Dear Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour,First of all thanks so much to Dan and Rita Schultze for the amazing pic.
Snapper totally covered in mud coming out of hibernation.
Second, we really do need citizen-science volunteers – Only 21 volunteers so far this year and we want to extend our area to include Belle Park and the Third Crossing – where work related to construction has already begun. Monitoring will begin mid-May with training sessions on May 12 and 13. Invites to training in due course. And if you can’t make it, we will organize an individual session for you.
And, if any of you on the east side of the river might be interested, we would love to have you send in the odd picture/data sheet as well? Please consider giving a half hour of your time once a week for as many weeks as you can in May/June/July.
1) “Reconciliation in the Watershed” workshop, Sat, May 18
2) Citizen-Science Turtle Project, 2019
3) “Density by Design; Kingston’s Mid-Rise and Tall Buildings Policies”,
Community Outreach – Apr 29 – May 2
4) Belle Park Open House & Indigenous Consultation – May 1, 2
5) Jane’s Walks, 2019, May 3-5
7) A Day with a Turtle Researcher, May 4
8) “A Finger on the Pulse of the Upper St. Lawrence River”
Beaty Water Research Centre Seminar, Wed, May 8
9) Commuter Challenge, 2019 – Heads Up: June 2-8
10) Kingston By Bike – Really fun and interesting tours
11) Archaeological Volunteers needed
12) Family BioBlitz Heads Up: May 29 – June 2, Wintergreen Studios
13) Climate Change at City Hall
14) New Museum Policy to reflect Truth and Reconciliation
1) “Reconciliation in the Watershed” workshop, Sat, May 18
What: This wonderful free workshop we are offering in partnership with Amelia Berot-Burns of KAIROS Peterborough and Grandmother Dorothy of the Curve Lake Reserve will include a PowerPoint on watersheds in Ontario and the Indigenous groups who lived there as well as small group activities. We will come to a deeper understanding of water and our connections to one another and to the watersheds we have lived in over the course of our lives. Lisa Cadue is preparing her totally amazing venison chili for lunch. Vegetarian options also available. Donations however large or small will be appreciated.
When: Saturday, May 18, 10 am – 4 pm
Where: Frontenac Village Condo Common Room. To get there go as far north as possible on King St until you come to the cul-de-sac that is the entry to the parking garage. Signs will be there directing you on foot to the common room. There should be free parking in the city’s Anglin Parking lot nearby. If you need wheelchair access, contact Mary – inverarymary@yahoo.com
NOTE: Registration required. Fully booked.
If you want to be on the wait list, contact inverarymary@yahoo.com.
2) Citizen-Science Turtle Project, 2019
This year we are happy to be joined by Matt Keevil, PhD grad student, who is writing up his thesis on freshwater turtles at the same time as helping us out. A truly amazing and wonderful addition to our efforts. Once again we are delighted to have Kenny Ruelland of Reptile and Amphibian Advocacy with us as well as grad student Lesley Rudy and student volunteer Meghan North. The best team ever!
This year we are extending our efforts. We have divided what we will cover into three sections: a) the Doug Fluhrer Park area, b) from Molly Brant Point up to and including the south shore of Belle Park, and c) the north shore of Belle Park up to and including the area being fenced off for Third Crossing construction. As in the past years, most of the volunteer monitoring will be in the Doug Fluhrer Park area. If you live on the east side of the river, we would also love to talk with you about sending in a few pics of what you see.
Please consider giving a half hour of your time once a week during nesting season (mid-May to mid July) to help us learn more about these critically endangered species and their habitat.
More info? Mary – inverarymary@yahoo.com
3) “Density by Design; Kingston’s Mid-Rise and Tall Buildings Policies”,
Community Outreach – Apr 29 – May 2
What: City of Kingston Public Consultation on concerns about mid-rise and tall building design policies. “This consultation will educate and inform residents on the basics of design features for buildings greater than 4 storeys, and on the importance of design in creating liveable spaces that support community. Effective mid-rise and tall building design policies present an opportunity to support Kingston’s goal of providing more affordable housing options to residents while encouraging environmental sustainability and creating vibrant hubs of activity within the City. Furthermore, effective policies can work to conserve and enrich built heritage in the City.
This project will complement other work the City is doing to support intensification and will provide clear direction on the design of mid-rise and tall buildings in the City. It will result in the preparation of draft policies for inclusion in the Official Plan.
It is not the intent of these policies to outline where mid-rise or tall buildings will be located in the City. Phase 2 of this work will follow in 2020 that will explore the appropriate location of these types of buildings relative to the Official Plan.”
When/Where: In order to collect citizen feedback, the city is offering five events as well as the opportunity to participate in stakeholder meetings with the project team.
Meetings will be held at a variety of locations from Apr 29 – May 2.
Mon Apr 29, 5:30-7:00 PM, INVISTA CENTRE, Rm A/B
Tue Apr 30, 9:30-11:00 AM, GORE RD FIRE HALL (in Pittsburgh District )
Tue Apr 30, 6:30-8:00 PM, CITY HALL, MEMORIAL HALL
Thurs May 2, 10:30 AM-12:00 PM, CITY HALL, MEMORIAL HALL
Registration? Visit www.cityofkingston.ca/densitybydesign
More info? Andrea Gummo – agummo@cityofkingston.ca
4) Belle Park Open House & Indigenous Consultation – May 1, 2
What: Drop in to see the Master Plan and chat with City staff
“The Belle Park Master Plan reflects the feedback and ideas received over the course of the public consultations with residents, the Indigenous community and other stakeholders,” says Neal Unsworth, manager, parks development.
The master plan being presented offers a phased approach to the long-term management of the 80-acre site, and includes increased areas for naturalization, shoreline protection measures and options for recreational activities near the clubhouse and Montreal Street.
Belle Park sits on a former landfill on the shores of the Cataraqui River – part of the UNESCO-designated Rideau Canal waterway. Plans to manage the site as a former landfill are ongoing and are not altered by the master plan.
Where: Belle Park Clubhouse, 731 Montreal St.
When: Wed, May 1: 10 a.m.-12 p.m., 2-4 p.m. or 6-8:30 p.m.
NOTE: Presentation of the designs at 6:30 pm will include a Q&A opportunity.
Thurs, May 2, 6-8 p.m: Indigenous Consultation
More info? Neal Unsworth, Manager of Parks – nunsworth@cityofkingston.ca
Also see video interview with up-to-date thoughts: https://www.facebook.com/TheCityOfKingston/videos/vb.327971477301533/2083078435325612/?type=2&theater
5) Jane’s Walks, 2019, May 3-5
Once again a great series of community walks in celebration of Jane Jabobs, community activist.
Should be wonderful. Have a look.
I am doing an Inner Harbour tour once again on Sat, May 4 at 10 am and Roger Healey will do his K&P Tour starting at noon on May 4. All welcome.
7) A Day with a Turtle Researcher – May 4
A great half day event for those of you who might be interested.
I have one free ticket if you are interested –
8) “A Finger on the Pulse of the Upper St. Lawrence River”
Beaty Water Research Centre Seminar, Wed, May 8
Who: Dr. McGaughey is an ecologist, who completed her BSc and MSc degrees in Biological Sciences. Before she obtained her PhD from the University of British Columbia, she worked in Australia for Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute as part of the Abolone Research team to provide scientific support to the fishing industry. Her postdoctoral research at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre focused on developing indicators for fisheries and conservation applications. She is currently based in Cornwall and is a Project Scientist with the River Institute.
When: Wed, May 8, 2:30 – 3:30 pm,
Where: School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Rm 101, Queen’s University, Kingston
NOTE: Refreshments provided.
9) Commuter Challenge, 2019 – Head Up: June 2-8
What: The Commuter challenge is a week-long competition between Canadian cities and workplaces that celebrates active and sustainable transportation. Help Kingston win in the competition with cities of comparable size. Last year we were beaten for the first time!!! Not good!!!
When: During the week of June 2 – 8, 2019, log in to track our Greenhouse Gas reductions!
NOTE: Active transportation includes cycling, walking, taking the bus, carpooling, telecommuting, and any other form of transportation that isn’t driving alone in a car!
Registration: Commuter Challenge website: https://commuterchallenge.ca/
10) Kingston By Bike – Really fun and interesting tours
What: For quite a few years now, Steve Lawrence has conducted information-filled bicycle tours, taking visitors from all over the world cycling around Kingston during our tourist season. As he states:
“It is a real pleasure to be able to ride around the city on a beautiful summer day, explaining at intervals why Kingston is such a special place, one so full of history and beauty.
My bike tour of Kingston starts at City Hall and over the course of a roughly 3 hour tour you will see many things of natural and cultural interest, including the Royal Military College and Queen’s campuses, parks and the lakeshore trail, harbours and prisons, British Empire landmarks, and historic buildings including Bellevue house. No one has ever had a problem with the 14-kilometre distance, as the route is pretty flat and the pace is leisurely, and I can promise you an enjoyable and memorable experience.
For those who are a bit more adventurous, I also offer a half-day tour to Kingston Mills, the first lock on the Rideau Canal and both a National Historic and UNESCO World Heritage site. A picnic lunch will be provided during our sojourn at the locks and on the way back we will stop by Barriefield Village, Fort Henry and the RMC campus.”
Contact: Steve Lawrence – fractals@kingston.net – to make an appointment to have Steve show your group around Kingston by bike. Rental bikes available.
11) Archaeological Volunteers Needed
What: This summer, the Lower Burial Ground Restoration Society (LBGRS) is sponsoring a cleaning, and completion of inventory of the Material Culture under the Church Hall of St. Paul’s Church on Montreal Street at Queen Street, Kingston, under the supervision of Project Co-ordinator, Susan Bazely. The Church Hall was build on part of the Lower Burial Ground. They are looking for volunteers to work with Susan and her Assistant, Paulina Marczak.
Volunteers will attend a one hour training session in late May, covering topics such as: an historical overview, a cemetery and gravestone overview, procedures, methods and recording, a health and safety briefing, and an orientation tour. No commitment will be expected from volunteers until after this training session, and some volunteers may wish to withdraw after the volunteer training session Volunteer activities will be scheduled in June, July and August, in 3-hour sesesions with breaks each hour, between 1 and 4:30, for no more than 3 days a week.
Interested? Contact Susan Bazely at s.bazely@queensu.ca.
12) Family BioBlitz Heads Up: May 29-June 2, Wintergreen Studios
What: Free event with lots of programs, especially for kids. Including identifying and observing turtles and many others in their natural habitat.
Where: Wintergreen Studios, Canoe Lake Road
When: Wed, May 29 – Sun, June 2.
More Info? https://www.wintergreenstudios.com/LABB-2019/.
13) Climate Change at City Hall
New exhibition “Climate Change is Here”.
This outdoor, visual display features striking imagery from the award-winning National Geographic Magazine, and takes a special look at Canadian technologies developed to help fight climate change.
“We’ve identified climate change as a top priority here in Kingston. We’re setting ambitious goals and achieving them will require us to be innovative” says Mayor Paterson. “Not only is this display an opportunity for us to learn about the impact climate change is having around the world, it also highlights Canadian technologies at the forefront of combatting it. That’s exactly the approach we’ll want to take as a community; understand the issue as best as we can and then find innovative ways, and embrace smart partnerships, to address it.”
This display outside City Hall until July 7, is on loan from the Canada Science and Technology Museum and its partners, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and Sustainable Development Technology Canada.
“This travelling exhibition, part of the Museum’s Let’s Talk Energy multi-year initiative, is another example of how we fulfill our national role as Canada’s leading science culture communicators,” she added.
Did you know the City of Kingston has a Climate Action Plan? See what climate actions you can take today to help mitigate the effects of climate change at www.CityofKingston.ca/ClimateAction
14) New Museum Policy to reflect Truth and Reconciliation
This may have a bearing on the Indigenous education centre being suggested for Belle Park?
Canadian museums set for policy review connected to TRC call to action
As Canadian museums grapple with how to make space for Indigenous voices and perspectives, a new initiative is aiming to give them a boost.
Canadian Heritage announced more than $680,000 in funding on Tuesday for the Canadian Museums Association to undertake a national review of museum policies — in collaboration with Indigenous communities — to ensure they line up with the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP) and to make recommendations for best practices going forward.
The directive stems from recommendation 67 made by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, one of four museum- and archives-related calls to action.
“This project will help build better relationships and stronger partnerships between Indigenous communities and Canadian museums,” said MP Gary Anandasangaree, parliamentary secretary to the minister of Canadian Heritage, while announcing the funding during the CMA’s annual conference in Toronto.
Anandasangaree also announced renewed funding of more than $350,000 to support professional development and other activities by the CMA, the industry body representing Canada’s 2,600 museums and related institutions.
The museum sector has been criticized for sidelining or excluding Indigenous voices and perspectives when presenting exhibitions about those very cultures.
Now museums “are moving into a new era and saying, ‘We want to be a part of a broadened dialog. We want to be part of the reconciliation process,'” explained Sarah Pash, a CMA board member, executive director of the Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute and chair of the Cree School Board.
Wishing you all a happy and gloriously sunshiny spring,
Mary Farrar, President,
Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour