Dear Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour,
Sincere apologies for yet another update this month.
Three critical issues:
But does it actually mean the large asphalt pathway through Doug Fluhrer Park indicated on the map?
EITP meeting this Tues, Nov 10 at 6 pm in Council Chambers, City Hall, 217 Ontario St. Come to the meeting if you can. Opportunities to speak.
Especially see Exhibit A: L2 where the words don’t match the picture. New alignment not clear. Pathway around Woolen Mill in picture but not mentioned in text? Other problems too.
Of course we want to see the K&P Trail completed to the downtown and we are delighted that plans seem to be moving apace. However we would also like to understand exactly what the plan is. The report needs to be clear.
2) PROPOSED CHANGES TO PARKLAND DEDICATION POLICY: It would appear the city wants to reduce parkland.
Have a look and decide for yourself. Short timeline here.
Deadline for submitting comments – November 10:
Chanda Sames: csames@cityofkingston.
Deadline for submitting proposed amendments to the Natural Areas and Parkland Acquisition Policy to Parkland Dedication – also November 10. More info at the end of this update.
Public Meeting. Monday, Nov. 16, 7-9 pm, Press Lounge at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour, 53 Yonge St.
(presentation begins at 7:15 p.m.).
Over the past year, the City has consulted with the public on Waterfront Master Plan’s six focus areas – each focus area had its own public meeting – and then a consolidated plan featuring 137 projects was presented this past June. On Nov. 16, the City will present a rationale and strategy for prioritizing and implementing the projects over the next 30+ years. A final draft plan will go to the Arts, Recreation and Community Policies committee early in January. All welcome.
a) What are the major proposed changes?
- Increasing the cash-in-lieu of parkland reduction parameters for development of heritage properties
- Creating opportunities for the City to acquire waterfront access by allowing a provision to reduce parkland requirements in exchange for buffer land conveyance.
- Providing the City an option to allow public open space easements in exchange for a reduction of parkland requirements.
- Increasing the exemption parameters for the development of secondary suites to be consistent with current Zoning and Official Plan Policy
- An evaluation chart of criteria is proposed to help guide the City in prioritizing acquisition of waterfront lands along major water bodies.
- An exchange ratio is proposed that would allow the City to accept buffer lands in land developments located along major water bodies in lieu of parkland conveyance requirements as set out in the Parkland Dedication Bylaw.
THE CITY’S STATED BACKGROUND INFO : Parkland contributes to the quality of life for residents – and many of the community’s broader objectives connected to public health, the environment, social/community development and economics. To make sure the public has parkland as new communities are developed and old ones re-developed, council approved a consolidated Parkland dedication bylaw(Bylaw 2013-107) on May 21, 2013. When a property is developed or redeveloped, a certain amount of land for parkland, or other recreational facilities or trails, must be set aside for public use. This helps increase of the number of public parks to serve the growing population of Kingston with recreation or leisure opportunities. However, in certain cases, where the City does not find the land to be desirable for parkland, a cash-in-lieu of parkland conveyance or a combination of land and cash may be accepted.
Trust you have been enjoying the truly great November weather and hope you have had time to wander along our wonderful Inner Harbour shoreline in recent days. So lovely.
Mary Farrar