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June 2014 Newsletter

Hi all Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour,

Summer is almost upon us and so many exciting things are happening.
Hope to see you at one or more of these amazing events.

Kingston’s first ever juried street art festival will take place from August 18 – 24th in Douglas Fluhrer Park just south of the Woolen Mill on the retaining wall behind Rideaucrest.  We are happy to report that Kingston City Council voted unanimously to support waiving the City’s graffiti by-law for the week!
Specifications follow those for Montreal’s MURAL festival.  Please spread the word!

Visit for details. 20 artists will be invited to participate, including some renowned local professionals.  Honoraria of at least $100 to be awarded to each artist or group. More info? Call Mary at  613-544-1246 or email
We have no money for serious promotion!!   We could really use some financial support!! TO DONATE, visit to pay with PayPal or send a cheque to Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour c/o Elizabeth Durno,190 Ordnance St, Kingston, K7K1H1. FYI, for great global street art:

Live painting, food, music, pop-up and flash-mob fun as well as family activities for FREE. If you have suggestions and/or would like to be involved in planning or performing in this fun event, contact:   Help appreciated!

Registration open now!   The same week as ON THE WALL! (August 18-23)  “OUT OF THE CITY” is a free 6 day workshop that brings together a diverse group of Canadian and New Canadian teens for a week of arts immersion.  Each student is given a piece of volcanic rock from Zimbabwe that they will sculpt in the tradition pf Shona sculptors.  Thanks to Hank Doornekamp’s generosity, this camp will occur on the grounds of the Woolen Mill, 4 Cataraqui St.  Thanks too to Kingston Maker Space for their support.  Also included: poetry, dancing and drumming, Marimba and screen printing/scraffito.  The camp is open to anyone interested.  To apply visit or contact Chaka at

Still planned for August 14-16, this exciting theatre company will moor off shore at the Woolen Mill to perform their Cirque du Soleil type show while the audience sits on shore. Stay tuned for further details in the July and August updates.

Launching from Douglas R. Fluhrer Park at the site of the Frontenac Arch Paddling Trails trailhead, this group will paddle upstream past many points of historical and natural interest.  Dr. Hervart Helmstaedt, Professor Emeritus of Geology and a knowledgeable member of the Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour, will share information about past, current and future plans for the shoreline while paddling along the Inner Harbour.  Dr. Brian Osborne, Professor Emeritus of Cultural Geography will regale assembled crowd with stories from the past at Kingston Mills Lock.  Kayak experience is required. Approx.17 km.
This day-long tour, a fund-raiser sponsored by 1000 Islands Kayaking, explores one of the paddling trails of the Frontenac Arch Biosphere.  The $85 registration fee includes a Paddle Canada certified instructor/guide, two professional interpreters and a gourmet Local Flavours lunch.  Paddlers may being their own boat and gear, or rent equipment for $25. To register, call 613-329-6265.

The Skeleton Park Arts Festival is a non-profit annual summer solstice celebration in McBurney Park, aka Skeleton Park – due to its past history as a burial ground.
This wonderful Kingston arts festival showcases multi-disciplinary artists from Kingston and around the world, in addition to family and heritage activities.  Emphasizing the performing arts, it is an opportunity for both Kingston residents and visitors to get to know our leading artists in the context of exciting and unique international arts programming.  Additional venues also involved.  Heritage Ontario’s Open Doors is also embracing and promoting this event. The Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour is manning an information table from 10-4.  If you would like to volunteer for a shift, contact

Thanks so much to Burgandy Dunn and her group of friends who have taken over the organization of our family events in the park.  These get-togethers are now occurring on Fridays instead of Wednesdays and will continue throughout July and August.  Starting out with pick-up family soccer, each Friday evening they will include food and entertainment following the soccer.   All welcome!
The July schedule planned so far this year includes
July 4: Drama workshop +Queen’s Barefoot Players
July 11: Paper Art + Kingston Public Library’s Stories in the Park
July 18: Water balloon fun
July 25: Workshop by the Kingston Field Naturalists
More anon…

NATIONAL ABORIGINAL DAY, June 21, 11-2.  Market Square
It is important for us to remember that aboriginal peoples were on our shoreline long before our ancestors were even dreaming of it.  This free, educational and fun event includes traditional foods, vendors, traditional dancing, drumming, children`s crafts, singing, storytelling, teachings as well as contemporary dance and musical performances.

Join Trailhead Kingston on Wednesday evenings throughout the summer for this 2 hour tour of Kingston’s waterfront, followed by a visit to one of our favorite downtown pubs! A great way to celebrate “hump day” $40/person (pint not included). Every Wednesday at 6pm meeting in Doug Fluhrer Park in Kingston`s Inner Harbour starting June 4th.  Call 613-546-4757 or visit Trailhead on Princess St. to register, and on Facebook.

I am truly humbled and grateful to Chrystal Wilson of jNetrix Systems for nominating me for the Scotia Bank Game Changer Award.  This is worth $25,000 to be given to my charity of choice which will be the Community Foundation for Kingston and Area.  It would be wonderful if you would consider voting for me to be able to give to the Community Foundation.  Please share with friends by e-mail and Facebook. On Facebook, you can now tag your friends in your status or post. Type @ and then type the friend’s name. For example: “Had lunch with @John Smith.” Learn more about tagging on Facebook.

Turtles Kingston is still actively asking for money to help pay for fencing to stop the carnage we see on our roads.  It is the season for turtles to be laying their eggs.  We see them daily in Doug Fluhrer Park and in other locations along the waterfront.  The Campaign ends June 30.  Please consider making a donation to TD Canada Trust referencing account #1905226401, or online via  Click “View Profile”, then Kingston Field Naturalists.  Once in, select Turtles Kingston.   Thank you so much.
The formal Waterfront Master Plan process with the City of Kingston began in February.  Both David Mcdonald, who organized the Shoreline Shuffle so brilliantly last June, and Mary Farrar are part of six community representatives on the committee.  The committee has 15 members in total including City Councillors, technical agencies and members of the public.  We are happy to state that the consultancy team hired is Thinc Design who also did the visioning exercise for Doug Fluhrer Park. The aim is to have a formal master plan ready by April 2016.  The first public meeting will be at Portsmouth Harbour on June 25 from 7-9 pm.  PLEASE COME AND SPEAK YOUR MIND!  It is really important that you and your organizations think carefully about engaging in this process and conveying to both staff and consultants what you think our waterfront should look like now as well as in a hundred years.  Consideration is being given to increasing public access, improving connectivity along the waterfront and physical improvements to shoreline places and spaces. Kingston has a diverse mix of shoreline types along main waterways such as Lake Ontario, the Cataraqui Rivers, Colonel By Lake, the Rideau Waterway and the St. Lawrence River.   The Master Plan will focus on creating a completely connected waterfront within the city’s urban area.  Planning for the rural waterfront areas will focus on identifying and developing accessible, but not necessarily connected, nodes. The introductory Open House kicks off a two-year public consultation process aimed at engaging all sectors of the Kingston community to create a long-term framework for the development of all of Kingston’s 280 kms of waterfront.  Contact: Kris Hebert to be added to the mailing list for announcements and updates.

Streets Alive Kingston.  This is an initiative sponsored by the 8-80s group.  Kingston was GIVEN A GRANT as one of five communities in Ontario to pilot an exciting day of street closures to celebrate active living. Local politics have made the original plan untenable.  Plans are now afoot for organizing a day a year from now in June 2015 perhaps in the Williamsville area, perhaps in the Inner Harbour?  Volunteers will be sought.  More anon…
Possible Partnership with the Centre for Sustainable Watersheds and Hearthmakers.  Hoping to do some shoreline planting in the fall with the Perth-based Centre for Sustainable Watersheds and Kingston’s Hearthmakers in the section of the proposed waterfront trail on the water at the Village on the River apartment complex.  More anon….
Next section of Trail.  Discussion is still ongoing with City Parks Department staff as to the section that is scheduled to be completed this fall.  Again, more anon…
JK Tett Noise update.  Phillip Brown is pleased to report that his efforts have had a very good impact on how City staff members are responding to the issue of ambient and mechanical noise along Kingston’s waterfront. In a recent meeting with Rob Crothers and Speros Kanellos he was informed that the City will be installing the recommended noise attenuator on their HVAC unit that sits atop the JK Tett Centre. That, coupled with other efforts on their part, should result in achieving the goal of sub 40Db of noise around the building and adjacent waterfront. They are also committed to further testing after the opening of the building. Queens University also took similar steps to reduce HVAC noise. Noise studies and planning may well become part of all building processes. It is Phillip’s wish that this be a catalyst for a firm City policy on noise.
No Casino Kingston: City Planning Committee meeting Thurs. evening June 19 to discuss alteration to Official Plan to allow for possibility of a casino.  The Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour remains opposed to a casino in Kingston as reflected overwhelmingly in our survey of members.
North Block: Development opportunity sign posted for the block immediately south of the KROCK Centre.
Tannery Property: The first stage, the “Request for Information (RFI) – Statement of Interest and Qualifications”, is now closed. As a second phase, the sole respondent has been requested to submit a detailed proposal. Recommendations will be provided back to Council by August 2014. Contact: Paul MacLatchy
9 North Street: Awaiting final agreement between City and developer to work with students in the high school house building program (BCIP) to repurpose this heritage limestone building as office space.
Belle Park:  Meetings ongoing with the recently formed Belle Park Working Group.
Wellington Street Extension:  We remain concerned about the negative impact this extension would have on a revitalized and alive downtown.  It is our position that the downtown needs more people, not more cars and that increased pedestrianization of downtown streets, increased and improved transit and park ‘n rides would help enormously.  Further study required.
Condos meet Candidates:  Candidates from all parties in the Ontario Provincial election were invited to share priorities with residents of Frontenac Village, the Leeuwarden and Bajus condominiums and to address residents’ concerns casual one-to-one discussion on Thurs. June 5.  Present were Mary Rita Holland (NDP), Sophie Kiwala (Liberal) and Robert Kiley (Green).  The Conservative candidate was too busy and the Freedom Party candidate discovered the invitation too late.  Hoping this will be the first in a series of such meetings – a great chance to meet the candidates and air concerns.
Downtown School Closures:  As a downtown community association, we are deeply concerned about the negative impacts of both high school and elementary school closures on downtown neighbourhoods.  We urge you, individually and collectively, to become informed and express your views.  FYI, a fund raiser is planned for June 25 at 7 pm at St. Georges Church that will feature performances by students past and present from KCVI including members of the Tragically Hip and a silent auction.  For further information visit

Kendra Noble and her cohorts for organizing the massive day of trail clean-up on May 24.  Truly awesome!  So many volunteers allowed us to actually do the entire section for the first time ever.  Damon Wells of Public Works says that bollards can be installed to prevent cars from accessing the trail to dump sofas etc.  Hoping that helps.
Hilbert Buist for his photography.  Thanks so very much to Hilbert for his contributions to the GALLERY on our webpage  and also on the Facebook page Save Kingston’s Waterfront!  Do join and have a look!
Doug Ritchie and the Downtown Business Improvement Association for granting us a table at their recent AGM on May 21st.  We truly appreciated the chance to inform downtown businesses about our organization and our upcoming ON THE WALL festival.
DARN (Downtown Action Revitalization Network) for inviting us to put up a table at their recent Brock Street Party event that celebrated the blocks on Brock Street between Ontario and Wellington St. Saturday May 24th, between 2 and 4 pm that included face painting, free food, samples, and a chance to chat with friendly local merchants as well as Harpist Neal Cameron, folk musicians Krya & Tully, eclectic sing-along tunes by Roger James, jazz musician Paul Clifford & Friends, storytelling from Kingston Frontenac Public Library, and a collective art project by My City Speaks. It really was fun. Thanks to them also for putting up with our PowerPoint presentation advocating ON THE WALL and our request for volunteers at their most recent meeting!
Barb Carr and her group of dedicated volunteers for organizing the Barriefield Heritage Festival last Saturday, June 7.  Truly enlivened the east side of the Inner Harbour with heritage walks, craft and trade displays, live music, childrens’ heritage games and wagon rides.
Peter Kingston of CIBC Wood Gundy for helping search for donors.
Burkham, Leblanc and Wilcox of CIBC Wood Gundy for their gift of $500 as founding sponsors of our ON THE WALL festival.
Wallacks, Living Rooms and the Rockitt Boutique for offering paints at a discount to artists participating in the ON THE WALL art festival.
Mayor Mark Gerretsen for coming out once again to the Kingston Commuter Challenge to ride from Belle Park to Market Square for a free Roll-In Breakfast provided by the Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Health Unit and listen, once again, to our pleas against the proposed  WELLINGTON ST. EXTENSION!!!
Jenn Hroch at the Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Health Unit for organizing the Commuter Challenge once again.

Also, FYI, to find out what is happening in Kingston this summer do consider subscribing to:
a) the City’s newsfeed:, as well as
b) Tourism Kingston’s newsfeed:
c) And, do join the Facebook page – Save Kingston’s Waterfront!   for pics of recent Inner Harbour happenings as well as last minute reminders of upcoming events.

Cheers – as always,
Mary Farrar,
Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour