Dear Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour,
Thanks so much Rejean for the completely amazing short video of Inner Harbour beavers taken last month and for this update’s picture! These Inner Harbour beaver are so tame it’s unbelievable.
Thanks so much John Thomas for his great short kayaking video taken in May a couple of years ago that really shows the incredible wildlife along the Tannery shoreline.
And thanks for all involved in Cabbages and Kings, a 1970 video of the old guys who used to hang out in Doug Fluhrer Park which was known then as “The Willows”. A slice of really interesting Inner Harbour history.
Nothing is included on COVID news as so much is available elsewhere.
1. Rejean Lemay’s wonderful “Johnny Beaver Comes Marching Home”
2. John Thomas’s beautiful “Kayaking the Tannery Shoreline”
3. Peter Duffy and G. Laverty’s fascinating 1970 “Cabbages and Kings”
4. Rotary’s City-Wide Shoreline Clean-Ups, April 24
5. Heads up for HYDRA – first weekend in June
6. Third Crossing Update
7. Cycling Tours on the K&P
8. Serious Concern: Parks Canada’s Proposed Contamination Clean-up
9. Tribute to Bruce Kauffman
10. McBurney Park Improvement Project
11.Two Excellent Short Videos re Appropriate Downtown Development
12. Spring Flooding. Be Prepared
13. Avoid Cottage Rental Scams
14. Important City Zoning By-Law Meetings
15. Tax Info from MP Mark Gerretsen’s Office
16. New Kind of Artistic Activism
17. Doornekamp Lines: A New Alternative Transport Link
18. Line 5 Update
19. Water Levels Update
20. IJC’s Call for Better Great Lakes Cooperation
21. Making the Case Against “Greenwashing”.
22. Amazing Short Cicada Video
1. Rejean Lemay’s wonderful “Johnny Beaver Comes Marching Home
So many of us have really been enjoying watching these amazingly tame Inner Harbour beavers at the culvert near the Woolen Mill.
Here are a few accompanying notes sent by Rejean.
“The following comments complement those made in the video based on a back and forth conversation I had with Doug Knutson of Belleville and who has been very actively involved in the defense of,and promoting cohabitation with, beavers in urban and suburban areas.
Not in the video are the beaver calls which are quite interesting in themselves, often sounding like a baby crying. The calls were not used in the video because of ambient city sounds and passers-by talking. The individuals shown in the video would be considered “bank” beavers or “river” beavers – they don’t need to build a dam to survive. Nonetheless, it is surprising to see them coming out of a steel culvert. They usually like to have their entrance under water. Of course the water level has dropped a LOT this winter! Beavers are beavers – if they don’t need to build a dam (in a lake or river) they won’t – it depends totally on their circumstances.
There was no stash of unconsumed branches or sticks at the den’s entrance and this might explain why they are out searching for food so much. They have access to openings in the ice to get under it to dig up food. They are not ice-locked, though their mobility is still affected by ice coverage on the river which will open up any day now.
They are very vulnerable out on the snow or ice, so not their preference!Indeed, I spotted a red fox crossing on the ice-covered river on one of the days I was filming the beavers. Likewise but more troublesome for the beavers, a pack of six coyotes spent the best part of day-light hours on the river ice but nearer the opposite side of the Cataraqui River. Coyotes are a prime predator of beavers – and they would in all likeliness know of the beaver’s presence. Fortunately for the beavers, there was no dramatic footage for me to capture. In this instance, I would guess that the beavers were protected by the proximity of humans since coyotes are generally very leery of humans.
A few times, I followed and or walked along the larger of the two individuals on the ice near the shoreline as it was marching toward familiar feeding areas up to 500 m away from the den. Indeed the larger individual spends quite a bit of time feeding and possibly sheltering in a larger culvert 0.5 km from where the two individuals are generally seen together. Based on discussions with regular pedestrians, and fresh unmistakable signs of the presence of beavers, I would venture to say that at least one of the beavers cover about 1 km length of the Cataraqui River bank during the winter months. The smaller beaver appears to be more concerned about human presence and does not appear to venture as far from its “adopted” den. However, both beavers tolerated my presence with no sign of stress when I cautiously approached them for filming. They were not aggressive and did go about their business often right next to the often busy walking path where people frequently walk their dogs. The sounds of crushing snow and breaking ice under my feet, on the other hand, occasionally spooked the beavers. At all times I made sure they had an escape route if they became uncertain about my presence. Other times, while rummaging for food, the beavers would approach me to within a single meter in distance forcing me to retreat to another filming location. I am not sure if it helped being recognized as non-threatening, but I made a point of wearing the same clothing every time I paid them a visit.
Most passers-by and onlookers are thrilled to see the beavers, but some will inevitably make predictable comments including “look at all the property damage they do” referring to the small trees and shrubs the beavers have cut along the shoreline. “That is because they have no predators” as if they all needed to be exterminated by natural predators if not by humans. Well, those arguments only go so far when they are kindly asked who cut the forest where they are now standing? where they live? and who killed or forced out the natural predators of beavers? The bottom line is we humans have yet to figure out how to not only coexist but also cohabit with wildlife. Hence why organization such as Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour are paramount to preserving natural sites and its wildlife until we can learn to better cohabit with the natural beauty that surrounds us.
Cheers, Réjean”
2. John Thomas’s Beautiful “Kayaking the Tannery Shoreline”
This has been on our webpage for a while but really get you energized for the upcoming canoeing/kayaking season. Amazing turtles and other wildlife.
3. Peter Duffy and George Laverty’s “Cabbages and Kings”
3.Peter Duffy and George Laverty’s “Cabbages and Kings”
Wonderful old 1970 movie produced in Kingston directed by Peter Duffy and George Laverty starring Jerry Sheets, Ernie Lawless, and Peggy Blondell with Tom Marshall, Norma Edwards, Dennis Crossfield, Leslie Peters, Celeste and Bryn, Maggie and Kate, Zach Millegun, Wayne Clifford, Joe Whitehead, Joe Vankonnant, Stewart Ryan…and other Christophers.
Also involved in production: Robert Fresco, Bob Gallant, Ed Jeffers, Elenor Rush, Nancy Helwig, Mike Fuller, Allan Code, Roger Lamoureaux, Eric Nassar, Bill Bosworth, Ted Simons, Bob Herns, Frank Wheeler, Sanja Luthra, Peter Harcourt, Tom Daly, Donald Shebib and Eddie.
Acknowledgements: Quarry Films, Addiction Research Foundation, Canadian Filmmakers Co-op and CFRC Radio, and completed with a grant from the Canadian Film Development Foundation
4. Rotary’s City-Wide Shoreline Clean-Ups – April 24
Submitted by The Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup | Rotary in Kingston
Here is a great chance to come together with other community members for the benefit of all.
When you register with Eventbrite you will be contacted to say where you would like to help.
Facebook page: (5) rotary great lakes watershed cleanup april 24 2021 – Search Results | Facebook
Registration link:
E-mail account
Rotary event link
5. Heads Up for Hydra – First Weekend in June – specific times TBD.
Received from Tricia Knowles of Calliope Collective, mid-March
“Join us for a story in motion, created in collaboration by professional artists and community members!
HYDRA reimagines our annual Midsummer Celebration, as a unique, parade style event featuring multiple large scale art installations (“tableaux” or “floats”) on the water along Douglas Fluhrer Park’s shoreline. Where previous Calliope projects (The Longest Night, Midsummer’s Eve) encouraged an examination of participants’ relationship to the land by connecting with the changing of the seasons, HYDRA aims to encourage people to re-examine their relationship with our water.
To ensure the safety, we have to take into account the 2m distance rule for all our visitors. This means that everyone needs a ticket to watch the parade.
Showtimes and details on how to reserve your spot coming soon!
Volunteers are needed to help build a few platforms for our artists – if you have experience and can help out please email info[@]”.
Event by Calliope Collective,
Location: Douglas Fluhrer Park
6. Third Crossing Update
Received from the City March 16, 2021
“Engagement summary for Point St. Mark Drive and Gore Road intersection (south leg)
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the conversation and public engagement on this east-side intersection. This conversation started in August 2020 and continued into February 2021. The final design – a right-out only onto Gore Road – restricts vehicle access to prevent motorists from short-cutting through the Point St. Mark neighbourhood and includes new active transportation infrastructure for cyclists, pedestrians, transit users and multi-modal travellers.
A summary of the three-phased engagement, including the final design, is on our ‘Design Engagement’ page.
Next steps
Now that the designs for two east shore intersections are finalized (Point St. Mark Drive and Gore Road intersection and Highway 15 and Gore Road intersection), construction will begin later this spring. We will continue to update residents on the east shore prior to work beginning, but please anticipate traffic impacts as well as pedestrian, cycling and transit impacts. Construction work will be focussed along Gore Road from Point St. Mark Drive through to the intersection of Highway 15 and Gore Road.
Concrete girders continue to roll in.. not really but you get the idea We now have 20 of the 95 concrete girders placed for the Third Crossing. Concrete girders and steel girders will continue to arrive on the east and west shores throughout spring and into the summer. Naming Campaign The naming campaign for the Third Crossing has launched! The naming campaign is seeking a name that reflects and celebrates the stories and contributions of Indigenous communities, both past and present in Kingston and area. As Mayor Paterson shared at the launch, “We know that as a City we need to broaden our understanding of Kingston’s history by incorporating more Indigenous stories, and to facilitate a community dialogue that prioritizes reconciliation. The naming of the new bridge is one step towards these important goals. It will encourage further conversation and education and is an exciting opportunity to celebrate the contributions of the local Indigenous community.” If you are a member of the local Indigenous community and are interested in participating in the conversations around naming themes, please email us at The first virtual meeting is expected to be late March with the other remaining three meetings every other week until May. Participants are not required to attend all meetings. Anticipated schedule of engagement and activities for naming: Step 1: (February – March) Inform the public on naming campaign and opportunities to share input. Step 2: (February – May) Consultations with Indigenous Nations with historical ties to the area as well as with interested members of the local Indigenous community. Consensus will be reached on naming themes or concepts as well as short list of potential names. Step 3: (June – Aug) Engagement with the public. Step 4: (Sept-October) Reconvene with Indigenous Nations with historical ties to the area as well as with interested members of the local Indigenous community on feedback received through engagement with the public. The preferred name will be confirmed. Step 5: (November – December) Inform Mayor and Council Step 6: (Dec) Public announcement of name and continued community education around the name’s meaning and origin. Education will be ongoing in 2022. Follow the campaign and learn about upcoming meetings on our website. Congratulations to our Third Crossing Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) partners KIEWIT and Bauer Foundations who recently won a Transportation Infrastructure Innovation Award from the Ontario Road Builders Association for the Third Crossing. This award acknowledges the project team’s work using innovative building techniques and methods, such as their use of a lift bridge, instead of a drill rig, and a rock causeway over the navigation channel in the Cataraqui River. These innovations were able to reduce the project’s carbon footprint. The award also recognizes the use of the (IPD), which the Third Crossing project is pioneering for the first time in Canada to build a bridge. In this model, the budget of $180M is set and the City, the contractor, Kiewit, and the designer, Hatch, work together to deliver the project within that budget. Together, all partners share the risk and reward to deliver the best possible project. Read more about the award and the IPD model. Pittsburgh Library Branch heritage stone wall – partial dismantling As the team continues building out the Third Crossing and related infrastructure, part of the heritage stone wall on the Pittsburgh Library Branch site has temporarily been dismantled. This work, which has been approved by Kingston City Council and the Heritage Committee, is being done to accommodate roadwork related to the bridge and active transportation elements. Approximately 16 metres of the wall’s total 40 metres has been carefully dismantled and will be rebuilt on a connecting right angle to the current stone wall formation once all roadwork and related active transportation elements are complete. Thank you for your continued patience as we complete this work. Learn more about Third Crossing at our website: Send us an |
Bat houses As part of our work with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, four bat houses were installed in spring 2019 on the east shore of the Cataraqui River. The bat houses are part of the project’s Tree Management Plan. Although the installation of further bat houses is not required, tree management and habitat protection is important to the health of the community. The project team is planning to install an additional 18 bat houses, which means we will have 22 bat houses in total. The bat houses will be installed on the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority lands, sometime this spring. |
7. Cycling Tours on the K&P
Received from Canadian Geographic March 12, 2021
We are finally being promoted by Ontario by Bike!
8. Serious Concerns re Parks Canada & Transport Canada’s Proposed Contamination Clean-up
Bob Clark from Metal Craft Marine forwarded me an e-mail a few days ago from Lisa Mcdonald of Transport Canada with news that Parks Canada and Transport Canada are teaming up to do an assessment of the contaminants in the water in the Inner Harbour. Thanks Bob!
The person in charge is Dave Lawrence, Senior Project Manager, Environmental Services and Contaminated Sites.
I talked with him on the phone the day before yesterday.
He said the RFP to go out shortly is for a Detailed Design for Remediation. Choosing who will be the consultant will take about a year.
They are planning on assessing 1.7 km of shoreline on the west side of the Great Cataraqui River from La Salle Causeway to Belle Park and out in the water towards the east as far as the eastern tip of Belle Island.
As part of this process community consultations are currently projected to take place in early July.
I’m still a bit confused as to how this will all work but Dave Lawrence assured me that there would be broad outreach to stakeholders.
He is also in touch with Paul MacLatchy at the city and had a meeting last month that involved several city departments.
Evidently there will be a “Detailed Impact Assessment” in keeping with the new federal Impact Assessment Act. I’m not sure what that is. But Dave said it would basically be an Environmental Assessment.
Evidently the scientific basis for this decision started with what the RMC Environmental Sciences Group published a while back but that Transport Canada and Parks Canada have done more work in the intervening years. He didn’t know the details of what the more recent research was.
Of major concern are Chromium from the Tannery, PAHs from oil contaminants, and PCBs (not quite sure where these came from.) Evidently, the consultants will assess the current state of these contaminants in the river on the west side extending out as far as the eastern point of Belle Island and from the LaSalle Causeway to Belle Park. Options will then be discussed as to what to do.
The options he mentioned specifically were whether to leave well enough alone, or proceed with some sort of dredging, or lay down a layer of sand as a cap of sorts. So that’s where things stand at the moment.
To contact him directly?
I did contact three people with Parks Canada, Smith’s Falls about concerns before the phone call with Dave: Mark Brus, Valerie Minelga and Hillary Knack. We had had a previous meeting with them about turtles back in 2019.
We remain very concerned about the extensive turtle habitat in Kingston’s Inner Harbour. Nature seems to be doing an amazing job of healing itself – without any need for human interference.
9. Tribute to Bruce Kauffman
Couldn’t resist sharing this lovely tribute. Bruce does so much for the community. Thank you Bruce!
10. McBurney Park Improvement Project
About the Project
McBurney Park, located in the Inner Harbour neighbourhood, is often referred to as Skeleton Park because the site was once part of the Upper Burial Ground, which closed in 1864. The park was built over the cemetery in 1890. As there may be burials near the surface, any work within the park must be carefully reviewed by a licensed archaeologist and meet provincial regulations.
Planned park improvements:
– converting the existing wading pool into a splash pad
– replacing the safety surfacing in the playground
– replacing some playground equipment
– new pathway with seating
Construction within the park will be monitored by an archaeologist. The footprints and infrastructure for the splash pad and playground upgrade have been maintained within their existing footprints as much as possible to limit potential disturbances.
11. Excellent Short Video re Appropriate Downtown Development
So well done!
Hearings re Homestead’s proposal for downtown high rises begin March 29, 2021
In our considered opinion, given the huge amount of building happening in Williamsville and the potential for a lot more building a short walk from the downtown – when the North King’s Town Report is completed, there really is no need for high rises in the historic downtown.
Have a look at the video and see what you think.
Here is another video worth watching to help us learn from Vancouver’s mistakes rather than simply copying them.
Current media release from the Frontenac Heritage Foundation:
“History and Intensification Can Coexist in Kingston: Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to Hear for the Second Time Arguments Against Towers Proposed by Homestead Land Holdings Ltd. in North Block, Kingston Kingston—
In a five-year saga over the character of Kingston’s historic downtown,some have created an artificial argument that pits maintaining a historic area against desired intensification. In fact, the Frontenac Heritage Foundation has shown the two outcomes can coexist beautifully. Ken Greenberg, urban designer, city building advocate and author who received the Order of Canada in 2020 says: “Kingston has done a remarkable job of preserving its built heritage and in so doing produced an admirable quality of life. Of course, things evolve and building on that legacy by adding more life and activity in your downtown is desirable. But the question is how. The proposed tower development puts that success at riskand as my colleague George Baird has conclusively demonstrated is entirely unnecessary. More significantly, you would not be getting two towers in your historic core but a wave of copy-cat developments. Given the current workings of LPAT, the genie would be out of the bottle and it would be impossible to put it back.” As a recap to date, two landmark rulings have been made to preserve the unique features of Kingston’s historic core by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (‘LPAT’). The first was against the application by IN8 for 223 Princess Street (16 storeys). The most recent of these was issued in August 2019 when a detailed decision denied approval for Homestead Land Holdings Ltd. and the City of Kingston’s development application for 19- and 23-storey towers on Queen St. At the end of the latter hearing, Chair Valiante considered all the evidence presented, and ruled in favour of the argument presented by a team of expert witnesses retained by the Frontenac Heritage Foundation when she assessed the impact of the proposed towers on the neighbouring buildings and historic downtown. She dismissed Homestead’s appeals. Developer Homestead Land Holdings Ltd. then argued to the LPAT that the decision should be set aside. In January 2020, the Tribunal ordered a second hearing, which was delayed due to the pandemic. This is now scheduled as a virtual hearing for a total of ten days, to begin March 29, 2021. At the initial hearing, questions about what development potential was allowed under the existing height limits could not be answered, so the Foundation commissioned George Baird, a founding member of Baird Sampson Neuert Architects, to prepare an alternate scenario to determine to what extent the development desired by Homestead Land Holdings Ltd could be met. The question Can 400 rental units, office and commercial space and parking be created while keeping to the vision of Kingston’s Official Plan? The answer is, YES, and is demonstrated in a video commissioned by the Foundation that also aptly summarizes the recent history of the debate. “This wonderful film evocatively demonstrates the importance of Kingston’s unique heritage assets and how vital it is that we all work to protect them,” said Christine Sypnowich, chair of the Coalition of Kingston Communities and president of the Barriefield Village Association. “Particularly interesting is the disappointing refusal of the developer in question to consider alternative proposals. The people of Kingston owe the Frontenac Heritage Foundation a big vote of thanks for the invaluable work they are doing to fight unsympathetic development in our historic downtown. I hope that they get the support they need and deserve.” Shirley Bailey, president of the Frontenac Heritage Foundation believes that Kingstonians are rightly passionate about their city and adds: “We hope people will take time to watch this eyeopening video that shows that we can address intensification while maintaining the unique character that makes Kingston a fantastic tourism destination.” Here is the link:
The Foundation wishes to thank George Baird, and David Donnelly for their assistance in making this video, and also Kathleen Gutzman for her work on the production. For information, contact: Shirley Bailey, President, Frontenac Heritage Foundation Contact info: 343-363-1901, “
12. Spring Flooding. Be Prepared
Received from the City, March 15, 2021
The City urges residents who live in flood-prone areas to be prepared in the event of flooding.
While Cataraqui Conservation does not expect widespread flooding at this time, the City reminds residents that every neighbourhood is at risk of basement flooding, even if it’s never happened before.
“Flooding is one of the costliest natural hazards in Ontario. Don’t wait until it happens. If you live near water or in a low-lying area, it’s important to have a plan in place. Spring is a wet season. Prepare yourselves and your property now,” says Brandi Timpson, Emergency Preparedness Manager.
Residents are invited to review the links and messages, below, to help prepare for the possibility of flooding – and follow the City’s Twitter feed @CityofKingston.
Flooding forecast links to bookmark:
Cataraqui Conservation’s Flood Forecasting and Warning page.
Provincial Lake Ontario Flood Watch updates.
City and Utilities Kingston Flood-related resources:
The City’s Flooding page explains what to do before, during and after a flood.
The City’s Emergency Management page offers information on how to be prepared for risks facing the Kingston region – including extreme weather.
Utilities Kingston offers “Flood Facts” that explain how to reduce the likelihood of sewer back-ups in your neighbourhood.
These include:
– Having a plumber regularly inspect your sewer lateral.
– Disposing of kitchen fats, oils and greases (FOGs) in your Green Bin and not down your drain.
– Checking your sump pump and sanitary backwater valve for proper operation and following the manufacturer’s maintenance recommendations.
– Ensuring your downspouts are clear of debris so water routes safely away.
– Reducing your use of water on rainy days.
What to do if you experience flooding
Entering a flooded basement could be hazardous! When in doubt, don’t enter the flooded area until you are told it is safe by a qualified professional. Utilities Kingston offers instructions on what to do if your basement has flooded. Report your flood or backup using Utilities Kingston’s online reporting form or by calling them at 613-546-0000.
13. Avoid Cottage Rental Scams
Received from The Kingstonist, March 17, 2021 – Jessica Foley
Police provide tips to avoid cottage rental scams
“The Kingston Police Fraud Unit said they have recently been assigned investigations pertaining to cottage rental scams being perpetrated in our region.
Ads for these fraudulent vacations have been posted on free classified websites such as Kijiji, and Marketplace. According to a release from Kingston Police, the scammers take photos of cottages that have been posted in legitimate ads elsewhere and create fake ads and accounts utilizing these pictures. Police say victims reach out to the scammers, believing that they are legitimate cottage and property owners, and are then tricked into sending a down payment, either via e-transfer or through a money transfer service to an overseas destination.
Kingston Police provide the following advice to individuals looking to rent a cottage this upcoming season:
– If you are planning to rent a cottage, rent one through a business that specializes in cottage rentals. They are less likely to scam you as their business reputation is on the line. Some businesses also will rebook a customer into a new place of greater or equal value, or if unavailable will refund the payment.
– Check Reviews
Tripadvisor, Google, Yelp, Air BnB and other major websites make use of guest reviews to let you know what you are walking into. Always do your research. Don’t always trust hand written reviews shown on websites that have no real names or faces behind them. It’s very easy for someone to type “This cottage was amazing – Ben” or “Thank you so much for the amazing rental – Samantha”. Only trust reviews from creditable sources.
– Obtain as much contact information as you can
Many scams can be avoided by simply talking on the phone. Scam artists love to hide behind their computer keyboards. If you can call and speak to a real person each time, you are far less likely to be duped as most scam artists would prefer to hide behind a computer screen in the shadows. Make sure to get a full name, phone numbers, email address, and location of the rental.
– Avoid renting from people with free email accounts
Most scams occur when communicating over email, and the account is free. It’s very easy for scam artists to delete an email account once it has been used, and create another free one again to defraud the next unsuspecting victim. Be very careful when communicating with people with accounts from @hotmail, @gmail, @yahoo and other popular free services.
– Use a credit card – Avoid E-Transfers and direct deposits
Paying for a vacation rental with a credit card is a very safe method of payment. Your credit card company will often protect you against any purchases that are fraudulent and it is very hard for scam artists to continue to operate when they accept credit cards for payments as it can be very easily traced. Bank to bank transfers are also not the best idea unless you know for sure that the person you are booking from is trustworthy.
Ask to see the property in person
It may be difficult, especially if you are travelling from out of town, but asking to see the property in person is another way to reduce your chances of being scammed. Many scam artists will use excuses or completely avoid talking to you anymore if you request to see the property. Even simply asking the question may be able to offer you more concrete insight in regards to the legitimacy of the ad and whether or not it may be fraudulent.
– Too good to be true
Have you ever found a rental property where the price is just too good to pass up? Scam artists prey on desperation and there is no better way to spark this feeling inside of you then when you see a gorgeous spot for an incredible price and feel like you just have to have it. Resist these urges because, as police often warn, if a deal seems too good to be true it likely is.
– Avoid high pressure sales tactics
One of the most common high pressure sales tactics used by scammers is “If you don’t book now, it will simply get taken by someone else”. This of course seems fairly obvious. If their property can so easily be rented to someone else, then why are the scammers so worried and committed to renting it to only you? When the owner seems desperate, it’s generally not a good sign and could indicate that the posting is a scam.
14.Important Zoning By-Law Planning Meetings
Received from the City March 11, 2021
Editor’s Note: By-Laws are very important pieces of city governance used when housing and development permits are issued.
Laura Flaherty, Project Manager, Planning Services is the contact
An information report was presented to Council on November 17, 2020 and these two upcoming meetings follow from that. .
Sadly I’m finding it impossible to copy and paste from the newly formatted city webpage. This is the best I can do by way of further info.
Report Number PC-21-022 is on the March 4th Planning Committee agenda, outlining the anticipated phase three timeline and identifying potential dates for special meetings of Planning Committee for the Discussion Papers.
If you have any questions or would like to provide updated feedback, please do not hesitate to contact me. We will continue to provide updates to this email list when events are scheduled or documents are uploaded in the future. If you would like to “unsubscribe” from this list, please email
Two Important Upcoming Meetings:
Thursday, April 29th at 6 pm
– Schools & Places of Worship
– Environmental Protection Areas & the Ribbon of Life
Wednesday, June 23rd at 6 pm
– Tiny Houses, Shipping Containers & Additional Residential Units
– Parking Standards
Planning Committee meetings are held virtually on the Zoom platform. If you are unable to participate on the Zoom platform, a call in option is also available.The meetings are also live streamed on the City’s Youtube Channel if you simply wish to watch, but not participate. The meeting agendas and the Zoom registration information will be published to the City’s website the Friday before the meeting.
15. Tax Info from MP Mark Gerretsen’s Office
Received March 11, 2021
Here’s what you need to know for the 2021 tax filing season:
The deadline to file your taxes is April 30th, 2021.
It is important to file your taxes on time to ensure you continue to receive the Canada Child Benefit, and other credits to which you are entitled.
If you are self-employed, your deadline is June 15th, 2021.
Online filing opened on February 22nd, 2021. To get your notice of assessment (NOA) and refund faster and avoid delays, the CRA encourages you to sign up for direct deposit and to file online
Paper filing may take 10-12 weeks for the CRA to issue your assessment due to on-site processing limitations in tax centres.
Paper applications are available to order: Order the 2020 Income Tax Package
Filing if you received COVID-19 emergency benefits
The CRA and Service Canada processed more than 27 million Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) applications, totalling more than $81 billion in payments to Canadians
The CRA also processed more than 2 million Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB) applications that totalled more than $2 billion in payments
If you received CERB, CESB, Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB), Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB), or Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) payments, you will have to enter on your return the total of the amounts you received. You will receive a T4A (for benefits issued by the CRA) and/or a T4E (for benefits issued by Service Canada) tax slip in the mail with the information you need for your return.
You can view tax slips online as of February 8, 2021 in My Account. Residents of Quebec will receive both a T4A and RL-1 slip from the CRA, however, the RL-1 slip will not be available for viewing in My Account.
The CRA recognizes that receiving these slips might generate questions for Canadians. Individuals who believe they received a T4A or a RL-1 by mistake or believe there may be discrepancy with the information provided on these slips should contact the CRA.
Need Assistance? The CRA has introduced the following measures this year:
Adding more call centre agents and extending call hours to give taxpayers more time to have their tax and benefit questions answered;
Providing a targeted interest relief for Canadians who received COVID-19 related income support benefits, giving them more time and flexibility to pay if they have an amount owing;
Expanding payment arrangement parameters to provide Canadians more time and flexibility to repay a tax debt-those who are in difficult financial situations who find themselves owing money can call a CRA agent for help, toll-free at 1-888-863-8657 between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Eastern time, Monday to Friday (except holidays);
Helping employees cope with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic by making the deduction for home office expenses more accessible and easier to claim;
Supporting community organizations who offer free virtual tax help to individuals with modest income and a simple tax situation through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP);
Offering a Liaison Officer service that provides free personalized virtual visits by phone or videoconference to small business owners and self-employed individuals to help them understand their tax obligations.
Get in touch with the CRA: Before calling the CRA, Canadians are encouraged to consult online services or My Account.
CRA Individual Tax Inquiries Line – 1-800-929-8281 – Agents available Monday to Friday, 9am – 9pm, with Callback Service this year
My constituency office is also open and available to support you.
Please call 613-542-3243 or email if you have questions or require assistance
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this unprecedented tax season.
As always, keep safe and stay well.
Mark Gerretsen, MP, Kingston and the Islands
16. New Kind of Artistic Activism
The Ballerina Dancing on Ice for a Real ‘Swan Lake’
A Russian ballerina from the world-renowned Mariinsky Theatre dressed in full costume performs scenes from Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake… not on stage though, but on the frozen Gulf of Finland.
This is Ilmira Bagrautinova’s way of objecting against the construction of a port in Batareinaya Bay, a popular beach about 100 km west of St Petersburg, Russia’s second largest city.
Bagrautinova danced in -15C and posted her videos online. As she explains to BBC Russian’s Ekaterina Venediktova, she hopes her performance will save real swans which nest in the bay.
Video produced by Kateryna Khinkulova
17. Doornekamp Lines is the New Alternative to Rail and Truck Transport from the East Coast to the Ontario Market, Picton Terminals (Prince Edward, Ontario), March 18, 2021. Doornekamp Lines is Eastern Ontario’s newest mode of transportation. Doornekamp Lines Halifax-Picton (and stops in between) service moves product by marine shipping and serves importers and exporters in Ontario. We move all types and sizes of containers, heavy lift, breakbulk, project cargo, etc. Future plans for Phase 2 include a bi-weekly service between Picton, Ontario and Cleveland, Ohio. We are proud to announce global shipping leader CMA CGM Group will be one of many customers to have containers sailing on our service in 2021. With a presence in 160 countries, 110,000 employees worldwide and a fleet of 502 vessels, CMA CGM is bringing their unique cargo solutions to customers in Ontario and the Great Lakes region.
18. US courts would take ‘many years’ to resolve Line 5 dispute with Michigan: Enbridge, CTV News, March 16, 2021. Courts in the United States would take “many, many years” to resolve the battle between Canada and Michigan over Line 5, the pipeline’s operator told MPs Tuesday as he pleaded for a negotiated solution to the dispute. Shutting down the cross-border pipeline would trigger a major jobs and energy crisis in both countries and hamstring collective efforts to confront climate change, Enbridge Inc. executive vice-president Vern Yu told a House of Commons committee. Yu, who runs the Calgary company’s liquid pipeline division, was quick to note that Enbridge doesn’t see any way in which a U.S. court would grant Whitmer’s request for an injunction shutting down Line 5. A federal judge in Grand Rapids, Mich., is currently ruminating on whether or not the case belongs in state court. A hearing is scheduled for May 12.
19. Great Lakes water levels tracking below record-setting 2020, but still above average, MLive (Ann Arbor, Michigan), March 11, 2021. Great Lakes water levels continue to track below 2020′s record levels although Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie remain well above long-term average levels. Lake Ontario recently fell slightly below long-term average levels, according to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials who track and forecast Great Lakes water levels. The February 2021 monthly mean water levels ranged from 7 to 23 inches below levels from this time last year. The most recent six-month forecast of Great Lakes water levels predicts levels to remain below record high levels, but above average on all lakes, except Lake Ontario. Lake Ontario is forecast to remain near average levels
20. Excellent Overview from the International Joint Commission on the need for a coordinated consistent approach to Climate Change for the Great Lakes.
21. The Big Picture: Making the Case against “Greenwashing”. Received from March 19, 2021 Sensing growing public concern about the health of the planet, many companies have in recent years gone on the offensive by touting environmentally friendly new products or a (nebulous) change in their business philosophy. Environmental activists have long been suspicious of such pronouncements, as they often conflict with how companies actually pad their bottom line. This week, the advocacy groups Greenpeace USA, Global Witness and Earthworks are taking a novel step: They are filing a complaint about “greenwashing” with the Federal Trade Commission in the U.S., which investigates fraudulent advertising. The group’s target: oil and gas giant Chevron. The California-based company has been promising to take steps to reduce emissions, but Greenpeace et al. say its stated pursuit of “ever-cleaner energy” is misleading because Chevron’s existing production plans may end up nullifying any pledged emissions cuts. Chevron has called the FTC complaint “frivolous” and insists that it engages in “honest conversations about the energy transition.” Either way, it’s clear that green activists believe that the FTC could be a useful venue in their fight against Big Oil. 23. Amazing Video about Cicadas. You will never listen to them the same way again. Looking forward to summer! So that’s it for now. Hope you are getting out to enjoy the wonderful spring weather. Cheers, Mary Farrar, President, Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour |