Dear Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour,
As you can see from the photo, the Tannery shoreline is vibrant turtle basking habitat. All of this is at risk of obliteration with Patry’s proposed development of the shoreline and the water lot.
1. Serious concerns re Tannery Development: Public meeting Aug 5
2. Hold on to your Vaccine Receipt
3. City Services Reopened July 16
4. Inner Harbour Contamination Issue: Views of Ken Reimer and Tamsin Laing – Upcoming KEAF Meeting, July 21
5. Theodore Too, the Tuboat, welcomed in Kingston
6. 350 Sounds Alarm on Climate Crisis for Tuesday Commuters
7. Outreach from the Anglican Diocese
8. Sisters of Providence invest $5 Million in Community
9. City of Kingston & Sustainable Kingston Challenge: Watch your Waste.
10. Museum of Health Care Tours
11. Help Keep Kingston Beautiful
12. Two New Public Art Installations in Kingston’s Downtown
13. New Water/Sewer Project : Front Road and King
14. Mayor’s Take on the New Rail Plans with Kingston as Hub
15. Kingston Police Warn of New Scam using Google Drive
16.Sad News about Global Observatories
17. What-on-Earth? Brewery Using Carbon Capture to Reuse CO2
1) Serious Concerns re Tannery Development: Public Meeting, Aug 5.
Developer, Jay Patry, is requesting Official Plan Amendments for his proposed development at the Tannery. This would actually totally obliterate the turtle basking habitat in his water lot offshore along the Great Cataraqui River as shown in the photo. Here are a few details for an upcoming Public meeting August 5, 2021
Notice of a Public Meeting
The City of Kingston has received applications for a Proposed Official Plan Amendment (OPA) and Zoning By-Law Amendment (ZBA), and Draft Plan of Subdivision
Purpose and Effect of the Applications: To amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit the subdivision of the subject lands and to develop four (4) separate four to eight storey buildings with a total of approximately 1500 residential units, approximately 3,600 square metres of commercial space, and 6,000 square metres of ‘flex’ commercial space.
The proposal also includes new public and private roads, as well as private and public park space.
The water lot is proposed to be a boathouse for the Kingston Rowing Club.
The site is located at 2 River Street (former Davis Tannery Site) and 50 Orchard Street (see
attached Key Map). The property has an area of approximately 13 hectares. The property iscurrently designated ‘Residential’, ‘Environmental Protection Area’, ‘Open Space’ and ‘Arterial Commercial’ in the City of Kingston Official Plan and is zoned Site-Specific Multiple Family ‘B3.135’ Zone, General Recreation Park ‘P’ Zone, Water-Area ‘P2’ Zone, Industrial ‘M6’ Zone, Environmental Protection Area ‘EPA’ Zone and Site-Specific Arterial Commercial ‘C2.136’ Zone in Zoning By-law Number 8499, as amended.
The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Official Plan to ‘Residential’, ‘Open Space’, with some areas remaining in the Environmental Protection Area designation. The lands would be in a site-specific policy area to allow for high density residential uses, ground floor commercial uses, and flexible commercial / residential space, and associated park space.
The application is also proposing to adjust the extent of Official Plan overlays for the Provincially Significant Wetland and Riparian Corridor, Significant Woodland, and Natural Hazards.
The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Zoning By-law to establish a site-specific Multiple Family ‘B3’ zones to permit commercial uses, as well as to incorporate zoning relief to various provisions including setbacks, lot occupancy, density, landscape open space, parking and loading facilities.
The water lot is proposed to be placed in a Site-Specific General Recreational Park ‘P’ Zone to allow the proposed public boat house use.
Address of Property: 2 River Street and 50 Orchard Street
Name of Applicant: IBI Group Inc.
City File Number: D35-009-2017
Public Meeting, Date:August 5, 2021
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: This will be a virtual meeting.
Details around how to view and participate in the meeting are available on the City’s website at www.cityofkingston.ca/PlanningCommittee
*All public meetings are scheduled for 6:00 p.m. The Planning Committee will deal with them in the order in which they appear on the agenda.
Additional information about the applications can be viewed by accessing the Development and
Services Hub (DASH) at www.cityofkingston.ca/DASH. Enquiries may be made by telephoning
Chris Wicke, Senior Planner, 613-546-4291, ext. 3242.
Written comments for or against this change may be sent to Planning Services via:
Mail: 216 Ontario Street, Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3
Fax: 613-542-9965
Email: Chris Wicke – cwicke@cityofkingston.ca
Public Consultation
Anyone may attend the Public Meeting and make a verbal statement, and/or submit comments in writing, either in support of or in opposition to the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment. he Planning Committee will receive a preliminary information report with respect to the applications at the Public Meeting, which will be available to the public on the City of Kingston’s website at www.cityofkingston.ca/PlanningCommittee on July 31, 2021.
A comprehensive report will be presented at a future meeting of the Planning Committee. The public is provided an additional opportunity to make oral submissions on the matter at the time the Committee considers the comprehensive report from staff.
Please note that City Council has delegated to the Planning Committee the authority to hold the Public Meeting instead of Council. All representations, both verbal and written, will be considered only by the Planning Committee, which will submit a Committee Report with its recommendations to Council for a decision on the matter.
If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Kingston to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Kingston before the proposed Official Plan Amendment is adopted or the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision. If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to the City of Kingston before the proposed Official Plan Amendment is adopted or the by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.
If you wish to be notified of the decision of the City of Kingston on the proposed Official Plan Amendment or the proposed zoning by-law amendment, you must make a written request to:
City of Kingston, Planning Services, 216 Ontario Street, Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3
If you have received this notice and you are the owner of land that contains seven or more residential units, please post this notice in a location that is visible to all of the residents.
If you are a person with a disability, and need City of Kingston information provided in another format, please contact customer service at 613-546-0000 or contactus@cityofkingston.ca.
NOTICE OF COLLECTION Personal information collected as a result of this public meeting is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA),the Planning Act, and all other relevant legislation, and will be used to assist in making a decision on this matter. All personal information (as defined by MFIPPA), including (but not limited to) names, addresses, opinions and comments collected will be made available for public disclosure to members of the public, at the meeting, through requests, and through the website of The Corporation of the City of Kingston.
Questions regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of this personal information may be directed to the Director of Planning Services, 216 Ontario Street, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 2Z3.
DATED: at Kingston Ontario
John Bolognone, City Clerk, this 16th day of July, 2021.
2. Hold on to your Vaccine Receipt
The Ontario government is suggesting you hold on to your COVID-19 vaccine receipt.
You may be asking, wait, what receipt? It’s understandable if you were so excited after getting your second shot that you forgot to meticulously file away the piece of paper you should have received that confirmed you’re double dosed, along with other personal information and details about the vaccine itself.
Now, with some businesses saying they’ll be asking potential customers to prove their vaccination status for entry, that little piece of paper suddenly seems much more important.
The government has said your vaccine receipt received post-vaccination is what is currently available as valid proof of your shots. If you haven’t thought about it until now, don’t fret — here’s everything you need to know about your vaccine receipt in Ontario.
Where is my receipt?
It may very well be in your recycling bin. But have no fear — simply visit http://covid19.ontariohealth.ca to access the online portal where you can verify your identity and download a copy of your vaccine receipt. To access this service you must have a valid email address and a green photo health (OHIP) card.
What if I still have an old white/red non-photo ID health card?
The online portal is not available to people with outdated health cards. You must call the provincial vaccine booking line at 1-833-943-3900.
The online portal is not available to people with outdated health cards. You must call the provincial vaccine booking line at 1-833-943-3900.
3. City Services Reopened July 16
City Matters: COVID-19 Bulletin
Received from the City of Kingston, July 16
Today we moved into Step 3, the last step in the Province of Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen.
The focus of Step 3 is on adding indoor services and allowing more people to use them (with COVID-19 measures in place), including at recreation and cultural facilities.
Any person who enters a City facility or uses a recreation amenity should maintain a 2-metre physical distance from others (excluding members of the same household and/or family). Changes are outlined below.
Gatherings – as of today, up to 100 people are allowed to gather outdoors, including those not from your household, while up to 25 people will be allowed to gather indoors.
Cultural and recreational facilities
The PumpHouse Museum will reopen for small group tours of the “Refuge Canada” exhibition as of Tuesday, July 20. The museum is also offering one-hour outdoor walking tours of Ontario Street: Brewers, Bakers and Boilermakers. Please visit the Museum’s website
for further information and booking details.
Ice rinks at the INVISTA Centre begin reopening as of next Wednesday, July 21. The Desjardins Insurance Rink and CUPE 109 Rink both reopen on July 21, while the Selkirk Homes Rink will reopen on July 26.
The Artillery Park Aquatic Centre will reopen on Monday, July 26. Online registrations for August swim lessons are open now. Please register for swim lessons online.
The Fitness Centres at Artillery Park Aquatic Centre and the INVISTA Centre will open as of Monday, July 26. Public skating also resumes July 26, with registration details to be made available on the City’s website.
The Grand Theatre will re-open on a limited basis. The Regina Rosen Auditorium remains closed but the Baby Grand is available for community rentals and will host the Storefront Fringe from Aug. 2 to 15. For more information, please visit the Kingston Grand Theatre website.
The Rideau Heights Community Centre will remain closed until the end of August, as the City is currently offering day camps at this facility. Library access remains the same.
Other City buildings
City Hall and the Payment Centre, at 216 Ontario St., as well as the City offices at 1211 John Counter Blvd., opened to the public on June 14. The Heritage Resource Centre, Market Square Cultural Space and City Hall Tours remain closed and unavailable.
The Kingston Area Recycling Centre (KARC) and Household Hazardous Waste Facility at 196 Lappan’s Lane have also returned to regular operating hours, as follows:
KARC Administration Office – open Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
KARC Recycling Depot – open Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Household Hazardous Waste Facility – open Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Get Fully Vaccinated As Soon As Possible!
KFL&A’s vaccination strategy will transition from large mass immunization clinics to focusing on smaller clinic venues, including pharmacy, mobile, and primary care clinics. This new stage will include closing many of the larger mass immunization clinic sites. Here is a list of the first phase of planned closures of vaccine clinics in our region:
Vaccine clinic at Kingston Health Sciences Centre Burr Gym will close as of Aug. 1, 2021.
Vaccine clinics at INVISTA Centre and Strathcona Paper Centre will close as of Aug. 2, 2021.
Vaccine clinic at Kingston Community Health Centre will close as of Aug. 13, 2021.
KFL&A Public Health and Kingston Health Sciences Centre will notify all individuals who have scheduled vaccine appointments after these clinic closure dates and provide re-booking links and information for an earlier appointment date. There will still be plenty of clinic options in our area. To book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment by visiting KFL&A Public Health’s website (local booking system, not provincial booking system) or calling the booking centre at 343-477-0172. Do not delay getting fully vaccinated.
For the most up to date information on COVID-19 vaccine clinics and COVID-19, visit the KFL&A website.
4. Inner Harbour Contamination Issue: Views of Ken Reimer and Tamsin Laing
Ken Reimer and Tamsin Laing are convinced the contamination clean-up can be done safely.
They will also be briefing the Kingston Environmental Advisory Forum, Wed, July 21 from 6-8 pm.
The public is invited to ask questions but registration is required!
Residents can participate in committee meetings in three different ways:
i) Send your comments via email to the Committee Clerk (efawcett@cityofkingston.ca).
ii) Participate in the Zoom meeting. Register via Zoom and receive the meeting link.
iii) Participate by phone – call 613-546-4291 extension 1170 and leave a message with your name, phone number and the agenda item(s) you wish to speak to; staff will respond to your voicemail within 24 hours to provide you with the call-in number for the meeting. Phone registration closes 2 hours before the start of a meeting.
If you just wish to follow along, all meetings will be live-streamed on the Kingston City Council YouTube channel.
Note: To access the live-stream, it may be necessary to right-click on the above YouTube link.
5. Theodore Too, the Tugboat, is welcomed in Kingston
6. 350 Sounds Alarm on Climate Crisis for Tuesday Commuters
7. Outreach from Anglican Diocese’s New Mission on Adelaide St.
“Excitement is brewing at the Anglican Diocese of Ontario as the new Adelaide Street Mission begins to take shape. We are looking for 6-8 enthusiastic individuals who are looking to drive change in the community through new ministry initiatives based out of the new community building located at 3 Adelaide Street. The steering committee will serve as the leadership team made up of stakeholders from the community and Diocese who provide strategic oversight and guidance to the Adelaide Street Mission. The committee will report to Synod Council, the Anglican Diocese’s governance. Members of the steering committee will use their experiences, skills, and knowledge of the community and social/ministry programming to help make strategic decisions about the direction, identity, processes and policies of the new space and its programming. The Diocese will care for building maintenance and management, so that the steering committee can focus on overall mission and programming considerations.
We are currently looking for expressions of interest in the committee, as final committee makeup will be approved by Bishop Michael Oulton. Please provide your expression of interest and short summary of experiences and interests by July 23rd to Taylor Lynch, community engagement coordinator (tlynch@ontario.anglican.ca). Steering Committee members will be notified by July 30th, with first steering committee meeting being held August 5th to determine timeline and initial planning goals. All meetings will be held virtually and/or as a hybrid in line with provincial pandemic guidelines.”
Taylor Lynch | Community Engagement Co-ordinator
Anglican Diocese of Ontario
165 Ontario Street | Kingston, ON | K7L 2Y6
ontario.anglican.ca | Facebook | YouTube
8. Sisters of Providence donate $5 Million to Community The Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul will be making a $5 Million transformational gift to help the Kingston community respond to some of the greatest needs among our youngest and oldest citizens — to build resiliency in children and to reduce loneliness and isolation among seniors. They have gifted these funds to the Community Foundation for Kingston & Area (CFKA) to be invested in high-impact, local initiatives that will support transformative, sustainable, systems-level change in two areas where both of our organizations see critical community needs. One focus area for this funding, which builds on community work already under way, is to help prevent and mitigate the lifelong impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and build resiliency generally in children, families, and our community. The second initiative, with planning still in its early stages, will focus on reducing seniors’ social isolation and loneliness, a growing concern amplified more recently by the pandemic. “We are honored, humbled, and thrilled that the Sisters have entrusted us with this gift to drive meaningful change in our community,” says CFKA Executive Director Tina Bailey. “This tremendous gift will allow us to quickly ramp up and build on the collaborative work we have been facilitating for the past two years on ACEs and to explore similar innovative approaches to addressing loneliness among seniors.” The Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul were founded in Kingston in 1861 for the purpose of caring for the vulnerable of that time. In their 160 years they have strived to maintain that Mission, mainly through education, healthcare and social advocacy.“As we look to the future, the Community Foundation for Kingston & Area seemed like a wonderful vehicle through which to leave a legacy gift to continue our Mission with youth and seniors,” shared Sister Sandra Shannon, General Superior of the Sisters of Providence. “The 25-year history of CFKA gives us great confidence in this organization. It is our hope that through this gift and relying on CFKA we will touch the lives of Kingstonians in a positive, productive manner for some years to come.” Reflecting a desire to achieve immediate and maximum impact from their gift, the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul Community Impact Fund is not an endowment but will be fully expended on high-impact community initiatives and programs over the next five to ten years. We will announce more detailed plans for the fund later this fall and continue to keep the community informed of the use of these funds over the coming months and years. Thank you to the Sisters for this meaningful investment in our community’s well-being! |
About the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul Founded in Kingston in 1861, the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul are a congregation of vowed women religious whose history is rooted in serving and empowering the vulnerable. For more information visit www.providence.ca or follow them on Facebook @Providence.Kingston or Twitter @SrsofProvidence |
9. City of Kingston & Sustainable Kingston Challenge: Watch your Waste
Received July 7, 2021
Planning a weekend camping trip? A visit to the lake? Maybe a stroll through one of Kingston’s beautiful parks? The City and Sustainable Kingston challenge you to plan to reduce your waste while you enjoy the great outdoors.
“We’re challenging every Kingstonian to look for opportunities to reduce their consumption of single-use plastics,” says Tess Wittman, Community Engagement Specialist at Sustainable Kingston.
Register for the challenge now at: SustainableKingston.com/PlasticFree.
From today until Aug. 27, the City and Sustainable Kingston invite you to examine daily (and holiday) habits and take steps to reduce your reliance on single-use plastics.
Single-use plastics, commonly referred to as SUPS, are normally used only once before being discarded. Because of their use, size or materials, they are not easily recycled. These are items like plastic bags and cups, straws, coffee stirrers, and coffee pods.
“Summer is a busy time and single-use plastics seem like an easy option. Through this campaign, we will highlight simple ways to reduce single-use plastic waste,” says Wittmann.
Wittmann says the goal of this campaign is to share ideas and inspire action. The entire community can take part in this challenge—whether you’re an individual, business, workplace or family!
“We hope the habits people develop through this challenge will remain with them year-round,” adds Wittmann.
By registering and participating in the challenge, your name will be entered into a weekly draw for a chance to win great prizes!
How to participate
Register atSustainableKingston.com/PlasticFree
Take steps to reduce your use of single-use plastics. Already doing great things? Proceed to the next step!
Share your actions and tips using #PlasticFreeYGK. Don’t forget to tag @SustainableKtwn
10. Museum of Health Care Tours
Walk in the footsteps of some of Kingston’s earliest residents and arrivals as they engage in a quest for health care in the Limestone City. The story of establishment of one of Canada’s oldest public hospitals, Kingston General Hospital, is one full of success and sacrifice, triumph and tragedy. Join us for a fascinating look into the lives of those that lived, arrived and died here, as we unlock the secrets of Kingston’s medical history. Details: Offering tours Wednesday-Saturday at 10:00am, 11:30am, 2:30pm and 3:00pm. Our tour is family-friendly and includes a scavenger hunt and mystery letter decoding activity for kids! Cost: $5 per group, max. 10 people (thank you for your donation to the Museum of Health Care!) Booking: All tours booked with be private, meaning that tour groups will not be combined. Groups bookings are restricted to 10 guests at this time. We can’t wait to see you! |
11. Help Keep Kingston Beautiful
Received from the City of Kingston, July 8, 2021
Join the Clean Neighbourhoods Program
Join an effort to clear your area of litter and illegally dumped items. Launching today, the City’s new Clean Neighbourhoods Program guides and supports community efforts to keep Kingston beautiful.
“This community-driven program offers a framework that allows anyone to propose a clean-up or participate in one that’s already organized. The City provides a clean-up package, and picks up whatever has been collected,” says Troy Stubinski, Operations Manager, Public Works.
Last year, residents were asked if they would be interested in a City program that could connect neighbours, schools and other groups to help clean up public spaces, including parks, trails and boulevards, and the answer was overwhelmingly ‘yes.’
Help Keep Kingston Beautiful
Interested? To review the Clean Neighbourhoods Guide (it contains important safety reminders),
Frequently Asked Questions and to register, please visit the Clean Neighbourhoods page.
A location you will be cleaning up (or let us choose for you!)
A cleanup date and time.
A list of individuals participating in the cleanup (see COVID-19 precautions, below)
Your contact information.
COVID -19 Precautions
Current COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions must be followed while participating in Clean Neighbourhoods, including physical distancing and gathering limits. Visit KFL&A Public Health’s website to learn more.
12. Two New Public Art Installations in Kingston’s Downtown
Received from the City of Kingston, July 6, 2021
Paved Paradise
The first is the 2021 iteration of Paved Paradise, a temporary outdoor public art platform at the corner of Brock and Ontario Street features a new exhibit titled “Inside” by Kingston-based artist, Floriana Ehninger-Cuervo. A jury selected Ehninger-Cuervo’s proposal out of 25 applications. The exhibit reflects on the theme of resiliency in relation to community and connection and is part of Love Kingston Marketplace 2021 that is reimagining parts of the downtown to help respond to the impacts that residents, businesses, culture, tourism and the local economy face due to COVID-19.
“This platform celebrates and profiles local, professional visual artists, and this year, presents a series of colourful, playful and dynamic illustrations,” says Danika Lochhead, Manager, Arts and Sector Development. “This proposal spoke strongly to the theme of this year’s call for submissions, and the exhibit will enhance the area and spark reflection on how we are feeling as we navigate this time.”
Floriana Ehninger-Cuervo is a Kingston-based illustrator and lettering artist. She runs Colourful Crow Studio where she creates cards, prints, and interactive paper crafts.
Public Art at the Grand Theatre
The second exhibit, “The Woman in White”, is an augmented-reality photo exhibit by Roshanak Jaberi, an Iranian-born Canadian artist based in Toronto. “The Woman in White” tells the story of Juana Irma Cisneros Ticas’ forced disappearance during the Salvadoran civil war and provides a look into a daughter’s journey through love and loss, and her quest for justice.
“The Woman in White” is a companion piece to Jaberi Dance Theatre’s “No Woman’s Land”, a multi-disciplinary dance production addressing the plight and resistance of women in refugee camps. “No Woman’s Land” is scheduled to appear as part of the next Grand OnStage in-person season.
“Throughout the pandemic, staff have strived to deliver impactful performing arts experiences by extending the Grand OnStage program through a variety of virtual presentations,” says Jayson Duggan, Performing Arts Manager. “The opportunity to present ‘A Woman in White’ allows Grand OnStage to move beyond the theatre auditorium and offer a captivating public art exhibit while introducing the work of interdisciplinary artist, Roshanak Jaberi to our community ahead of a future performance being planned.”
“The Woman in White” exhibit is located at the front of the Grand Theatre at 218 Princess St.
13. New Water/Sewer Project: Front Road & King
Water and sewer project on Front Road and King Street West: saving energy, reducing sewer overflows and supporting growth & development
Received from Utilities Kingston July 05, 2021
Utilities Kingston is embarking on a large, phased, multi-year project to improve water and sewer infrastructure in the community.
“This project, to redirect sewage from the Portsmouth Pumping Station and interconnect a trunk water main, is expected to save energy, reduce sewer overflows, create capacity to support downtown development, and improve operations and system performance,” says Jim Miller, Chief Operating Officer for Utilities Kingston.
The project also includes transportation infrastructure improvements along the project corridor, jointly coordinated with the City of Kingston, as part of the continued rollout of the City’s five-year Active Transportation Implementation Plan. The completed project will include:
New multi-use pathways along the north and south side of King Street West from Trailhead Place to Portsmouth Avenue, connecting with on-road cycling lanes on Portsmouth Avenue.
A reconstructed intersection at King Street West and Portsmouth Avenue.
Community Benefits:
Utilities Kingston’s asset management practices help create local economic development opportunities, ensure sustainability, and further climate action. Benefits of this project:
More efficient operation of the municipal wastewater treatment system, by reducing the distance sewage travels by more than eight kilometres.
Energy savings from reducing the number of times sewage is pumped from three to one. Utilities Kingston shares the City’s goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and remains its committed partner in being a climate action leader.
Reduced combined sewer overflows in downtown Kingston, helping to protect local natural bodies of water.
Additional capacity to help facilitate intensification and development in City Central. Utilities Kingston is committed to meeting the needs of investors, while ensuring continued reliability for existing customers.
Improved operations and system performance.
Reduced disruption in the community by coordinating three projects to ‘dig the trench once’. Coordinating work allows Utilities Kingston to upgrade infrastructure more efficiently, with fewer disruptions to residents and businesses.
About the Project
Currently, sewage is pumped several times from Portsmouth Village east to the Ravensview Wastewater Treatment Plant, approximately 12 kilometres away. This work, and future phases of the project, will instead redirect sewage flows to the west, to the much closer Cataraqui Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Meanwhile, the Front Road water main interconnection project will connect the Point Pleasant Water Treatment Plant to the central water distribution system and will improve operational flexibility and system performance.
This is a phased, multi-year project that includes construction activities at Front Road, King Street West, Union Street and Kennedy Street, from Sand Bay Lane to Sir John A. Macdonald Boulevard:
Phase 1 (a water service and sewer forcemain to the Cataraqui Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant) was completed in 2018.
This project Phase 2A, awarded to EBC Inc., will affect areas along Front Road and King Street West from Sand Bay Lane (Front Road bridge) to Country Club Drive. It will begin in July 2021 and is expected to be complete by the end of 2022.
Phase 2B will begin later in 2021 on King Street West at Country Club Drive, and continue along King, Union and Kennedy to Sir John A. Macdonald Boulevard, with construction continuing into 2023.
The final phase of the project will include the reconstruction of the Portsmouth Sewage Pumping Station in Aberdeen Park, Portsmouth Village, in 2023.
A map of the project phases is available at www.utilitieskingston.com.
Commuters should plan for significant delays along Front Road. Follow @utilitieskngstn on Twitter for traffic and other project updates. www.utilitieskingston.com
14. Mayors’s take on new Rail Service with Kingston as Hub
15. Kingston Police Warn of New Scam Using Google Drive
Received from The Kingstonist, July 12, 2021 – Jessica Foley
Kingston Police have released details on a scam that uses Google Drive’s share feature to distribute malicious content over emails.
To help protect against malicious links, most email clients have filters that flag suspicious-looking emails. To bypass these filters, cybercriminals often create malicious content using well-known platforms such as Google Drive, and then use the platform’s share feature to distribute their content, Kingston Police said in a media release. Since these platforms are so widely used, built-in email filters typically do not recognize that this content is malicious.
In a recent phishing attack that Kingston Police is aware of and has observed first hand, scammers are using a phony notification from DocuSign (a popular electronic agreement service) that actually includes a link to a malicious Google Doc. The fake notification states that you have an invoice to review and sign. If the recipient clicks on the included View Document button, they are taken to what appears to be a DocuSign login page that asks for the password. In reality, the button leads to a Google Doc disguised as a DocuSign page, and any information entered on the document is sent directly to the scammers, according to the release.
Kingston Police said, “Don’t fall for this trick!” Remember: Never click on a link or download an attachment in an email that you were not expecting.
If you think the email could be legitimate, be sure to hover over the link (or button) to preview the destination. Look for discrepancies, such as a DocuSign email using a Google Drive link.
When an email claims to include an invoice, try to find evidence of the transaction elsewhere, like on your bank or credit card statements.
16. Sad News about Global Observatories
Save Earth’s global observatories
Gene E. Likens1⇑,
David L. Wagner2⇑
See all authors and affiliations -Science 09 Jul 2021:
Vol. 373, Issue 6551, pp. 135, DOI: 10.1126/science.abk2615
Article, Info & Metrics, eLetters, PDF
Sitting at the interface of human societies and the natural environment are sentinels tracking environmental change. Across the globe, field stations and marine laboratories (FSMLs) amass crucial information about climate, biodiversity, environmental health, and emerging diseases, anchoring multidecadal data sets needed to solve environmental challenges of the Anthropocene. These observatories are now in danger of being shut down—part of the collateral damage of the COVID-19 pandemic.
On every continent, facilities have been shuttered and field courses canceled because of restricted travel. This has reduced the flow of financial support to these stations, debilitating their capacity to collect essential information and train the next generation of scientists. Two-thirds of university support for the Tiputini Biodiversity Station in eastern Ecuador—situated in Earth’s most biologically diverse region, at the confluence of the Amazon Basin and Andes—came from international universities, nearly all of which was permanently terminated during the pandemic. The renowned Asa Wright Centre in Trinidad and Tobago closed in April. Further, FSML budgets are menaced by pandemic-related deficits suffered by their parent institutions—which are generally universities (a reflection of their importance to education and training) but also include museums, government agencies, and nongovernmental organizations—potentially compromising every facet of their operations.
As Earth’s population swells to 8 billion, understanding and predicting human impacts on the planet become ever more urgent. Both long-term and real-time data are needed to quantify the repercussions of deforestation, agricultural intensification, desertification, climate change, ocean acidification, and other stresses if we are to mitigate their effects, plan adaptive responses, and develop national and international policies. Nature’s struggles are humanity’s struggles: As biodiversity is lost and ecosystems erode, so will the quality of our air, waters, and soils. This degradation will also affect the essential ecosystem services that nature consistently provides. Crop pollination services alone are estimated as a $500 billion annual benefit for society. And emerging pathogens will continue to be a threat across all borders. Environmental data to guide sound, science-based solutions, and broader public understanding and engagement, are necessary to overcome these mounting environmental challenges.
FSMLs are essential for educating and training the next generation of scientists. Immersive in situ experiences are foundational to those seeking careers in biology and ecology, geology and soil science, oceanography, hydrology and limnology, meteorology, conservation, and resource management. Evidence shows that field courses close demographic gaps in science participation and persistence and improve diversity across disciplines. Virtual materials and live-stream research-based field experiences simply cannot supplant place-based learning, curiosity-driven exploration, the life-changing value of discovery, and the realization that Earth is still a little-known planet. Furthermore, FSMLs play a broader role in education. Field course alumni become educators and school administrators, or pursue careers in medicine, law, social services, and business, among other professions. Scientists and nonscientists alike take away a deeper understanding and appreciation for nature and a propensity to embrace an ethic of planetary stewardship.
In January 2021, an international call to protect funding for field stations, marine labs, and field courses, imperiled by the pandemic, was circulated to professional society mailing lists. The signature petition has since been endorsed by 21 past presidents of the Ecological Society of America; active and past leadership of multiple international scientific and educational organizations; and more than 2200 scientists, station directors, educators, and concerned citizens worldwide. And last month, the US Congress passed the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the Future Act (House bill H.R. 2225) with bipartisan support, which includes provisions for national labs, field stations, and marine labs. Despite NSF’s pivotal role in supporting FSMLs for decades, its funding is generally limited to new initiatives and infrastructure. NSF dollars are rarely sufficient to support staff, maintenance, courses, and other day-to-day station needs. The issue will hopefully receive bipartisan support from the Senate as well.
The pandemic has cut revenue streams to FSMLs for a second year. At a time when environmental issues demand even greater attention, the world cannot risk undermining their contributions to scientific literacy, environmental research, and student training—all of which are essential to protect Earth’s bountiful natural heritage and life-sustaining ecosystems. Universities, governments, and other organizations must find ways to save these global sentinels—all life depends on them.
17. What on Earth? Brewery Using Carbon Capture to Reuse CO2 in its Beer.
Received from WhatonEearch@cbc.ca This craft brewery is using carbon capture to reuse CO2 in its beer! |
A central Alberta business is taking a unique approach to carbon capture: serving up some of its emissions in beer. Breweries produce carbon dioxide during the fermentation process and they use CO2 to carbonate beer. So a central Alberta company is taking what seems like the logical next step, by becoming the first small brewery in Canada to use carbon capture technology to recycle those emissions. Blindman Brewing, based in Lacombe, Alta., spends about $60,000 a year buying CO2 canisters to give their beers the perfect refreshing texture. But during fermentation, yeast devours sugars, producing alcohol and CO2 as byproducts. Now, the brewery will be capturing that CO2, scrubbing it and compressing it to carbonate their beers and run canning lines — thereby reducing their emissions and bringing the need for purchased CO2 to near zero. Kirk Zembal, the brewery’s co-founder, said he spent five years researching the right equipment, which was purchased with the help of a grant through Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA), a not-for-profit program that helps develop technological innovations. “When you have these ideas that are simple, that reduce emissions and that are financially viable, well, those are win-win-wins,” he said. The device, which is about the size of a refrigerator, is designed for small breweries by Texas-based Earthly Labs. It cost $200,000, half of which was covered by ERA. Zembal estimated that his business would capture about 100 tonnes of CO2. “There’s 1,100 other craft breweries in Canada, 7,000 or 8,000 in the States and tens of thousands more around the world. If we can all adopt equipment like this, well, now we’re making a big impact.” He said the investment is expected to pay for itself in two to three years. The carbon capture program, which will be installed this summer, is just one of the brewery’s steps toward going green, alongside installing a solar array and recycling its plastic can holders. The brewery is partnering with Olds College to develop a data set on emissions reductions and profitability, so its experience can be shared with other breweries across the country that are interested in the environmentally friendly process. “I think it’s baked into the ethos of craft beer to do better and, you know, we really all need to reduce our carbon emissions,” Zembal said. — Sarah Rieger |
So that’s it for now. Hope you register for this Wednesday’s (July 21, 6 pm) KEAF meeting and for this August 5 Planning meeting.. Both really matter for the future of Kingston’s Inner Harbour.
Happy rest of July. Back in early August.
Mary Farrar, President,
Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour