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Dear Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour, What do you really want? In just 5 minutes. https://getinvolved.cityofkingston.ca/council-priorities-2026/survey_tools/survey Do seriously consider submitting your input about what you would like the City of Kingston to focus on for the upcoming four years. Climate change? Homelessness? Parks? Trails? Active Transportation? https://getinvolved.cityofkingston.ca/council-priorities-2026/survey_tools/survey YOUR INPUT REALLY COUNTS! DEADLINE TOMORROW – Feb 28 Thanks so much Ken Fisher for the picture of Inner Harbour ice fisherman John Ellerman. Years ago there were enough for an industry.. LOCAL ISSUES AND EVENTS 1. No Clearcuts Kingston Granted Party Status at Tribunal Hearing. 2. Friends of Queen Street Granted Party Status 3. Waawaateg -Wonderful local Indigenous Arts Event in Collaboration with BIA: March 10 – 31. Opening Event 6:30 pm, March 10 4. Police warn of Turkey and Syria Scams 5. Forest Management at Belle Park 6. Council Approves 2031 Municipal Housing Pledge 7. President of MetalCraft Marine inducted into NMMA Hall of Fame FROM FARTHER AFIELD 8. Preventing Aquatic Invasive Species – Minister Alghabra Announces 9. Increase in Arctic Shipping 10. Tackling Climate Change on the Rideau Canal Skateway. 11. Electric Zambonis Reduce Arena Air Pollution 12. Death Spiral for Enbridge? 13. Nature on the Hill Event Reminder March 7-9 14. Stocking Salmon in Lake Ontario 15. Canada Racing to Net Zero. Data Deficiency? FOR FUN 16. The Very Deepest Part of the Earth’s Core 17. Amazing Nature – Red Latex Dragon’s Blood 18. Great ideas for Interiors – Colour Blocks. LOCAL ISSUES AND EVENTS 1. No Clearcuts Kingston Granted Party Status at Tribunal Hearing. Media Release received from No Clearcuts Kingston, February 21, 2023 “Kingston, ON – No Clearcuts Kingston (NCK) is pleased to announce that today it was granted party status in the Ontario Land Tribunal hearing regarding the appeal of City Council’s refusal to approve the proposed development of the tannery site. This ruling enables NCK to fully participate in the upcoming appeal hearing by cross-examining witnesses, presenting NCK’s expert evidence, and engaging in other hearing-related matters. “We are grateful that the Tribunal members listened to our lawyer’s reasons to include us in the upcoming hearings,” said Kathleen O’Hara of No Clearcuts Kingston. “The fact that the Tribunal’s ruling mentioned our group’s important role in protecting nature was gratifying.” No Clearcuts Kingston will coordinate and work with the City’s lawyer to ensure that the hearings are as thorough, efficient, and effective as possible. “Our group wants to thank the many Kingstonians who have supported our campaign to save the tannery forest and wetland so far,” said Kerry Hill of NCK. “We couldn’t have reached this point without their help.” For more information, please contact: Kerry Hill – 613-542-3956” NOTE: The 5-week official hearing is now scheduled to start April 5. 2. Friends of Queen Street Granted Party Status Received from Friends of Queen Street, Feb 22. The Case Management Conference for the appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal on the 275 Queen Street proposal took place today at 10 am. Thanks to all of you who submitted participant statements, signed into the conference, or followed on the YouTube link. And a special thanks to our lawyer David Donnelly of Donnelly Law. The Highlights: – FOQSK was granted party status – In the absence of an agreed upon issues list and procedural order, a second Case Management Conference will be held on May 12th to determine a hearing date. Note: FOQSK was the only party prepared with an issues list. Neither the city or the applicant provided one – A consolidated issue list and procedural order is to be submitted to the OLT by April 28th – The OLT Case Management Chair encouraged counsel for all three parties (the applicant, the City, and FOQSK) to work together to narrow down the issues and offered Tribunal led mediation 3. Waawaateg -Wonderful local Indigenous Arts Event in Collaboration with BIA – March 10 – 31 Opening Ceremony March 10, 6:30 pm at Confederation Basin. Received from the Kingstonist, Feb 23 – Jessica Foley “An interactive light and sound experience will be on display in Confederation Park in downtown Kingston. Visitors can experience Indigenous-inspired stories, told using a combination of original art and audio recordings and featuring Ontario-based Indigenous artists and storytellers. From March 10 to 31, 2023, Waawaateg (meaning ‘There is a display of the northern lights’ in Anishinaabemowin-Ojibway) will feature a large, vibrant, interactive light installation in Confederation Park fountain, reflecting the ever-flowing greens and purples of the northern lights along with unique art installations created by Indigenous Peoples, according to a release from the Downtown Kingston Business Improvement Area (BIA). “A special relationship has been built between Downtown Kingston and members of the Indigenous community as we worked together to offer space to experience Indigenous story, art, and language. It’s an opportunity to begin conversations around storytelling in the downtown centre, hear Indigenous voices, and experience Indigenous languages,” said Kimberly Debassige, Anishinaabe-Kwe and a Teaching Fellow at Queens University in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures. “It is our hope that this is just the beginning of ongoing opportunities to bring people together to share, explore and celebrate Indigenous culture and teachings.” According to the release, QR codes on each piece of art can be scanned to enjoy an audio recording or written transcript of the stories that inspired the artist’s work. Using light, sound, play and art paired with the tradition of storytelling, Waawaateg immerses visitors in a thought-provoking experience at their own pace, the BIA noted. Several Ontario-based Indigenous artists and storytellers have been commissioned for this installation, including Alyssa Bardy, Dakota Ward, Duncan Pheasant, Jamaica Cass, Jaylene Cardinal, Jennifer McGratton, Lindsay Brant, and Rick Revelle. The Northern Light installation is produced by Visual Menace, a local company that also owns Improbable Escapes, the BIA shared. “Waawaateg has been a collaboration of many people passionate about community building, education, and the deep history of the Indigenous people. We encourage everyone to come to Confederation Park for the Waawaateg opening ceremony March 10th at 6:30 p.m. There will be live music, and a gathering of artists, storytellers, and community leaders as Waawaateg is unveiled,” stated Marijo Cuerrier, Executive Director of Downtown Kingston Business Improvement Area. “Fried bread, bannock, and Three Sisters soup will be served after [the] opening ceremony.” Those who cannot attend the opening ceremonies can visit the installation until Friday, Mar. 31, 2023. For more information visit: https://downtownkingston.ca/waawaateg. “This project was inspired by conversations between members of the local Indigenous community, allies, and the Downtown Kingston BIA about the creation of an Indigenous-inspired winter installation,” the BIA stated. “The focus of the project is to work towards deeper understanding by engaging in relationships and teaching together through Indigenous storytelling and art to engage the community while offering a space for Indigenous people to see themselves reflected in an urban setting.” https://www.kingstonist.com/news/northern-lights-indigenous-storytelling-coming-to-confederation-park/ 4. Police warn of Turkey and Syria Scams https://www.kingstonist.com/news/kingston-police-warn-of-scams-related-to-the-turkey-and-syria-earthquakes/ DO CONSIDER SUBSCRIBING TO THE KINGSTONIST DIRECTLY! 5. Forest Management at Belle Park Received from the Kingstonist, Feb 21 – Jessica Foley https://www.kingstonist.com/news/critical-forest-management-to-take-place-at-belle-park/ 6. Council approves 2031 Municipal Housing Pledge Received from the Kingstonist Feb 24 – Dylan Chenier https://www.kingstonist.com/city-hall/council-approves-2031-municipal-housing-pledge/ 7. President of MetalCraft Marine inducted into NMMA Hall of Fame Received from the Kingstonist Feb 22 – Jessica Foley https://www.kingstonist.com/news/president-of-metalcraft-marine-inducted-into-nmma-hall-of-fame/ FROM FARTHER AFIELD 8. The Minister of Transport launches new program to further prevent aquatic invasive species in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River regions, yahoo! finance, February 22, 2023. Today, the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Omar Alghabra, announced $12.5 million in funding to launch the Ballast Water Innovation Program as part of Canada’s Oceans Protection Plan. The program, which is a central component of the Government of Canada’s efforts to advance the implementation and enforcement of the 2021 Ballast Water Regulations, will play an important role in further reducing the spread of aquatic invasive species in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River region by investing in innovative solutions to ballast water management. 9. ‘Like a highway going right past us’: Nome grapples with its future as Arctic shipping traffic increases, Alaska Public Media, February 23, 2023. By 2050, ships traveling through the Arctic’s Northwest Passage may not need an icebreaker to escort them for the journey. In Nome, residents are wondering whether a new port will help or hinder efforts to address a myriad of chronic social problems. Some are also concerned that an onslaught of industrial marine traffic may impact Indigenous people, who have thrived along the coastline here for generations. 10. Tackling Climate Change on the Rideau Canal Skateway. Received from the National Capital Commission, Feb 16, 2023 NOTE: Ultimately, this could have a bearing on Inner Harbour Skating. “Ottawa is one of the coldest capitals in the world, and we really try to make the best of our long winters. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people make their way onto the world’s largest skating rink: the Rideau Canal Skateway. Over the years, the NCC’s knowledge of the science of ice has grown. Innovation has kept our experts at the leading edge of ice maintenance. But, as winters get warmer and wetter, skating seasons shorten and ice quality decreases. In 2022, the NCC partnered with Carleton University to address the impacts of climate change on the Skateway. This collaboration aims to keep this decades-long tradition alive. Shawn Kenny, a civil engineering professor from Carleton University, is one of the leads on this four-year collaboration. He’s working with our Skateway team to address the impacts of climate change. I met with him to talk about the science behind our climate change study. From slush cannons to ice probes, there are many solutions on the table. Keep reading to learn more. Data! Data! Data! Q: What are the main steps in this four-year project? A: The first two years will be about gathering data to improve our knowledge base. Using temperature sensors, drones and remote-sensing tools, we will look at local weather, ice thickness and snow cover along the Skateway. In the second and third years, as we collect more data, we will develop models to project or predict what will happen next. We will also explore solutions to lessen the impacts of climate change on the Skateway, and build the resilience of the ice. In the fourth year and going forward, we will evaluate solutions from years two and three, and recommend solutions that the NCC should pursue over time. The long-term goal is to help the NCC make informed decisions on adapting its operations. The Skateway, under pressure Q: What challenges are unique to the Skateway? A: From an engineering perspective, the Skateway and ice roads are very similar. The main difference is the location. The Skateway is situated within an urban area, whereas most ice roads are in remote locations. The Skateway faces urban pressures: surface water runoff, salt intrusion and heat from underground pipes, etc. The variation in depth is another challenge. It influences the heat and energy balance from the mudline to the ice cover. Q: Which sections of the Skateway are more problematic? A: The NCC has identified sections that can be problematic due to the urban stressors just mentioned. This includes the sections from Laurier Avenue to the National Arts Centre and from Concord Street to the University of Ottawa. We also have a challenge with wider sections of the canal, such as at Concord Street and near Holmwood Avenue, as these are larger areas which support a lot of snow. This causes deflection of the ice, and may allow water to infiltrate upward through cracks. This can decrease the overall strength of the ice cover Q: Do you already have solutions in mind? A: The ideas are still in development, but we are hopeful about three solutions: slush cannons, thermosyphons and enhanced snow management. Early season enablers Slush cannons would be useful to promote ice growth in the early part of the season. The idea is to spew slush onto the ice to make it thicker, faster. Pumps that use liquids and solids already exist in other industries, but the challenge will be to make a pump that works at a temperature of around zero degrees. Once it’s safe for crews to go onto the ice, standard flooding operations should resume, as they are more efficient. Thermosyphons Another technology that might have a high chance of success is one used in the Arctic, called thermosyphons. Simply put, a thermosyphon is a passive heat exchange system. This technology allows cold air to get beneath the foundation of a structure (like a building or a road embankment) and redistributes heat into the air, above the surface. If applied to the Skateway, this technology would promote ice growth by cooling the water beneath the ice. Better snow management We also need to find an efficient way to remove the snow when vehicles can’t go onto the Skateway. When snow accumulates, it forms an insulating blanket over the ice, and eats away at the surface. To freeze, ice needs to be exposed to as much air as possible. Snow needs to be moved, compacted, melted and flooded with water. Snow removal is an energy-intensive process. For every centimetre of snowfall, the NCC crew moves almost 125,000 kilograms of snow off the Skateway. That’s approximately equivalent to the weight of740,000 hockey pucks25,000 shovelfuls of snow280 polar bears21 “Frosters” (giant ice resurfacers used to maintain the Skateway)The Rideau Canal Skateway is in good hands, with the NCC’s Skateway team, along with the civil engineering students and their professors, working hand-in-hand on innovative solutions to the warming climate and its impact on the ice. We’re excited to see what the future holds for this iconic destination. Are you interested in learning more about what the NCC is doing to adapt to climate change? Check out the other initiatives under the NCC’s climate change adaptation project. Source: https://ncc-ccn.gc.ca/blog/tackling-climate-change-on-the-rideau-canal-skateway?_cldee=tbUCy6CG7mnvxZ9pvuPu8-NoQxA2G52GQpwroxv6rQ8MNFWtqJ_Y5HYdpp4jQlX-&recipientid=contact-e7084e999364ea1180cb0050568ece72-b48f58be9a1d40189353bf284e012d0f&utm_source=ClickDimensions&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=SDS_Feb23&esid=b055672f-9ea8-ed11-80e3-0050568ece72 11. Electric Zambonis Reduce Arena Air Pollution Received from CBC What on Earth, Feb 16, 2023 This EV is wiping out indoor air pollution in arenas across CanadaSwapping gas-powered vehicles for electric ones is key to fighting climate change. But Health Canada is touting one particular class of EV for their ability to curb indoor air pollution: electric ice resurfacers. In Canada, most arena ice resurfacers such as Zambonis are powered by natural gas or propane. Burning those fuels can generate indoor air pollutants such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide — the same ones produced by gas stoves. Cases have popped up in the news where rinks have had to be shut down, and in some cases dozens of people have been sent to hospital as a result of high levels of carbon monoxide, which can cause acute poisoning and be deadly. There have also been clusters of pollution-induced illness linked to nitrogen oxides, including one in British Columbia in 2019. Nitrogen oxides are also known to trigger asthma, which one study suggests is common among ice hockey players. Researchers suspect that’s exacerbated by a combination of cold air and indoor air pollutants during intensive training. From 2017 to 2020, Health Canada, along with the Saskatchewan Health Authority, conducted a study monitoring carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides at 16 arenas in Ottawa and northeastern Saskatchewan. Carbon monoxide levels were generally within Health Canada guidelines. But nitrogen oxides exceeded Health Canada’s short-term exposure limit at least some of the time at seven out of the 16 arenas. Those pollutants accumulated throughout the day with repeated ice resurfacing, peaking in the evening. And they were never completely cleared out by the ventilation system overnight. The researchers tried a number of strategies to remove the pollution. For example, extra ventilation sometimes made the building uncomfortably cold, and could boost heating costs, said Aaron Wilson, a scientific evaluator with Health Canada’s indoor air contaminant assessment section. But one solution was extremely effective: replacing gas-powered ice resurfacers with electric more or less eliminated the indoor air pollution, Health Canada found. Even at a rink that had nitrogen oxide levels above health guidelines multiple times, that solution brought them to the levels outdoors or below, Wilson said. In 2021, based on the study, Health Canada issued guidelines for improving air quality in arenas. Its top recommendation was using electric resurfacers and edgers to maintain the ice. “In the long run, I think that’s the solution to air pollution inside ice rinks,” Wilson said. Electric ice resurfacers have existed for decades — Zamboni introduced its first model at the 1960 Winter Olympics in Squaw Valley, Calif., but didn’t start selling a commercial battery-powered model until 1978. Today, several brands of electric ice resurfacers, along with electric edgers for smoothing the sides of the rink, are available in Canada. The Zamboni brand alone has 400 electric machines across the country, according to Greg Dean, the company’s vice-president of sales and brand management. The biggest fleet so far is in Montreal, with 31, followed by Strathcona County, Alta., with 13 and London, Ont., with 12. “There has been a strong uptick in interest in electric equipment,” he said in an email. Steve Kovacevic is general manager of Elmira, Ont.-based Resurfice, which offers both lead-acid and lithium ion battery electric models. While its fossil fuel options, which are still cheaper, used to be more popular, he said he’s noticed that now when communities issue tenders looking for new ice resurfacers, “they are looking to switch to electric machines — there’s no doubt about that.” — Emily Chung 12. “Death Spiral” for Enbridge? Received from National Observer, Feb 22, 2023 – John Woodside” Risk of ‘death spiral’ for Enbridge increases: rate hike application “Fossil fuel giant Enbridge faces the risk of a “death spiral” as the energy transition to renewables unfolds, according to evidence the company filed with the Ontario regulator. A death spiral could occur when customers, fed up with the increasing costs of gas, switch to cleaner and cheaper sources of energy. The evidence discussing the possibility of a death spiral is part of Enbridge’s 7,000-plus page application now in front of the Ontario Energy Board. Enbridge is asking the regulator for a customer rate hike to pay for a $16-billion expansion and replacement of its gas infrastructure. The risk of a so-called death spiral is referenced repeatedly in a report Enbridge commissioned from consulting firm Concentric Energy Advisors. “As customers switch to electric heat pumps to save on energy, there’s less and less people to pay for pipelines, and so rates need to go up,” said Kent Elson, a lawyer representing the non-profit Environmental Defence that is intervening in Enbridge’s application. “And that causes more people to switch to electric heat pumps to save money, which means there’s even less people to pay for the pipelines, and the rates need to go up even further.” That creates a negative feedback loop, where customers ditch the gas network in favour of cheaper alternatives, which undermines the business case for expanding gas infrastructure in the first place, he explained. “The real risk is to the most vulnerable customers because they would be the ones left holding the bag as rates go up and up and up,” Elson said. It is harder for lower-income people, renters, and others to ditch gas due to the upfront transition costs. When asked about the risk of a death spiral and what it was doing to mitigate those risks, Enbridge spokesperson Andrea Stass told Canada’s National Observer that because the application is now with the regulator, “we believe it is not appropriate for us to discuss questions on specific elements of the application outside of that process.” But Stass said “the need for climate change mitigation has become increasingly obvious,” and pointed to a June 2022 study Enbridge commissioned from Chicago-headquartered consulting firm Guidehouse that looked at using Enbridge’s pipeline system to deliver renewable natural gas, hydrogen, and other fuels. Concentric Energy Advisors does not predict when there will be a death spiral, and says it expects Enbridge would work to avoid one. But it states a death spiral scenario could be sparked if a “meaningful portion” of Enbridge’s customers transitioned off gas. The Enbridge Westover Exchange oil and gas terminal is seen from the Westover Community Park, which features a baseball diamond, playground, skating rink and picnic shelter, in Hamilton, Ont. Enbridge has applied to the Government of Ontario for future investments in fossil fuel infrastructure in the province. Concentric Energy Advisors explains in its report that the risk to natural gas companies like Enbridge posed by the transition to renewable energy has “fundamentally changed” over the past five years. The report references federal policies like Canada’s pledge to cut greenhouse gas emissions 40 to 45 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030 and the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act that puts into law intermediary emission reduction goals. It goes on to say that as the carbon tax escalates to $170 per tonne by 2030, the price advantage of natural gas compared to electricity will continue to erode. “The real risk is to the most vulnerable customers because they would be the ones left holding the bag as rates go up and up and up.” #onpoli #enbridge The report notes 48 municipalities in Ontario — from Aurora to Woolwich, and including cities like Toronto, Ottawa and Hamilton — have declared climate emergencies. There are also 21 communities in Ontario urging the Ontario government to phase out gas-fired electricity generation. Other business considerations come into view as the energy transition challenges the wisdom of new fossil fuel infrastructure. The report points to lower average gas use per residential customer, declining rates of new customers, weaker economic growth outlooks, and the Ontario regulator encouraging more competition. “We conclude that the risk of a ‘death spiral’ is higher today than it was in 2012,” the report says. The study was filed as evidence by Enbridge as part of its rate hike application to support its gas expansion plans. The increase, expected to range between $28 and $193 more annually per customer, depending on the region of the province, is to help compensate Enbridge for taking on more risk, Elson explained. “Enbridge is proposing ways to mitigate its own risk while opposing ways to mitigate risks for customers,” Elson said. He called it “hypocritical” because in other parts of Enbridge’s application, it’s arguing the risk isn’t enough for the regulator to protect customers. The regulator isn’t expected to make a decision on Enbridge’s application until November, but Elson said he plans to argue over the coming year that a separate fund should be set up to pay for pipeline decommissioning costs. It’s “not cheap,” he said, “and we really need to be setting aside money now in that kind of protected fund to make sure we don’t come up short when those pipelines, and if those pipelines, are no longer needed.” 13. Nature on the Hill – Event Reminder Received from Nature Canada, Feb 27, 2023 – Hannah Dean, Organizing Director Subject: REMINDER: Nature on the Hill 2023! “To our Nature Network friends, Do you want to raise your voice for nature? Do you want to meet with MP’s and cabinet ministers? Would you like to network with other Canadian nature groups? Sign up today for our 5th annual Nature on the Hill! This year, we are encouraging groups to come in-person on Parliament Hill in Ottawa from March 7th-9th! However, if coming in-person is not feasible for you, we can also accommodate virtual attendance! We need the Nature Network’s help in holding Members of Parliament and Ministers accountable to their commitments following COP15. TO REGISTER VISIT https://naturecanada.ca/natureonthehill/ Already signed up? Encourage other nature groups in your region to participate!Having a collective presence on Parliament Hill is especially important this year following the huge achievement Canada had hosting the United Nations 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) in Montréal this past December. The new global biodiversity framework announced at COP15, and adopted by 196 countries, is a breakthrough for nature and lays the groundwork needed for national and international efforts to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030. Our government delivered on their promise of showing leadership on the international stage and made big commitments at COP15, and now we need to make sure they get the job done. From March 7th – 9th we’ll be coming together as a strong voice for nature in meetings with elected officials. On the evening of March 7th, we’ll hold an orientation session to ensure that you will have all the tools you need to succeed in lobbying for nature. Then, on March 8th and 9th, you will hold meetings with MPs. Finally, all of our efforts will culminate with a celebratory reception on the evening of March 9th. We need your help. We’ll handle coordinating the meetings, all of the logistics, and will make sure you’ve got all the information you need to participate – we just need you show up and raise your voice for nature.” https://naturecanada.ca/natureonthehill/ 14. Stocking Salmon in Lake Ontario Received from Blue Fish News, Feb 22, 2023https://www.newyorkupstate.com/outdoors/2023/02/dec-will-stock-lake-ontario-with-nearly-1-million-salmon-in-2023-expects-excellent-fishing-season.html?utm_source=Blue+Fish+Subscribers&utm_campaign=9717a8bc99-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_12_11_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0d298b1276-9717a8bc99-227525936 15. Canada Racing to Net Zero. Data deficiency? Received from CBC What on Earth, Feb 16, 2023Canada is racing to net zero. But do we have the data to get us there?How much gasoline was used in Ontario in December? How many people retrofitted their homes and switched to heat pumps in 2022? And what were Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions last year? These sound like questions we should have definitive answers for, especially as Canada works toward its ambitious goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. But we don’t have the data, and experts say that’s an information hole we need to plug. “That’s the fundamental data gap to me: that we just don’t report these extremely important energy indicators,” said Nicholas Rivers, an associate professor at the University of Ottawa and a longtime climate economy modelling expert. “Having a better real-time sense of our emissions would enable us to better anticipate which kinds of policies we need and which trajectory we’re on, and whether our policies need to be adjusted.” Better information and data on Canada’s emissions and climate policies featured prominently in the Net-Zero Advisory Body’s annual report, which was released in January. The NZAB was established in 2021, and consists of independent experts from the business, advocacy, science and policy worlds. The NZAB’s job is to provide regular advice to the federal environment minister on how to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. “Information, solid information, is a prerequisite to a good strategy, a good plan. So that’s the situation we’re in right now, where people need the best information they possibly can get, the best data analysis and modelling,” said Dan Wicklum, co-chair of the NZAB. “We think that because this challenge is of such a great magnitude, [because] we will be spending hundreds of billions of dollars, that it behooves us as a society to inspect how we come up with our options of how to get to net zero.” The NZAB’s report has several recommendations related to improving data on Canada’s climate plans:Having a public “dashboard” with regularly updated indicators on Canada’s climate progress that people can quickly look up themselves — for example, the latest emissions statistics from the oil sands.Closing the two-year reporting gap on greenhouse gas emissions.Currently, Canada reports its annual emissions roughly two years later (so the emissions in 2020 were reported in 2022). The NZAB says Canada could report its emissions much sooner — like, for example, the U.K.Doing more regular modelling of climate plans and policies, and establishing a centre of excellence to support modelling. Energy and economic modelling helps estimate the emissions under different climate policies — for example, the emissions reductions if the government increases the carbon tax by a certain amount. “If you take a look at how much we’re spending or investing on data analysis [and] modelling compared to how much we will spend based on the outputs of the results of that body of work — it’s a remarkable mismatch,” Wicklum said. A government spokesperson said that Steven Guilbeault, the federal minister of environment and climate change, wouldn’t comment on the panel’s report for at least a month. At the moment, various government agencies and other organizations do climate-related modelling. Even the CBC has used economic modelling in the past — to compare the climate plans of different parties in the 2019 Canadian federal election. But all modelling relies on a set of assumptions, which have an impact on their outcomes. These are things like future employment, oil prices or immigration growth, which models cannot always predict. Wicklum said that models are only one tool that decision-makers should use — and a future centre for modelling could work on making those assumptions more transparent and do a better job explaining to the public what models can and cannot do. “A model is supposed to inform a decision, but there’s lots of other things that would inform that same decision as well,” Wicklum said. “As we up our game in Canada, for us, it’s not just more models … it’s also, I think, a community that is transparent on the strengths and weaknesses of their models and in their advice to decision-makers.” — Inayat Singh FOR FUN 16. The Very Deepest Part of the Earth’s Core Received from The Conversation, Feb 22, 2023 https://theconversation.com/in-a-new-study-weve-observed-clues-that-distinguish-the-very-deepest-part-of-earths-core-200258?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Latest%20from%20The%20Conversation%20for%20February%2022%202023&utm_content=Latest%20from%20The%20Conversation%20for%20February%2022%202023+CID_a5cd7242493067088e3a9d6c35ae01ec&utm_source=campaign_monitor_ca&utm_term=In%20a%20new%20study%20weve%20observed%20clues%20that%20distinguish%20the%20very%20deepest%20part%20of%20Earths%20core 17. Amazing Nature – Red Latex Dragon’s Blood https://amazingnature-bice.vercel.app/posts/a-perennial-plant-on-the-island-of-socotra-with-red-latex-called-dragons-blood-dracaena-cinnabari-lion/ 18. Great ideas for Interiors – Colour Blocks. https://www.archdaily.com/996803/making-it-pop-24-residential-interiors-that-embrace-color-blocking?utm_medium=email&utm_source=ArchDaily%20List&kth=1,232,598 So there we have it. In like a lion, out like a lamb they say. Cheers, Mary Farrar, President, Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour www.friendsofinnerharbour.com |