Dear Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour
The Integrated Care Hub continues to be more and more problematic for Inner Harbour clients, staff, city, and community members. The photo shows trailers brought in to house those with COVID-19.
1. Concerns and Dangers at the Integrated Care Hub
2. Trees Are Amazing. Let’s Save Some!
3. Increasing Thefts of Keyless Ignition Vehicles in East Region
4. Remembrance Day – Unsung Heroes and City Update
5. Guess Who’s Coming to Town? – Nov 20!
6. Homeless Update – Sleeping Cabins Proposal
7. New Federal Minister of Housing – His Take
8. Safer Streets in Kingston – Free Signs
9. New Proposed By-Law Increasing the # of Bedrooms Allowed
10. Queen’s Students and Homecoming Issues
11. Sir John A. – City invites comments
12. Proposed Inner Harbour Clean-Up Update
13. Image of Proposed Revetment at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour – fyi
14. Message from the Mayor re Confederation Boardwalk Proposal
15. Beat the Silent Killer this Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week
16. Review of the Fence By-Law – Zoom Session Nov 3, 2021
17. City Releases Short List of Indigenous Names for the Third Crossing
18. Community Partners Play Key Role in City’s Newest Recreation Facility
19. Leaf Collection Begins Next Week.
20. Kingston Fire & Rescue: Help Reduce False Fire Alarms
21. Be Flush-Savvy. Toilets are Not Garbage Cans
Including recent concerns about veganism.
1. Concerns and Dangers at the Integrated Care Hub
Received from The Kingstonist, Nov 1, 2021 – Tori Stafford.
Do consider subscribing to this greast local source!
“Kingston’s ICH grappling with COVID-19 cases
Clients at the Integrated Care Hub (ICH) and their service providers are currently clambering to handle a sudden influx of COVID-19 cases amongst those who use the facility.
According to the HIV/AIDS Regional Services (HARS) Kingston, on Thursday, Oct. 2128, 2021, officials at Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington (KFL&A) Public Health notified HARS that an individual who had accessed the ICH had tested positive for COVID-19.
“That individual was no longer in the Kingston area and was diagnosed in another city. As a result, Public Health with support from AMHS provided mass COVID testing on Thursday and Friday at the ICH of both staff and the community served by the ICH,” said Gilles Charette, Executive Director of HARS.
“As a result of that testing, six positive cases were diagnosed by Saturday. Those individuals were informed and Public Health worked with them to identify close contacts so that they in turn could be informed. Some of these had only accessed services at the Consumption and Treatment Services, others had accessed the drop-in and rest zone of the ICH, and others are connected via the community of homeless individuals.” Charette confirmed that none of the ICH staff members have tested positive at this point. He also confirmed that, “trailers were moved into the ICH site for the six individuals in order to facilitate providing care to these individuals as well as to contain the outbreak,” however, KFL&A Public Health has not officially declared an outbreak at the facility as of Monday, Nov. 1, 2021.
Trailers erected behind the Integrated Care Hub on Montreal Street in Kingston to house those clients of the ICH who have tested positive for COVID-19
“We have and have not had hydro, heat, proper meals, anyway of communicating with the outside world, very little medical attention, and no proof that we are covid-19 possible positive.. I have both my vaccinations and my passport. The abuse and neglect that goes on here is pathetic in this world, in this country, and in this city, Kingston, Ontario,” said Stan, whose last name is being withheld for privacy reasons.
“The conditions here… I’ve never seen anything like this in Canada. We are being discriminated against being abused, mistreated, neglected.”
Officials with the ICH and the City of Kingston would not provide comment for this article. All inquiries were redirected to HARS, the service provider that works most closely with the ICH, along with Street Health and AMHS.
Kingstonist is currently following up with those staying in the trailers and service providers for more information, and will provide updates on this situation as information becomes available.”
In addition to these heartbreaking stories, community members also have concerns:
Contrary to what the public thought would be happening with a safe injection site, needles and other drug paraphernalia are given to the addicts along with Naloxone kits for them to shoot up in the park if they don’t want to shoot up inside. Sadly, used needles and Naloxone kits are then discarded on the ground and left along with other numerous piles of garbage, including kind donations of clothing in bags that have been rifled through. The wooded areas are having trees cut down by campers for fires and to make supports for their tents. Last night there was a large fire in the woods with flames up to five feet in the air.
By-laws workers come in with front end loaders and dig up healthy trees in the process of taking away the piles of garbage. Sadly again, the relevant by-law states that campers will be given close to 28 hours to vacate. What happens is that when they are warned, they simply move a few yards away, clear a new area of trees and set up-their tents again. The park is gradually becoming de-treed as the tents are virtually all over the park at this point.
The number of homeless people is increasing as word spreads about the existence of Kingston’s ICH. Drug dealers are being drawn to an obvious market.
Sadly too, it would appear that the Integrated Care Hub is prolonging addiction. Recovery options don’t seem to be part of the program . Another problem isrecovering addicts that slip back into addiction because of the obvious triggers at the site. And then there is the also heart-wrenching problem of the recently homeless due to disability or mental health. Understandably they don’t want to be near the addicts.
People find friends and different small camping communities form within the park. There are so many sad stories of wrong decisions made somewhere along the line as well as tragic happenstance. Recovery options need to be funded for addicts and to help those suffering from sudden and unexpected homelessness and/or mental health issues!!!
Collateral damage is real! Due to real and perceived danger, school children, dog-walkers, hikers and families are staying away from the park. Community members don’t feel safe and don’t feel that their concerns are being heard. Community members want to feel safe in the park again. There would be a huge public outcry if these conditions existed at LeMoine’s Point or in any other community in Kingston. It just doesn’t seem fair.
If we all have to pay a bit more in taxes so be it!!!
If something isn’t done, this situation will spread throughout Kingston as, of necessity, housing will have to be found throughout the city.
The situation is dire! These people need help!!!
2. Trees are Amazing. Let’s Safe Some!
Trees are amazing. We breathe in their emissions with every breath we take.
Clearcuts should be illegal. The Tannery trees should be saved.
A win-win new design with high rises on a quarter of the space is needed!
Save the Provincially Significant Wetlands!
Save the shoreline turtle habitat!
Here is the beautiful short video about saving that lovely 220 year old oak.
Here is the online petition – https://chng.it/fB2wGgZp8S
Here is a really interesting piece written about the Tannery in 2011 that is still amazingly relevant!
Here is what is happening more and more – nature-based solutions vs invasive engineering practice.
Image – One inch of rain on one inch of asphalt and on one inch of parking lot
And here is something uplifting to think about and experience
Here is a bit of background from 2019 for those interested in the complexity of the discussion. Received from the Kingston Whig Standard, Dec 18, 2019 – Elliott Ferguson, 3 minute read.
KINGSTON — City council voted to move forward with a multimillion-dollar plan that would see a local developer clean up the biggest tract of contaminated land in the city.
Council voted Tuesday night in favour of a plan to work with developer Jay Patry to clean up the 13-hectare former Davis Tannery site.
The plan, which is still subject to a long list of permit applications and approvals, would create a special project for the site under the Brownfield Community Improvement Plan, a funding program meant to provide financial incentives, such as tax assistance, grants or loans, to help developers build on former industrial sites that need to be cleaned up beforehand.
City staff estimated that more than $45 million could be funded by extending the timeline for future property tax rebates to 20 years, waiving half of the development charges, waiving the compensation costs the developer would have to pay for cutting down about 1,600 trees on the site, and waiving the community benefits fees for the development.
Provincial law requires that former industrial or commercial land must be cleaned up before it can be used for residential purposes, and in Kingston they don’t come more contaminated than the tannery lands.
The land was historically used for industrial smelting and tannery operations, which, along with uncontrolled filling, created “what is arguably the largest and most contaminated brownfield property within the city of Kingston,” and left the soil and groundwater “profoundly contaminated,” according to a city report.
It was estimated that cleaning up will cost more than $66 million, including almost $46 million for removing the contaminated soil and about 1,600 trees.
Up to now, the most expensive industrial site cleanup in the city was the Block D project, which in 2008 cost $10.5 million, said Paul MacLatchy, the city’s environment director.
While a much larger property, it is estimated that the cost to clean up of the tannery lands would be similar on a per hectare basis, MacLatchy added.
Developer Jay Patry speaks to Kingston city council on Tuesday about his plans for the former Davis Tannery lands
But despite the potential of having a residential development built in proximity to the city’s downtown, some councillors expressed concern about the removal of so many trees and waiving the developer’s community benefit contributions, and the possibility of setting a precedent for future developers looking to build on brownfields.
“I believe what I am seeing is a precedent-setting situation,” Williamsville District Coun. Jim Neill said.
Sydenham District Coun. Peter Stroud questioned the need to cut down all the trees on the site and said allowing that to happen “abdicates all responsibility of the city for carbon sequestration.”
Stroud was also skeptical that the proposed development, being about two kilometres from the downtown, could be considered within walking distance of the core.
But Patry’s proposal to build four six-storey buildings, with more than 1,500 residential units and almost 5,000 square metres of commercial space, was seen by most councillors as the best chance to clean up the biggest brownfield site in the city and create much-needed housing.
“There is no precedent to the Davis Tannery. Not in this city, not even in this region,” said Mayor Bryan Paterson, who called Patry’s proposal a “once-in-a-generation opportunity.”
Paterson cautioned about “nickel and diming” the cleanup plan, which he noted was put together through a combination of funding.
Paterson said the value of having the property cleaned up outweighs the need for the developer to provide community development contributions.
“That is the community development: taking the most contaminated site in Kingston and cleaning it up,” Paterson said.
Clearly in recent months some of the councillors have changed their minds about the need to save some of the big old trees on the site – especially that 220 year old oak. Increased numbers of community members begin to voice their concerns.
In our opinion what is needed is a win-win situation – high rises on a section of the property – where the Provincially Significant Wetland, the shoreline habitat for over 130 turtles, and some of those large trees can all be saved. This discussion is ongoing.
3. Increasing Thefts of Keyless Ignition Vehicles in East Region
Received from The Kingstonist, Oct 28 – Jessica Foley
A professional can steal your vehicle in just 30 seconds – without the key. The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is investigating several thefts of high-end and newer motor vehicles across their East Region jurisdiction.
The number of incidents is increasing, involving vehicles that are equipped with keyless starting fob systems, according to a release from the OPP. The thieves will use electronic devices to enter the vehicle, start the engine and leave with it within minutes. Police said that the push-start/keyless vehicles are more frequently targeted as thieves can override their electronic ignition systems with hand-held devices.
The OPP is recommending the installation of a steering wheel lock bar to deter thieves from stealing vehicles and driving away with it, even if they are able to start the engine. Parking vehicles within a garage when able, installing outdoor camera systems, motion lighting and watching out for suspicious people/vehicles in the neighbourhood could prevent you from becoming a target, police also recommend.
The OPP reminds citizens that an unlocked door or an open window is an invitation to thieves.
The “Lock It or Lose It” program reminds drivers to always:
– Roll up vehicle windows;
– Keep valuables out of sight;
– Lock the doors; and
– Pocket the keys.
Auto theft costs Canadians more than $1.2 billion every year, according to the release. About half of all stolen vehicles are used to commit another crime or are driven – often recklessly – for simple purposes of transportation ( this is called ‘destination theft’).
In these cases, the thieves take advantage of owner negligence by grabbing the first vehicle they can find that’s been left unsecured, police said.
In the other half of cases, vehicles are stolen by thieves involved in organized crime rings, according to the OPP.
“The OPP is committed the finding those responsible for ongoing vehicle thefts across eastern Ontario,” said Detective Staff Sergeant Chad Culbert of the Community Street Crime Unit.
Anyone having information on vehicle thefts or any other crime is asked to call OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS(8477) or submit a tip online at www.ontariocrimestoppers.ca.
4. Remembrance Day -Unsung Heroes
Received from ‘The Friendly Brief, Nov, 2, 2021
The Battle of Vimy Ridge is remembered as a moment that unified Canada as a country — both on the battlefield in April of 1917 and back home where everyday Canadians found themselves in roles they never had to play before. Behind the scenes were the women and communities of colour who contributed to the war effort with their experiences during the war. To mark this year’s Remembrance Day, we’re revisiting this poignant NFB documentary about 12 Canadian women who entered the male-dominated world of munitions factories and farm labour during World War I. And We Knew How to Dance: Women in World War I captures the unshakeable female dedication to the war effort, which also shaped women’s roles in post-war Canada. We also love this review of former University of Waterloo Professor James Walker’s critical analysis of the government’s war recruitment efforts amongst communities of colour. And while you’re honouring our war veterans, be sure to check out this CBC feature on Francis Pegahmagabow, the legendary Ojibwa sniper.
Indigenous community in Canada’s military –
Wonderful Video with Lynda Gerow
City of Kingston’s Remembrance Day Ceremony and City Schedule Changes
Received from the City, Nov 1, 2021
To help residents observe Remembrance Day in a meaningful way, the City’s 2021 Civic Ceremony will be live-streamed again this year from Memorial Hall, beginning at approximately 10:45 a.m. The ceremony will be live closed-captioned. Due to COVID-19, and the need to verify that participants are vaccinated, the ceremony is by invitation-only and is closed to the general public.
Watch the Civic Ceremony live-stream at YouTube.com/TheCityofKingston
This year, Memorial Hall will be open to the public for wreath viewing by appointment. Those who are interested in paying their respects and placing a poppy on the People’s Wreath are invited to do so from Monday, Nov. 8 to Wednesday, Nov. 10 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. To make an appointment, please e-mail Emily Hatchette, Assistant Supervisor of Special Events at: ehatchette@cityofkingston.ca.
In lieu of the community, Military and Veterans groups wreath-laying ceremonies, all wreaths will be pre-placed and on display in Memorial Hall for the Civic Service of Remembrance. To order a wreath please contact Merrill Gooderham, Poppy Chair, Royal Canadian Legion at 613-544-5522.
To show your support for those who made the ultimate sacrifice:
Purchase a wreath or poppy from the Royal Canadian Legion
Remembrance Day – Impacts to City services
Here are the City schedule changes for Thursday, Nov. 11:
Garbage, Green Bin and Recycling: There will be no collection on Thursday, Nov. 11. Collection moves to the day after your normal pick-up day for the rest of the week. Sign-up to be reminded what to put out when at www.CityofKingston.ca/Collection.
The Kingston Area Recycling Centre is also closed Thursday.
Administrative Offices: All administrative offices, including Housing and Social Services and Provincial Offences, will be closed.
Kingston Transit: Buses run as usual.
Kingston Access Bus: Buses run as usual.
INVISTA Centre/ Fitness & Wellness Centre, Rideau Heights Community Centre and arenas: Open.
Swimming lessons and drop-in programming: City of Kingston programs at the West-end Boys & Girls Club will continue as usual.
CaraCo Home Field: Closed.
Libraries: All branches of the KF Public Library will be open.
PumpHouse Museum: Closed.
5.Guess Who’s Coming to Town? – Nov 20!
Received from the City, Oct 29, 2021
The Province announced this week that crowd capacity limits for outdoor organized events have been lifted. The Nighttime Santa Claus Parade, originally cancelled due to health restrictions, will now proceed on Saturday Nov. 20 beginning at 5 p.m.The parade will travel down Princess Street from Bath Road and to Ontario Street. This year’s parade is expected to be shorter, as there will be a limited number of entries. Information for applications will be available at www.downtownkingston.ca “The Kingston parade is one of my favorites,” says Santa. “I travel the world and participate in numerous parades, but there’s something about the nighttime twinkle and the lovely people in Kingston that makes this the highlight of the season for both me and Mrs. Claus. We missed you last year and can’t wait to see all of your smiling eyes– just remember to stay a safe distance from your neighbours as you watch the parade and wear a mask!” |
6. Homeless Update – Sleeping Cabins
Received from the Kingstonist, Oct 21, 2021 – Terry Bursey
Barry, an advisor with of ‘Our Livable Solutions,’ gives the thumbs up while sitting in the entrance of a sleeping cabin, or tiny home, constructed by the organization. Kingston City Council voted unanimously on Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2021 in favour of a sleeping cabin program for those without homes in Kingston, consisting of up to 80 such cabins.
Kingston City Council convened on Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2021, with Report #89 of the CAO being one of the primary topics of focus in meeting’s agenda. Specifically, several delegates spoke to address the city’s ‘Winter Response Plan’ for homelessness and the lack of available temporary housing for Kingston’s vulnerable population. For many of those delegates, the goal was to present their case and ultimately convince Council to approve the placement of up to 80 sleeping cabins as temporary shelter and safe haven for individuals experiencing homelessness in Kingston this winter. The concept would otherwise potentially interfere with existing city bylaws.
Kingston entrepreneur Chrystal Wilson, executive director of Our Livable Solutions (OLS) (a not-for-profit organization that aids homeless individuals and families in Eastern Ontario communities), was the first of delegate to speak, and to put forward the motion for placement and construction of the cabins in Kingston. Wilson asked members of council if a city arena could be used to build, stage, and support these structures before deployment, stating that any of Kingston’s arenas would be a suitable venue for members of OLS to do so.
“Our response to homelessness should be one of care, which puts people first, and acknowledges the challenges which cause their struggles,” Wilson passionately told Council. “Improving the Winter Response Plan – including sleeping cabins – is a step in this direction.”
A look inside an already-constructed ‘sleep cabin,’ like those that will be used within the City of Kingston after a vote in favour of a sleeping cabin program from City Council.
These 12 x 9 ft (3.7 x 2.7 m) cabins would contain heating, lighting, smoke detection, and internet access, among other everyday essentials, and would ideally be situated in multiple areas in and around the city in an effort to increase availability for those with limited means of travel.
Wilson expressed that the ‘primary goal’ of the sleeping cabins was as a temporary shelter where homeless individuals could achieve safety. Once an occupant is safe and stable, OLS could work with homelessness service providers to help find more permanent solutions, or wait for transitional housing to become available for them in the interim.
The floor also opened up to delegate Jenoa Meagher, speaking on behalf of The Katarokwi Union of Tenants, which actively works to provide Kingston’s homeless with essential supplies. Meagher lent her voice in support of the sleeping cabins, citing that the more stable encampment-like setup would facilitate the amount of work necessary to replace the lost items and essential supplies which often occurs after the forced eviction of Kingston’s homeless.
“We are in a constant loop fundraising, soliciting for donations, visiting encampments to assess needs, purchasing, delivering, and so much more,” said Meagher. “As the city continues to force people out of their encampments time and time again, they lose much of their belongings.”
The evening’s third delegate to speak was Queen’s University professor emerita of 19th century religious history in North America, Marguerite Van Die, who not only voiced unwavering support of the sleeping cabin endeavor, but also proposed augmenting the plan from a $150,000 dollar venture to a more robust “three year pilot project” wherein the City of Kingston would provide the land needed for the project, as well as funding for an accompanying service centre.
“This [concept] would, of course, require a more significant investment than the proposed $150,000. However, the construction and funding of the sleeping cabins could become a community project,” Van Die told Council.
After the delegates’ heartfelt words, accompanied by the pragmatic and fiscally sound proposals, members of Kingston City Council appeared galvanized, and unanimously voted in favour of the motion to allow the construction and placement of the sleeping cabins.
Chrystal Wilson admitted that when she had heard the news that the motion had been unanimously passed, she felt genuine surprise at the level of support that was garnered by members of council.
“When it came to our motion, we initially thought there would be some kind of debate, but when we heard it had been passed unanimously, we were like – what?!” Wilson revealed. “So, it’s great! We are happy! It’s a big step forward, and I know it’s a change from what the City had planned, but we could clearly see that the trajectory of what we had conformed to was not working.”
Firmly given the green light from Kingston City Council, and with future financial and volunteer backing from various not-for-profit and religious organizations in Kingston, OLS now seems poised to make what they believe is a much-needed significant change to the way vulnerable populations in Kingston will be protected and uplifted in the future, despite land availability for the project remaining a pressing issue.While where the sleeping cabins will be located remains unknown, Council agreed on the idea to have them spread out throughout the City of Kingston.
For more information on the project, or to make charitable donations, visit the Our Livable Solutions GoFundMe page. PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING. The need is dire!
7. New Federal Housing Minister – His Take
Received from The Star, Nov 1, 2021 – Tonda McCharles
OTTAWA—Not every minister has lived their portfolios in the way newly-named Housing Minister Ahmed Hussen has.
After arriving as a Somali refugee, Hussen lived with his brother in a subsidized apartment in Regent Park, the neighbourhood that gave him a zeal for the task Justin Trudeau has assigned to him: make housing more affordable, and make more affordable housing available.
The prime minister says it’s a political priority for his government.
Hussen says it’s personal.
“When I lived in Regent Park, it was the oldest and largest social housing neighbourhood in Canada, built in 1948. It was falling apart. There was no service, very little services, very little maintenance. But despite the fact that it was the oldest neighbourhood and very rundown, having that roof over my head allowed me to go to undergraduate studies, to even dream of going to university,” he said in an interview.
“I could never have been able to afford paying for a market rental unit and going to university at the same time as a new refugee to Canada, so I know the importance of that. Was it an adequate home? Was it a home that met all my needs? No, but it was a roof over my head and I can tell you it made a difference in my life.”
Hussen, a lawyer and former head of the Canadian Somali Congress, was first elected as an MP in 2015. Now in his third ministerial role, he is setting out to make a difference in Canada’s housing crisis.
This week, in making Hussen his housing minister, Trudeau also reorganized the government’s efforts on both homelessness and housing “affordability.”
Now both files are together under one minister and one roof. Hussen will be responsible for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and for what used to be Employment and Social Development Canada’s homelessness secretariat, both embedded as a department within the infrastructure department. He’ll work closely with Infrastructure Minister Dominic LeBlanc, who is also intergovernmental affairs minister, to leverage relationships with provinces.
It’s not the first time he brings personal perspective to the job. That was the case when he became minister of immigration, refugees and citizenship in 2017.
A father of four (his youngest, a girl, born this week just after Trudeau’s latest cabinet unveiling), Hussen was most recently minister of families, children and social development, where he struck child-care agreements with seven provinces and one territory, and rolled out a $1 billion “rapid housing” strategy to combat homelessness during COVID-19 that converted hotels and motels into housing units.
Hussen talks a mile a minute about his plans, which cover the gamut of the Liberals’ election promises on housing — an area Opposition parties also campaigned hard on and where the Liberals may find some common ground in the minority Parliament ahead.
Hussen said he has the same definition of affordable housing that many Canadians have: “using no more than 30 per cent of your household income on housing costs, whether it is renting or whatever.”
But he said Canadians understand it depends on where you are in the country, “and in large urban centres, that is no longer what the market looks like.”
However, he said the federal government is committed to that target in its affordable rental housing agreements. “In those projects, there is an understanding and a commitment and signed agreements to maintain those units at 30 per cent of household income or less.”
The Liberal government says it will establish a $2.7 billion fund for non-profit housing providers to acquire land and buildings so that they can build more affordable housing — which Hussen said will help break down the “biggest barrier” and put non-profit developers “on a level playing field with the private sector, where when a piece of land or a property becomes available, they can grab it and secure it.”
Hussen also wants to make sure that “teachers, construction workers, paramedics, firefighters, those who can pay some amount of rent but who are getting priced out of the rental market, especially in the larger urban centres” get access to more of what he said are “affordable” rental units.
He wants to expand the subsidized, non-profit or co-op housing supply for vulnerable people who need it. He wants to end chronic homelessness. And he wants to help younger and first-time home buyers get into the ownership market.
But his first order of business is to bring in the promised homebuyers’ bill of rights, he said. It will ban so-called blind bidding where bidders can know the asking price of a home but not what other prospective buyers are offering, establish a legal right to home inspection, require “total transparency on the history of recent house sales and on title searches,” and the government will move to restrict foreign non-resident home ownership, he added.
Still, it is the promised $4 billion housing accelerator fund that Hussen believes will do the most to expand the housing supply in the country’s largest cities.
It will be an application-based program that will support those municipalities that “innovate” to speed up zoning approvals (such as through online, permitting technology) and that require more densification, public transit-oriented and mixed-housing developments. “They have to show more ambition, they have to show more innovation, and they have to show more openness, quite frankly, to going beyond the NIMBYism that we see in many parts of our country,” he said.
Mike Moffatt, senior director of policy and innovation at the Smart Prosperity Institute, said the housing accelerator fund is the “potentially most transformative” initiative because it is Ottawa using its “deep pockets to basically accelerate reforms at the municipal level,” although nobody seems to really know yet how it will work.
The other housing measures may be useful but “there’s nothing in there that’s really going to make home prices that much cheaper or homes that much more available,” Moffatt said, adding limits on non-resident foreign investors have been tried in B.C. and “had a minimal effect outside of a little bit of downward pressure on prices on one-bedroom condos.”
Hussen is the first housing minister Canada has had in nearly three decades, said Cathy Crowe, a visiting practitioner at Ryerson University’s department of politics and a longtime street nurse, and that move caught her attention. But she is skeptical of the Liberals’ intentions.
Crowe said the year that Hussen immigrated to Canada, former prime minister Jean Chrétien “cancelled our national housing program and downloaded housing to the provinces. So Regent Park disappeared, and communities like St. Lawrence Neighbourhood were never built again because they lost that program.”
Since then, gentrification of Regent Park has led to a net loss of affordable housing units, she said. She’s not so encouraged by all the talk of increasing home ownership, saying the bigger problem is affordable rental housing. That’s where she’d like to see Ottawa’s efforts focused.
Crowe says what’s needed is an “ideological” shift and a “fully-funded national housing stream that would include new builds that could be done by co-operatives, municipalities, by not-for-profits, that would be ideally matched by provinces, the way daycare’s being proposed.”
Tonda MacCharles is an Ottawa-based reporter covering federal politics for the Star. Follow her on Twitter: @tondamacc
8. Safer Streets in Kingston – Free Signs
Received late October – Sorry I can’t remember where this came from!
The City of Kingston is asking residents to help promote safer roads for everyone by encouraging motorists to slow down in local neighbourhoods.
‘Slow Down’ lawn signs are being made available to residents to encourage safer driving and lower speeds along neighbourhood streets as part of the City’s Traffic Calming Program, according to a release from the City. Signs are free for Kingston residents and are available on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last, with a limit of one sign per household.
To pick up a sign, visit one of two locations during regular business hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.):
City Hall – 216 Ontario St. (The City’s Payment Centre) / 613-546-0000
INVISTA Centre – 1350 Gardiners Rd. (Customer Care Centre) / 613-546-0000
Residents can review the City’s placement guidelines to learn more about how to correctly install their lawn signs. While the signs can be used year-round, the City recommends keeping lawn signs in place from the beginning of April until the end of November. This timeframe maximizes visibility and minimizes weather impact, increasing the lifespan of the lawn sign.
Read more on the City’s road safety lawn sign website.
9. New Proposed By-Law increasing the # of Bedrooms Allowed
The city wants to allow 8 bedrooms in houses – ostensibly to allow for multi-generational housing and co-housing options. Questions abound as most people live as singles these days due to marrying later and living longer – as Jennnifer Keesmaat recently mentioned on TVO’s The Agenda – worth watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nug7W4EOWpk
Matthew Gventer of the Kingscourt Community Association sent the following:
“Attending meetings with the Frontenac Heritage Foundation I learned of something I missed. Thanks to David Gordon, Chair of School of Urban Planning at Queen’s University, for alerting us to this issue.
The bylaw allows for 8 bedrooms per lot. This would be the sum of all bedrooms on the property. So if there were secondary suites their bedrooms would have to be counted. BUT if there weren’t the dwelling could have 8 bedrooms.
This number of bedrooms encourages developers to buy homes and rent rooms to people. This is a serious problem in the Sydenham and WIlliamsville Districts, and could become a problem in Kingscourt as well. Professor Gordon pointed out that developers who build 8 bedrooms into a property and rent rooms for $800 per month can receive $96,000 per year. Families wanting to buy into the market can be left out. He also pointed out that when listed with MLS the seller must sell to the highest bidder but can choose not to do so if selling privately. (One still can’t discriminate on the basis of race or religion etc.) However, the seller selling privately can choose to sell to a family. Of course, sellers would have to choose to receive less for their houses.
Another implication of the 8 bedroom limit is that it encourages the building of large houses that may be out of character for the area.
The Planning staff said that they had originally included a lower max, (I think 6 bedrooms) but received negative input on that number. They said that the argument was that people needed rooms for dens and offices and bedrooms for each child and that 6 bedrooms restricted access to suitable housing. If you see 8 bedrooms as too many you need to contact planning at City Hall and let them know that 8 bedrooms is too many. They need to get a lot of feedback urging fewer bedrooms to influence their thinking on this.
Here is a message from city planner Sukriti Agarwal, City Planner- Oct 29, 2021
“In April of this year, City Council passed zoning by-laws which create an 8 bedroom limit in certain residential zones. Those by-laws are currently under appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal. At this time, it is staff’s intent to carry the 8 bedroom limit into the new comprehensive zoning by-law.
Initially, staff had proposed a maximum of two bedrooms for a detached second residential unit, a maximum of three bedrooms for a second residential unit located within or attached to the principal dwelling, and a maximum of five bedrooms per dwelling unit for residential zones in the urban area containing three or less principal dwelling units on a lot. Several comments were received regarding this approach as summarized on pages 16 and 17 of the comprehensive report from March 2021 here:
Based on the feedback received, the proposal was changed to allow for a maximum of eight bedrooms, in the aggregate, on a lot. As noted in the comprehensive report, this was intended to provide a more flexible and equitable approach recognizing large households, multi-generational households and households with extended families by allowing the principal dwelling unit to accommodate all of the bedrooms that would otherwise not be permitted by the original draft provisions. This approach was also intended to provide for flexibility in terms of the design of second residential units.
I note that there will be an additional public meeting with respect to the new zoning by-law at the time of the comprehensive report, and you are welcome to make oral and/or written submissions to the Planning Committee regarding the maximum bedroom provisions.
Sukriti Agarwal,Manager, Policy Planning, Planning Services”, sagarwal@cityofkingston.ca
Matthew Gventer of the Kingscourt Community Association sent us the following – with concerns that increasing the number of bedrooms per house would increase student housing and make it more difficult for families looking for affordable housing.
“Hello all,
I thought you would want to see the response of the Manager of Policy Planning, Ms Agarwal. In the correspondence below my comments she lays out the rationale for the change to 8 bedrooms.maximum . With thanks to Sukriti for sharing this and to Mary for her comments.
I don’t wish to take advantage of my role by emphasizing my opinion, but I think it is fair to offer my response to promote further analysis.
I recognize the various factors that Sukriti mentioned that call for a larger house. However, those considerations should not outweigh the need to protect family housing, affordability and maintenance of character of neighbourhoods. This applies especially to the Kingscourt neighbourhoods. I think a more nuanced approach would provide for a lower limit as suits certain neigbourhoods. Historic areas such as the wartime communities and those adjacent to post secondary institutions should be protected. Perhaps areas with more affordability should also be protected. Note that I am not against intensification. All along the borders of our District are properties on major corridors that cry out for extra density.
Further, a 6 bedroom limit in Kingscourt pushes the limit, but does provide for a much more intensified community. I would propose that, in the case of a detached secondary unit, the limit could be raised to 7 bedrooms. That would allow for four bedrooms in the main building one bedroom in a secondary unit within the main building and two bedrooms in an external secondary unit (or various permutations).
It should also be considered that a resulting monster house with lots of bedrooms does not necessarily lead to intensification if it is occupied by an affluent family with few children
However, please note the mandate of the planners to simplify bylaws and exceptions runs counter to the idea of different bedroom limits for some areas. If only it was simple, eh?
10. Queen’ Students and Homecoming Issues
Received from the City of Kingston, Oct 25, 2021
Community Partners Work Together to Address More Illegal Gatherings on Oct 23 Weekend
For the second weekend in a row, Kingston Police and Bylaw Enforcement, alongside community partners, worked together to address and mitigate disruptive gatherings in the University District area. While this past weekend showed a small decrease in disruptive behavior, Bylaw Enforcement issued 64 Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs), totaling $68,700 in fines. Kingston police issued 83 provincial offences fines and 57 AMPs. Fourteen individuals were arrested.
“While we saw a slight improvement from Oct. 16 and 17 in terms of the volume of partiers, officers continued to observe aggressive, volatile, and disrespectful behaviour that has unfortunately become the norm these past weeks,” says Kingston Police Chief Antje McNeely. “We want to thank those students who exercised caution and found safe and responsible ways to gather. On the other hand, we continue to advise those who consistently ignore our warnings that any illegal behaviour will be addressed through appropriate fines and charges.”
Community partners, including police, bylaw, Frontenac Paramedics and Kingston Fire & Rescue worked together throughout the weekend, ensuring that emergency services remained able to respond to the evolving situation while continuing to support the needs of the larger community.
“A lot of time, effort and resources have gone into preparing for the past two weekends,” says Paige Agnew, Commissioner of Community Services for the City. “Not only were staff present on the ground to ensure that crucial services and infrastructure were not disrupted, but they also met with community partners to facilitate a coordinated community response that placed resident safety first.”
This weekend also saw multiple crowds gathering on major roadways, posing an immediate threat to the safety of pedestrians in the area. Police and Bylaw Enforcement were able to intervene and successfully clear multiple gatherings throughout the day.
Kingston Police were also supported by Durham Regional Police, the Toronto Police Service, the Ontario Provincial Police Public Order Unit, York Regional Police, the Belleville Police Service, Gananoque Police Service and the Smiths Falls Police Service.
MP Mark Gerrestsen is calling for student expulsions on Facebook –https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=mark%20gerretsen
Our local Ken Cuthbertson, who grew up in Kingston’s Inner Harbour, thinks compulsory community service might be a better option:
Queen’s students: Kingston’s ‘educated idiots’, Published Oct 22, 2021
“KEN CUTHBERTSON, Kingston, ON, resident Ken Cuthbertson’s latest book is 1945: The Year That Made Modern Canada. He is a graduate of Queen’s University and spent 28 years as editor of the Queen’s alumni magazine.
My late father, a no-nonsense, blue-collar Kingstonian and a Second World War veteran, used to rant about the behaviour of Queen’s students. “Educated idiots,” he sometimes would fume, and not totally without good reason.
After Golden Gaels’ football wins on sunlit Saturday fall afternoons in the 1960s, thousands of gleeful students often would march from the campus into the downtown. Once there, they’d form a conga line that snaked for blocks down the middle of Princess Street, the city’s shopping thoroughfare. This invariably would snarl traffic, set car horns honking and move the locals to mutter words that aren’t fit for a family newspaper. In retrospect, a conga line on the main drag was small potatoes, certainly nothing to get excited about – let alone to prompt civic officials to read the riot act and call in the army to “break heads,” as my father demanded. As they say on the playing field, “No harm, no foul.”
Times have changed. So, too, has the level and coarseness of student misbehaviour. In recent years, it has become much rowdier and mean-spirited, more destructive and infinitely more troubling – particularly during the annual homecoming weekend at Queen’s University. Take last weekend, for example.
Despite repeated warnings and impassioned pleas by university administrators, public-health officials and city police, a rowdy crowd estimated to be as large as 8,000 students and hangers-on gathered last Saturday evening for an unsanctioned street party on Aberdeen Street. Nearly 150 fines were given out and three criminal charges were laid, and one police officer went to hospital after being injured in an arrest scuffle. The Aberdeen Street party was broken up by a line of police in riot gear. It wasn’t a pretty sight. Nor was the street party’s aftermath, when thousands of young people trashed nearby Victoria Park.
While the Saturday night unrest in Kingston has set the whole town talking, the sobering reality (pun intended) is that unsanctioned street parties and student rowdiness aren’t unique to Queen’s. This fall, there have been ugly reminders of that at universities far and wide – at Western, Ottawa and Acadia, to name just three.
The reasons this is happening are as varied as they are complex. That said, there are specific steps that could be taken by academic administrators and civic officials in Kingston – and perhaps elsewhere – that could help curb some of the more problematic behaviour. Here in Kingston, Queen’s University and its alumni association could remove the focal point of the trouble by ending the debacle that homecoming has become. Or they could move the event to spring, after the students have gone home at the end of the academic year. In addition, Queen’s could – and should – stop insisting it has, at best, a limited role to play in regulating off-campus student behaviour, or that homecoming weekend problems are caused by “outside troublemakers.” What nonsense. Both excuses are weak-kneed cop-outs that simply aren’t credible. They make the senior administration and its communications people seem tone deaf and out of touch.
Curiously, while Queen’s has long touted extracurricular activities and the virtues of life in this medium-sized city as important aspects of the “Queen’s experience,” the powers-that-be at the university have been reluctant to hold students accountable for off-campus misbehaviour. When they enroll at Queen’s, all undergraduate students agree to adhere to a Code of Conduct, a 27-page document that was updated and approved earlier this year. Whether the university administrators like it or not, there’s no debating that Queen’s students are the school’s junior ambassadors; they represent Queen’s – on and off campus. It’s high time Queen’s stopped dithering and got serious about enforcing that Code of Conduct pledge. Failing to do so sends the wrong message. Not only does it tarnish the university’s reputation, it decreases the value of a Queen’s degree for all alumni and current students alike.
City officials in the Limestone City also have a role to play in discouraging the kind of misbehaviour by a minority of students that frustrates and angers residents while wasting taxpayer dollars. For one thing, city planners could back-pedal or at least rethink the notion that intensification of downtown neighbourhoods invariably is smart civic planning. Allowing deep-pocketed absentee landlords to buy housing and pack students into each and every room or to build monster extensions in the backyards of these houses is destroying the fabric of long-established residential neighbourhoods. This, in turn, is giving rise to myriad problems. Living in the “University District” as I do, I see ample evidence of this any time I step outside my front door.
When the pandemic raged, neighbourhood streets were relatively clean, and the nights were blissfully quiet. All that changed this fall, when the students returned. Cue the noise, litter and vandalism. Oh yes, and the screeching tires, blaring party music and sirens 24/7. That incessant cacophony again became the soundtrack of daily life. Were the students responsible for this sea change? You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to answer that question.
This much I can tell you for certain. University District street signs again are disappearing faster than city work crews can erect them. So, too, are stop signs; they’ve have gone missing four times in the past two months at busy intersections near the aforementioned Victoria Park. It’s dismaying to think that some of those young people who may be “tomorrow’s leaders” are mindlessly decorating their walls with stolen stop signs.
Such behaviour is widespread nowadays, and its causes are deep-seated. I’d argued that at least in some measure they’re the product of a lack – or is it a loss? – of student awareness that attending university is a privilege. Sure, tuitions are ever-rising. But tuition fees cover just a small portion of the total annual cost of educating a postsecondary student. All taxpayers foot the bill, yet all too many young people seem to be oblivious to that aspect of funding.
At root, where student misconduct is concerned, I fear the nub of the problem is the erosion of the notion of the social contract. While that may sound like a concept for ivory tower philosophers, it’s not. What I’m talking about is the simple acknowledgment that we’re all in this life together and that by doing what we can to ensure the collective good, everyone is much better off.
In young people, selfish behaviour – immaturity really – that ignores this fundamental truth leads to the kind of trauma that scarred Queen’s and Kingston last weekend. In older folks, this “me-first” attitude gives rise to the anti-vaccine mentality, climate-change denial, the increased polarization of politics and the erosion of civil social discourse. While it may be impossible to change ossified minds, there’s still hope where the young ‘uns are concerned. I’d argue it would be an excellent idea to make a public service credit a compulsory component of every undergraduate degree (as it is to earn an Ontario high-school diploma).
All this said, I can’t help but wonder how my late father and his peers would react to the anti-social behaviour of today’s “educated idiots.” When the generation that endured and came of age during the Great Depression was called upon to stand up for what was right and good and to put their lives on the line to defeat the evils of Nazism, they did so at no small price.
And when the veterans came home, many of these selfless men and women were keen to take part in government programs that enabled them to attend university, something most of them never could have afforded to do otherwise. They understood how privileged they had become, and after graduating and establishing their lives and careers, they gave back. In spades. Veteran alumni opened their wallets as no generation before them ever had, providing scholarships for needy students, funding innovative programs, establishing chairs, and even funding new buildings on campuses across Canada.
Will that feckless contingent of today’s students, those who – as they did in Kingston last weekend – got drunk or high en masse, ignored physical-distancing guidelines, pelted police with beer bottles, urinated and puked on people’s lawns, hung misogynistic signs on the front of student houses, trashed a city park, stole stop signs, and unabashedly flaunted their sense of privilege – one day come to behave that benevolently?
I hope so. But I do wonder.”
According to Ken this piece received dozens of emails and phone calls, and on the newspaper’s website there were more than 400 “comments.” The piece clearly has touched a nerve.”
11. Sir John A. – City Invites Comments
What: Sir John A.
Online working session for future installations at City Park
When: Nov. 15, 2021, 4:00-6:00 pm
Registration: Join an online session to share ideas and input about any future installations for the space at City Park. Registration for this session is required and can be completed using the link below.
12. Proposed Inner Harbour Clean-Up Update
As you know the Federal Government has proposed a 70 million dollar clean-up of Kingston’s Inner Harbour and would like to collaborate with the city on this.
We have several grave concerns including:
a) the huge (possibly unwarranted) cost to tax payers
b) the proposed dredging, capping and revetment (large rocks along the shoreline)may not eliminate the contaminants when ongoing contaminants continue to arrive i) from storm sewers containing pathogens, viruses, bacteria and chemicals, ii) from run-off from parking lots and iii) from shoreline brownfield development. No studies have been completed examining these possible ongoing sources of contamination.
c) even temporary removal of aquatic plants would destroy turtle habitatessential for protection of turtle hatchlings
d) no survey has been done recording community use of the parkin all seasonsand yet various human uses such as swimming are projected. It is not scientific to base remediation on assumptions.
e) no current bio-remediation methods are discussed as possible better remediation alternatives.
f) although the research indicates repeatedly that the risk to humans from the contaminants is low, the report concludes that the risk is “moderate” and therefore in need of action. Reasons for this shift are unclear.
g) the Inner Harbour is teaming with life but no reported studies document the various species of birds, mammals, fish, invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles and plants that are present permanently and seasonally. Without such data, how can we know whether the proposed remediation methods would improve or degrade the current eco-system.
In a recent online posting the mayor included the following:
Message from the mayor on the proposed Inner Harbour clean-up:
Last week City Councillors and community members heard from federal government experts on the initial plans for cleaning up the contamination here at Kingston’s Inner Harbour. According to the feds, the Inner Harbour is a high priority for action because of the presence of contaminants below the water that came from former industrial uses along the river. The presence of harmful chemicals varies along the shoreline which means that there likely won’t be a one size fits all approach to the cleanup. In high risk areas, it might mean dredging to remove the contaminants. In lower risk areas, it might involve capping the contaminants or shoreline engineering that can preserve wildlife habitats but also prevent exposure to toxic sediments.
The first step in the cleanup is a detailed environmental analysis to make sure that everything is done in a way that minimizes harm to the surrounding natural environment and wildlife. This is exactly the same process that had to happen before construction could begin on the third crossing. It’s expected that this detailed planning and consultation will take a number of years with the actual cleanup slated to begin in 2025. The next step for the City is to decide whether or not to partner with the federal government on the cleanup efforts since there are a number of contaminated water lots here in the inner harbour that are owned by the city.This is a really important project so I for one will be encouraging City Council to move forward with a partnership with the feds. This way, it ensures we have a seat at the table and a role in helping to shape the future of a restored Inner Harbour.
We all want what is best for Kingston’s Inner Harbour. Clearly a large number of important environmental, scientific and fiscal issues must be considered in greater depth before the city agrees to move forward.
13. Image of Proposed Revetment in Portsmouth District – fyihttps://www.cityofkingston.ca/documents/10180/22053209/Projects_WaterfrontPathway_ShorelineImprovements.jpg/64a8b668-b2a5-7d75-b526-5d621db4fded?t=1594929550986
14. Message from the Mayor about the Proposed Confederation PromenadeRight now the City is working on an exciting waterfront project, the promenade down here at confederation basin. The plan is to create a walkway along the section of the breakwater that is behind me and make a space for people to be able to enjoy amazing views of the waterfront and the city’s shoreline. The design work is expected to be done in 2022 with construction set to begin in 2023. Council has set aside just over $2.6M to complete the walkway, but over the last number of months we’ve heard lots of other ideas from the public about how to make this walkway even better.
For example, we could extend the walkway all the way across to the lighthouse at the end of the breakwater and create a lookout space. We could widen the walkway, add bollard lighting, and add custom architectural elements. We could even add space for public swimming. I think all of these are great ideas but they also add to the cost of the project. The pandemic has put a real strain on city finances and right now our priorities are to maintain city services, finance affordable housing, and support individuals and businesses that have been hardest hit by public health restrictions.
To be frank, we can’t invest more public dollars in this project when there are so many more pressing needs in our community. That’s why as Mayor, I’m putting out a call to interested private donors. With a private donation, or group of donations, we could match the city’s investment and take this promenade from good to amazing. You can learn more about the basic design and what could be possible by following the link in the comments below. My hope is that with the help of a community partner or private donors that we can make this an incredible space that residents would be able to enjoy for years to come.
15. Beat the Silent Killer this Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week
Received from the City, November 1, 2021
Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week runs from Nov. 1 to 7, and Kingston Fire & Rescue (KFR) reminds you to keep your family safe by testing your carbon monoxide alarms and having all fuel-burning appliances inspected.
“In Ontario, more than 65 per cent of injuries and deaths from carbon monoxide occur in the home,” said Fire Inspector Del Blakney. “We want to make sure everyone is safe from CO,” he added. Carbon monoxide is often referred to as the silent killer because it is an invisible, tasteless, and odourless gas that can be deadly.
CO is produced when fuels such as propane, gasoline, natural gas, heating oil, or wood do not burn completely in fuel-burning appliances and devices. “These devices include furnaces, gas or wood fireplaces, hot water heaters, stoves, barbeques, portable fuel-burning heaters or generators, and vehicles,” explained Blakney.
All fuel-burning appliances should be inspected on an annual basis by a registered contractor.” Visit COSafety.ca to find a registered contractor near you.
“You must have a working CO alarm adjacent to each sleeping area of the home,” said Blakney. “For added protection, install a carbon monoxide alarm on every storey of the home according to manufacturer’s instructions.” For apartment buildings or condos, CO alarms must be placed in all units above, below, or adjacent to both the service rooms and garages.
Know the symptoms of CO
Exposure to CO can cause flu-like symptoms such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, as well as confusion, drowsiness, loss of consciousness and death.
If your CO alarm sounds, and you or other occupants suffer from symptoms of CO poisoning, get everyone out of the home immediately. Then call 9-1-1 from outside the building.
If your CO alarm sounds, and no one is suffering from symptoms of CO poisoning, check to see if the battery needs replacing, or the alarm has reached its “end-of-life” before calling 9-1-1.
Prevent CO in your home
– Ensure fuel-burning appliances, chimneys, and vents are cleaned and inspected annually.
– Visit COSafety.ca to find a registered contractor near you.
– Check that all outside appliance vents are not blocked.
– Gas and charcoal barbeques should only be used outside, away from all doors, windows, vents, and other building openings. Never use barbeques inside garages, even if the garage doors are open.
– Portable fuel-burning generators should only be used outdoors in well-ventilated areas away from windows, doors, vents and other building openings.
– Ensure all portable fuel-burning heaters are vented properly, according to manufacturer’s instructions.
– Never use the stove or oven to heat your home.
– Open the flue before using a fireplace for adequate ventilation.
– Never run a vehicle or other fueled engine or motor inside a garage, even if the garage doors are open. – Always remove a vehicle from the garage immediately after starting it.
Know the sound of your CO alarm
Your CO alarm sounds different than your smoke alarm. Test both alarms monthly and make sure everyone in your home knows the difference between the two alarm sounds.
Don’t be confused by the sound of your CO alarm’s low-battery warning. Follow your CO alarm manufacturer’s instructions so you know the difference between the low-battery warning, the “end-of-life” warning, and the alarm alerting you to the presence of CO in your home.
For more CO safety tips, visit the COsafety.ca.
16. Review of the Fence Bylaw-Zoom Session, Nov 3 at 6:00 pm Received from the city, Oct 27, 2021 City staff are proposing housekeeping amendments to the City’s Fence Bylaw (#2003-405), as part of a regular bylaw review. Residents are invited to attend an online information session at 6 p.m. on Nov. 3 to learn more. The City’s Fence Bylaw governs regulations around pool enclosures. Proposed amendments include: Adding provisions for horizontal fence boards in fence construction Clarifying standards for measuring the heights of fences along sloped grades Correcting unit conversions in metric While the changes are minor in nature, staff want to keep residents informed of technical changes being proposed. Residents can register for the online session through Zoom. |
17. City releases Shortlist of Indigenous Names for the Third Crossing
Received from the City, Oct 25, 2021
The City is asking for input from residents on the shortlist of possible Indigenous language names for what is now called “the Third Crossing.” The name chosen for the bridge is intended to recognize and honour Indigenous culture and history in Kingston and area.
“We know that as a City we need to broaden our understanding of Kingston’s history by incorporating more Indigenous stories, and to facilitate a community dialogue that prioritizes reconciliation,” says Mayor Paterson. “The naming of the new bridge – the City’s largest ever infrastructure project – is one step towards these important goals. This is about building bridges, not only from one shore of the Cataraqui to the other, but within our community as we work toward healing.”
Learn more about the shortlist of names, watch a video, fill out a survey, and read about the names on the City’s Get Involved page.
Choosing the proposed Indigenous names
Early in the naming process, broad community input was sought to gather initial name suggestions, confirm naming themes and begin defining criteria for the shortlist name selection. Six virtual meetings were held with Indigenous Nations and interested local Indigenous community members and residents and a consensus was reached on the shortlist of potential names for the new bridge. The list includes 6 names, three in Kainien’keha (Mohawk) and three in Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe).
The Short List of Names (in alphabetical order)
Aazhogan (AH-jo-GAN) – Aazhogan is the Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) word for “bridge”, or a structure that allows for people, animals, or vehicles to safely cross a body of water.
“Let’s take the Aazhogan to the Kingston East Community Centre”
Àhskwa’ (As-KWA) – Àhskwa’ is the Kainien’keha (Mohawk) word for “bridge” and was the naming submission brought forward by the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte. Like Aazhogan, using Àhskwa’ to name the bridge honours Indigenous conventions of naming objects by describing what it is and how it will be used. “The Àhskwa’ will take you straight to the Pittsburgh Branch of the Kingston Frontenac Public Library.”
Nibi (NEE-BEE) – Nibi is the Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) word for “water”. This name honours the river that the bridge crosses and provides many educational opportunities to teach about the significance and sacredness of water in its many forms.
“We watched the kayakers from the lookout on the Nibi bridge this afternoon.”
Ohne:Ka (Oh-NAY-ga) – Ohne:ka is the Kainien’keha (Mohawk) word for “water”. Like Nibi this name honours the river and water that the bridge crosses. “We watched the kayakers from the lookout on the Ohne:Ka bridge this afternoon”
Tekarón:yake (Deh-ga-ROON-ya-ge) – Tekarón:yake means “Two Skies” in Kainien’keha (Mohawk) and brings to mind the image of the sky reflecting off the water. This name serves both as a beautiful image and a metaphor for people coming together to create beauty and peace for the next seven generations.
“I watched the sun rise as I walked the dogs across the Tekarón:yake bridge this morning.”
Waaban (WAA-ban) – Waaban is an Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) word with interpretations relating to the eastern direction where the sun comes up, the dawn of a new day, or the morning light. This word was put forward to represent both the natural environment that the bridge crosses and as a hopeful metaphor, with Indigenous Peoples and all Canadians working together toward a better world for future generations. “My Granddaughter and I walked along the Waaban bridge this afternoon.”
“The concept of building and strengthening relationships between Indigenous peoples and all Canadians has been a recurring theme throughout many of the discussions surrounding the Third Crossing,” says Jennifer Campbell, Director Heritage Services. “Many important discussions surrounding nature and environmental themes as well as Indigenous worldviews allowed participants to come up with six potential names that we are excited to engage with residents about.”
Public engagement on the names will run until Nov. 29, 2021 and will include: information sessions with local businesses and organizations, presentations to school classes in Kingston, a survey asking residents for input on the shortlist of names, and an educational campaign that includes a video and an information document on the list of potential names.
The City and consultants, First Peoples Group, will then reconvene with Indigenous Nations and interested members of the local Indigenous community on feedback received. The preferred name will be confirmed and then presented to Mayor and Council for affirmation and then announced to the public.
Commitment to reconciliation
The City is committed to working with Indigenous peoples and all residents to pursue a united path of reconciliation. The City acknowledges that we are on the traditional homeland of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and the Huron-Wendat, and thanks these nations for their care and stewardship over this shared land. Learn more about the City’s reconciliation initiatives.
Get involved and share your ideas!
Residents can offer feedback in the following ways:
Complete the surveys: From Oct.25 to Nov. 29, go to Get Involved Kingston to view the conversation and to complete surveys to let staff know your comments and how you’d rank the shortlist of names. You can also complete the surveys by phone or request a mailed paper copy by calling 613-546-0000.
Watch a video for pronouncing the shortlist of names: Hear how to pronounce the Mohawk and Ojibwe names by listening to a video.
Read about the naming themes, concepts and meanings: Read how the names were chosen, the criteria and meaning behind the names.
Residents are encouraged to learn more about the naming process on the Third Crossing website.
18. Community Partners Play Key Role in City’s Newest Recreation Facility
Received from the City, Oct 22, 2021
When the Kingston East Community Centre (KECC) opens early next year, residents may notice a difference in the way programming is delivered in the state of the art building.
The YMCA of Eastern Ontario, BGC South East (previously known as Boys and Girls Club), Loving Spoonful and the Seniors Association will be directly involved in the delivery of activities and services planned for this new community hub.
“These organizations are experts at understanding the needs of our residents and providing the best services to them,” says Jaclyn Grimmon, Manager with Recreation & Leisure Services. “They will animate the space with a wide variety of cultural, social and recreational programs.”
“We are thrilled to be expanding our program delivery locations and pleased to be partnering with the City of Kingston at the East End Community Centre,” says Harold Parsons, Executive Director at BGC South East. “This will expand our services in the East End, with summer camps, after-school programs, educational and youth programs. The new centre will also build on our EarlyON programs, which has delivered over 1,800 sessions and served more than 2,000 children and families this year.”
“It is especially exciting to see different community partners working together to ensure everyone is provided with meaningful recreation and social opportunities in Kingston’s newest recreation facility,” Parsons adds.
The Seniors Association will offer a full platform of programs that will focus on culture and languages, fitness, sports and games and the arts.
“The Seniors Association is very excited to be working with the City of Kingston and the other partner organizations to launch the East Community Centre. This facility will allow the Seniors Association to offer a wide array of programs for the older adult population of Kingston to enjoy,” says Don Amos, Executive Director of the Seniors Association. “A large percentage of our 5,000 members live in Kingston east and have been asking for several years an east satellite Seniors location, and this state-of-the-art facility is the perfect fit.”
The City of Kingston’s Rideau Heights Community Centre & Library has used this community hub model since opening in 2017. The new centre located in Kingston’s east end will provide these organizations and agencies space to deliver their popular and supportive programs to residents.
Scheduled to open in early 2022, the Kingston East Community Centre will feature a fitness centre, full-size gymnasium, community kitchen, EarlyON program space and a number of multi-purpose rooms. The site will also feature outdoor recreational amenities such as the existing skate park, tennis courts with Pickleball lines, a new community garden, community outdoor rink and splashpad sponsored by the Pittsburgh Community Benefit Fund.
The KECC will also serve as a City Customer Service Centre, offering access to a range of services and products, such as pet licences, garbage bag tags, transit passes and more.
A grand opening date will be announced in the coming months.
Fostering healthy citizens and vibrant spaces is a Council priority for its 2019-22 term.
19. Leaf Collection Begins Next Week
Received from the city, October 28, 2021
The City of Kingston will begin collecting leaves the week of Nov. 1. See www.CityofKingston.ca/Collection for your collection week.
– Have leaves ready for collection at curbside by 8 a.m. on the Monday of your leaf collection week.
– Only leaves in paper leaf bags, or placed loosely in bushel baskets, garbage cans or other rigid-sided receptacles, will be collected. Yard waste like tomato plants, and vegetable garden waste (but not brush) can be put out for collection during leaf collection week. Bags or containers of leaves must weigh less than 20 kg (44 lbs).
– Leaves in plastic bags – or in bags that look like plastic – will NOT be picked up by the City. Make sure your leaves are collected as expected, watch the Brush and Leaf Do’s and Don’ts video.
– This is also a good time for residents to remove leaves from their eavestroughs and sewer grates on their streets to ensure rain water drains effectively away from their properties.
Compost your Yard Waste
– Try using your leaves and grass clippings as mulch.
– Leave them on the lawn to feed it over the coming months.
– Consider composting your yard waste in a back-yard composter for use in your garden next year.
– You may also drop off your yard waste at the Kingston Area Recycling Centre (KARC), 196 Lappan’s Lane, or at Tomlinson Organics at 2069 Joyceville Rd., call 613-546-0884 for hours of operation.
20. Kingston Fire & Rescue: Help Reduce the Number of False Fire Alarms Received from the City, Oct 18, 2021 “False alarm!” is a common expression, usually accompanied by a sigh of relief. However, Kingston Fire & Rescue (KFR) wants the community to know that every emergency call has a cost. “At the end of the day, a false alarm means no injuries or property damage and for that, we are grateful,” says Chief Fire Prevention Officer Ted Posadowski. “But it’s important for the community to know that every call that comes in is treated as an emergency,” he adds. It’s only when firefighters arrive on scene that they can determine they’re responding to a false alarm. “Responding to false alarms increases the amount of time our crews are on the road, placing them at increased risk and leading to wear and tear on equipment. It can also cause delays responding to other emergencies says Posadowski. Another side-effect of false alarms is complacency. “Fatalities have been caused by people believing they were hearing ‘just another false alarm’ and failing to evacuate,” says Posadowski. Recently, through data tracking and analysis, KFR uncovered that false alarms account for approximately 14 per cent of all its calls, averaging to about 500 calls each year. “With the community’s support, we would like to see that number go down,” says Posadowski. KFR cites several factors that can lead to false alarms. Some of the most common culprits include: – malfunctioning or ill-placed alarms; – dust and debris interfering with a device; – malicious pranksters; and – fire drills or tests that are not communicated in advance to KFR’s Communication Technicians (the team that take our emergency fire calls). Every problem has a solution Posadowski asks the community to consider the following steps to reduce the frequency of false alarms: For residential homes and apartments: – ensure your alarms are installed and maintained as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Test them monthly and replace batteries twice a year; – alarms expire every 10 years and require replacement. If monitored as part of an intrusion system have the devices tested annually. For buildings with fire alarms systems: – if planning renovations, notify your alarm company; – prior to pulling a false alarm, think about the impact it will have on your community and bank account (it’s a criminal offense and you may be fined); – notify KFR’s Communications Centre prior to conducting drills or tests by calling 613-548-4001 ext. 5156. “On behalf of KFR, I thank you for working with us to reduce false alarms to increase community well-being,” concludes Posadowski. |
21. Be Flush-Savvy! Toilets are Not Garbage Cans
Received from the City, Oct 18, 2021
As residents continue to use more wet wipes due to the pandemic, Utilities Kingston warns that flushing wipes can create a costly and messy sewer back-up in the home.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many utilities across Canada and around the world are seeing an uptick in discarded masks, gloves and sanitary wipes being flushed down the toilet.
This garbage congeals with fats, oils and greases (FOGs) – that are often mistakenly poured down the drain – creating costly clogs in both residences and the wastewater collection and treatment systems.
Despite the higher demand for disinfectant and baby wipes, Utilities Kingston’s wastewater operators have observed only a small local increase in wipes being flushed – and they have observed no increase in flushed masks and gloves in the wastewater treatment system…
Never Flush Wipes, Period Products, Fats, Oils Or Greases
Understanding the problem:
Throughout the pandemic, there has been a higher demand for disinfecting wipes, baby wipes and toilet paper. Toilet paper is designed to break down and dissolve. All other paper products are made of sturdy, non-woven fibers that don’t break down. These have costly impacts for residences, wastewater systems and the environment.
Unlike toilet paper, wipes don’t easily break down when flushed, even the ones labeled “flushable.”
Flushed wipes can also combine with FOGs to create a large mass of solid waste in the sewer system.
Once flushed, wipes can clog sewer lines, pumps and pipes, causing sewage overflows in homes and the environment. These clogs can create equipment damage, costing ratepayers millions, and can compromise the safety of wastewater operators.
Know Your Three Ps: Only Flush Pee, Poo And (Toilet) Paper
Remember that toilets are not trash cans or recycling boxes!
Dos and don’ts of proper disposal of items that can’t be treated in the sewage system:
– Wipes of any kind – Sanitizing, baby and hand wipes go in the garbage, even if the package claims they are flushable (they aren’t).
– Fats, oils and greases – Wipe greasy pans with a paper towel and put it in the Green Bin. Dispose of solidified fats and grease in a 100 per cent paper cup in your Green Bin (but watch out for leaks). Dispose of cooking oil in a screw-top container in your garbage.
– Period products – These go in the garbage, along with associated applicators and plastic packaging, even if the package claims they are flushable. Or consider a reusable period cup and help reduce single use plastics at the same time.
– Larger food particles – Use a strainer in your sink to catch food scraps and other solids. These go in your Green Bin.
– Cooking oil, butter, margarine, meat fats, salad dressings, sauces, and gravies
When poured down the drain or flushed down the toilet, they solidify and build up inside plumbing pipes, creating a sewer back-up risk in your home.
Other top clog offenders that should never be flushed include paper towels, rags, dental floss and hypodermic needles. Hypodermic needles are particularly problematic, as they create a hazard for wastewater staff.
To find out how to properly dispose of these items and more, use the City of Kingston’s Waste Sorting Look-up tool.
Learn how to protect your home and health by knowing what not to flush. AND NOW FOR THE FUN AND INTERESTING STUFF FROM FARTHER AFIELD22.A new era for tracking the health of the Great Lakes, CNW Group, October 26, 2021 (also appeared in Newswireand at yahoo! finance). If you’ve ever wondered about the health of your local river or lake, seven million open data points are now at your fingertips. Information ranging from lake temperatures to levels of nitrates in the water is available on Great Lakes DataStream, a new online platform for sharing water quality data from across Ontario and Quebec.
32.The Port of Montreal joins the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization, The Port of Montreal (Montreal, Quebec), October 27, 2021 (also appeared at Canadian Insider, in The Canadian Business Journal, at Newswire and in 9 other publications). The Montreal Port Authority (MPA) reiterates its firm commitment to sustainable development by joining the 200 signatories of the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization. Launched by the Getting to Zero Coalition in partnership with the Global Maritime Forum, World Economic Forum and Friends of Ocean Action, this action calls on public and private organizations from the maritime, energy and financial sectors to accelerate the energy transition of international shipping and achieve the goal of zero emissions by 2050. Launched at the recent United Nations General Assembly, the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization aims to decarbonize international shipping by 2050 and deploy zero-emission fuels and vessels. MPA President and CEO Martin Imbleau is quoted.
24.New technology to filter trash from the St. Lawrence River, Spectrum News (Syracuse, New York), October 28, 2021. For years, river and lake communities have been fighting to keep trash and plastics out of the water. Now, as the battle against COVID-19 continues, people are finding a new item littering natural resources — masks. Now, one waterfront village is hoping some new technology will keep the St. Lawrence River cleaner than ever. The village of Clayton is installing traps in several storm drains through the village that borders the St. Lawrence River
25. Lake Erie a Graveyard For Ships, May Hold up to 2,500 Sunken Vessels, Ancient Origins (Dublin, Ireland), October 31, 2021. As one of the most heavily trafficked inland waterways in the world, Lake Erie has seen more than its share of catastrophe and tragedy. While it is the second smallest of the five Great Lakes, an enormous number of ships have sunk beneath its waters, possibly as many as 2,500 according to the estimates of some archaeologists and historians.
26. Great Show – And It’s On To Broadway!
Charles Robertson, formerly of Bottletree, now has his own production company and has teamed up with actor, choreographer and creator Cassel Miles to create Josiah, the true story of Josiah Henson’s remarkable journey from slavery to freedom.
This is a story of faith and courage that should be shared with the world. Told with a mix of dance, drama, song and movement, audiences have been blown away by the show.
Charles is raising money to take the show to Broadway.
To that end, they have established sponsorship packages ranging from just 25 dollars up to 5000 dollars. If you are able to help out, please click here – Josiah to Broadway
Or here – https://66josiahonbroadway.blogspot.com/2021/10/mary-farrar-josiah.html
“It should be on large stages across the country. Masterful Cassel Miles takes us on a journey of Josiah Henson. Brilliantly written and directed by Charles Robertson.” Tracey Erin Smith – SOULO Theatre
“It should be playing on Broadway!” Rosemary Doyle – Theatre Kingston
“One of the best shows ever!” Susan Reynolds –
Theatre Orangeville –Theatre Review
27. Fall Forest Therapy at Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area
Highly recommended for making magical connections!
November 15: Parrot’s Bay Conservation Area
November 19: Moonlight Forest Therapy Walk, Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area.
More info and to register? Krista at kfazackerley@crca.
28. Does Veganism Make Sense?
Received from New Scientist, Oct 30, 2021
Our long read this week takes a look at whether it is truly healthier to go vegan.
This way of eating is on the rise: the number of vegans in the UK quadrupled between 2014 and 2019, now accounting for about 1 per cent of the population. Even those who aren’t fully vegan or vegetarian are eating an increasing amount of plant-based foods, with vegan processed foods among the fastest-growing supermarket sectors.
While some go vegan for the sake of the environment or for animal welfare reasons, for many, at least some of their motivation is health. The aura of healthiness surrounding plant-based foods comes partly from the long-standing idea that saturated fat, found mainly in meat and dairy products, is bad for the heart. Processed meat, such as sausages and bacon, has also been linked with cancer.
But when you look at what kind of vegan food people are eating, the picture becomes more complex, as our article describes here. While an old-style vegan diet from 20 years ago would have mainly consisted of nuts, fruit, vegetables and pulses, typical vegans today eat a lot of highly processed food, such as plant-based sausages, burgers and imitation mince and chicken.
Unfortunately a growing body of research suggests that the more ultra-processed food people eat, the worse their health. It isn’t clear why.
The traditional view is that this is due to its higher content of fat, salt and sugar. Another idea is that many of the beneficial constituents of food, such as fibre and micronutrients, are stripped out during processing in factories.
While most of the supportive evidence comes from observational studies, the first randomised trial to investigate the health effects of ultra-processed foods did suggest that something other than their high fat, sugar and salt content is playing a role, as we explored in this long read.
When people were given either ultra-processed or whole food diets carefully matched for fat, sugar and salt, they consumed 500 more calories a day on the ultra-processed diet. They also ate more calories per minute, suggesting that highly processed food might make us eat more overall because it is so very calorie dense.
There’s also a question over plant-based milks and dairy alternatives, as they naturally lack many of the beneficial nutrients from real dairy products, such as protein, calcium and iodine. Some vegan substitutes are fortified to some extent, but we are increasingly discovering that there are thousands of hitherto uncharted biochemicals in food – a gap in our knowledge sometimes referred to as nutritional dark matter.
For instance, in 2019, I wrote about calls for vegans and vegetarians to consider if they are getting enough choline, the richest natural sources of which are meat and eggs. This compound isn’t technically classed as a vitamin because our bodies can manufacture it, but it seems most of us don’t make enough to meet our requirements.
The UK’s Vegan Society says getting enough choline isn’t a concern for people on a balanced and varied plant-based diet, but I have to wonder how many vegans that applies to.
29. Cambodian turtles coming back from the brink https://www.nationalgeographic.com/…/cantors-soft-shell…
30. Greta Thunberg’s petition re COP
In case you didn’t know (I didn’t) COP 26 stands for Convention of the Parties. Seems odd to me.
Cop 26 will be attended by representatives and Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – established in the early 90s to combat “dangerous human interference with the climate system” – the Kyoto Protocol that commits state parties to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, and the Paris Agreement.
Under the Paris Agreement, parties are required to attend such conferences at least once every five years, under a process colloquially known as the ‘ratchet mechanism’, designed to “ratchet up ambition to mitigate climate change”.
The Parties of COP26 are expected to commit to enhanced ambition since COP21, which was actually six years ago, due to the postponement of the COP26 event last summer due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
120 world leaders and between 10,000 and 20,000 delegates are expected to be in attendance.
A message from Friends of the Earth, Canada about being informed re COP 26
Governments from much of the world are meeting in Glasgow at the UN Climate Conference of the Parties #26. You can watch live streaming of official events at COP26.
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, host of COP26, boiled down his aspirations for the meeting to “Coal, Cars, Canopy (trees) and Cash.”
One Day One of COP 26, Prime Minister Trudeau stated: “In the same way that we’re all working together to end the COVID-19 pandemic, we have to bring that same sense of urgency to bear on the climate crisis and on biodiversity loss.”
But we want much more. We want an equitable transition out of fossil fuels. We want an end to fossil fuel subsidies and a cap on emissions from oil and gas producers. On Wednesday, November 3, this year’s “A Fair Share Phase Out – Civil Society Equity Coalition will layout the details for an equitable phase out of fossil fuels”. We’ll send you the report.
Maybe you wonder how can we measure “success” at COP26?
Here’s the checklist Friends of the Earth and many other groups will use.
May I suggest you have a look at two reports by Friends of the Earth International that challenge themes that we see as dangerous distractions from what rich countries need to do to stay below the agreed 1.5 C temperature limits º nature-based solutions and net zero:
A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: beware of nature-based solutions!
Chasing Carbon Unicorns: powerful actors are using “net zero” pledges to hide their climate inaction. We want real zero!
After 26 COPS, we still have hope that people of good will and the pressure of two weeks of negotiations can forge the commitments we need and kick start the action that must follow.
Beatrice Olivastri, CEO, Friends of the Earth Canada
613 724 8690, beatrice@foecanada.org
Wishing you warmth and friendship as the weather cools and the days shorten.
Mary Farrar, President, Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour