 million real Christmas trees get bought and thrown away each year and in the U.K. it’s around 6 million. I knew you could eat Douglas Firs, so I wondered why we couldn’t eat our Christmas tree too?
People said to me that it had been sprayed with chemicals, but a lot of the food we buy from grocery stores is sprayed with different pesticides so it didn’t really seem that different to me. I then found out you can eat all but Yew tree needles. If you have one of those, don’t eat it: it’s poisonous. But you can eat Spruce, Conifer and Fir needles. So, after Christmas 2020 we started trying things with our Christmas tree needles.
We don’t use the bark—I haven’t got to that bit yet!—I just cut the branches off the tree and pull the needles off by hand. Because the tree has typically been sitting there for a few weeks, the needles won’t be attached in the same way as they were when it was first cut down, but you can wear gloves if you want. And I always wash them before using them for cooking.
The needles are quite light so you need quite a few or to blend with water and sieve through after. If you don’t have a blender you could use a pestle and mortar, but we put them in the blender and added to salt to see how it tasted.
My husband Duncan is really good at trying flavors simply to start with; as salt or butter or infusing with a syrup. The first recipe we tried our Christmas tree needles with was salmon because we thought they had quite a citrusy flavour. Then Duncan made some bread with the needles, followed by a sugar syrup. You make sugar syrup with equal parts sugar to water and then infuse the Christmas tree needles in there for the taste. With that, we tried some cocktails, and because clementines and blood oranges are in season in Europe in January, we also made a lot of marmalade with Christmas tree needles.
Duncan isn’t a trained chef but he’s a really great cook. Our company Bangers and Balls does pop up supper clubs in our area, and he’s our head chef. Our supper clubs aren’t happening in January and February this year because of COVID, but we are going to put a recipe using Christmas tree needles into our dine at home hampers.
We also do something called the “Kitchen Table Revolution”—which is aiming to get people to think differently about food. More people are interested in foraging and seasonal eating but it can feel overwhelming knowing where to start. We teach people one thing a week to preserve so they build up to 52 ingredients in a year and create a Christmas hamper they can even give to friends. We’re asking people to keep some of their Christmas tree or borrow some for a friend and we’re making salt, pesto and showing them how to cure foods with Christmas tree needles next.
Christmas has always been really important to me, but I lost both my parents to cancer, in 2006 and 2015, and then we lost our daughter in 2021. Some people would hate Christmas, but for me, it’s still really special. I have an 8-week-old and a four-year-old and I think once you have your own children you make those memories and connections again and that pure Christmas excitement comes back. When the Christmas tree comes down, traditionally on January 6, everyone can feel a bit sad. But actually, if you’re taking it down to make something, you’re creating items that can remind you of Christmas throughout the year.
We use our tree needles throughout the festive season but we take it down on January 6 and then as a family we will make food from the needles to keep and give to our friends. I love doing it. Every time you make a drink or dish from your Christmas tree food, it feels really special because it reminds you of those festive memories.
Imogen Tinkler is co-founder of Bangers and Balls, a supper club and kitchen revolution movement based in the U.K. You can find out more at bangersandballs.co or follow them on Instagram @bangersandballs.
20 Potential Problems with Plant Based Diets
Received from The Conversation, Jan 3
As we ring in the new year and people announce their resolutions and goals for 2022, many opt for getting healthy, cutting out drinking or starting a new hobby. Vegan magazines and organizations are pushing plant-based diets — calling it the “ultimate new year’s resolution.”
But plant-based meats are often high in sodium, ultra-processed and not any healthier than the meat they imitate.Meanwhile, nearly half of the consumers think they are more nutritious. So if your resolution is related to health, you may want to reconsider switching to a plant-based diet.
The Impossible Burger, for example, is an impressive meat-free mix of soy, potato proteins, coconut and sunflower oils. It even bleeds like the real thing. At the same time its calorie count and saturated fat levels mirror a McDonald’s quarter-pounder, and it has six times more sodium.
The global market for plant-based meat is projected to explode to US$85 billion in 2030. And grocery stores are taking note, featuring an array of burgers, sausages, nuggets, ground meat and seafood options all without any trace of animal products.
21. N95 Masks. Important Info
22. City Update on Openings and Closings
Received from the City, Jan 4
The following facilities remain closed until at least Jan. 26, 2022:
All indoor recreation facilities including INVISTA Centre, Cataraqui / Kinsmen Arena, Memorial Centre, Centre 70, Rideau Heights Community Centre and Artillery Park Aquatic Centre,1211 John Counter Blvd.
City Hall administrative services, including the Payment Centre.
Kingston Grand Theatre (Box Office will remain available by phone).
The administrative office at Kingston Area Recycling Centre.
The following facilities, services and programs remain available to the public:
Kingston Transit.
Outdoor recreation amenities, including outdoor rinks.
City Hall public restrooms on the lower basement, accessible via the amphitheatre.
The Kingston Area Recycling Centre and Truck Scale remains open Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Housing and Social Services at 362 Montreal St. Clients of provincial programs like Ontario Works are encouraged to contact their case manager prior to going into the office.
Portsmouth Olympic Harbour will remain open to provide for vaccination and COVID-19 testing.
Access municipal services safely by phone or appointment
Most services can be accessed online or by phone, including payments and garbage bag tag purchases. Payments can be made through online banking, at your financial institution, drop boxes located at City Hall and 1211 John Counter Blvd. and by mail. Visit CityofKingston.ca/COVID19 for a detailed list services available by appointment and contact information.
Find additional information on COVID-19 impacts to City services atCityofKingston.ca/COVID19
Sign up for the City Matters: COVID-19 bulletin for regular updates – straight to your inbox – at CityofKingston.ca/Subscribe
23. ON Government Emergency Child Care Option
Received from the City, Jan 5, 2022
The City has mobilized with the Province and local childcare providers to offer emergency childcare for school-aged children and will be accepting applications immediately.
Emergency Childcare for School-Aged Children is a targeted service offered by the Ministry of Education to accommodate childcare needs during those times when students would normally be in school or attending a before and after school program – both of which have been closed under current Provincial health measures.
The program is for children born on or before Dec. 31, 2017, and who are registered and attending an elementary school. Priority access is given to children of parents/guardians who have been deemed essential workers by the Province.
“We’re collaborating closely with childcare providers and the Province to provide as many childcare opportunities as possible for essential workers in our community,” says Heather Mitchell, Manager, Childcare and Early Years, City of Kingston. “We’re ready to process applications and get families the support they need during this current round of health measures.”
Are you an essential worker in need of childcare? Find details and application forms on the City of Kingston’s Essential Worker Childcare webpage.
24 Ontario’s COVID Small Business Relief Grant for Closures
Received from RTO9, Jan 7, 2022
The Ontario government announced a new Ontario COVID-19 Small Business Relief Grant for small businesses that have been subject to closure under the modified Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopen. The program will provide a $10,000 grant to eligible businesses. Eligible small businesses include: Restaurants and bars; Facilities for indoor sports and recreational fitness activities (including fitness centres and gyms); Performing arts and cinemas; Museums, galleries, aquariums, zoos, science centres, landmarks, historic sites, botanical gardens and similar attractions; Meeting or event spaces; Tour and guide services; Conference centres and convention centres; Driving instruction for individuals; and Before- and after- school programs. |
The Ontario government is also providing electricity-rate relief for 21-days starting on January 18, 2022 at 12:01am. Electricity prices will be set 24hrs a day at the current off-peak rate of 8.2 cents per kilowatt-hour, which is less than half the cost of the current on-peak rate. The off-peak rate will apply automatically. Online applications for the previously-announced Ontario Business Costs Rebate Program will open on January 18. This program will provide eligible businesses that are required to close or reduce capacity with rebate payments for up to 100% of the property tax and energy costs they incur while subject to public health measures. The provincial government is also providing up to $7.5 billion in cash flow relief through a 6-month interest- and penalty-free period starting January 1, 2022 for businesses to make payments for most provincially administered taxes. For more information, please visit here. |
Received from Eric Gagnon, Dec 20, 2021
His amazing model of the Inner Harbour in the past. WOW!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yIw9i7Co_c
So that’s it for now,
Mary Farrar, President, Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour