Dear Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour,
First of all thanks to Adam Malus for his great photo.
Although not Inner Harbour specifically, it does capture the feel of late October/November.
1) FKIH Annual General Meeting, Thurs, Nov 14
2) Shoreline Mitigation + Another possible approach with trees?
3) Lake Level Concerns
4) Separating Combine Sewers and Drainage Control
5) Pitch In Kingston Fall Edition, Fri, Oct 25 – Sat Oct 26 (incl K&P)
6) Giveaway Day + Recycling Open House, Sat, Oct 26
7) City seeks Volunteers for Committees, Deadline Nov 8
8) Density By Design, Nov 4 + week of Nov 18
9) Bike Box installed at Princess and Division
10) Alderville First Nation Garden
11) Standard and Poor’s Affirms Kingston’s AA Rating
12) Kingston’s Digital Twin
13) Museum Museum Event + Chit-Chat
14) It Takes a Forest to Fight Climate Change
15) The Big Picture: Where Carbon is Stored
16) How to Buy Sustainable Hallowe’en Treats.
17) Ever wonder about Wooly Bears?
18) Shipping is one of the Dirtiest Industries
19) Marine Council Advisory Council
20) Letter to City re Third Crossing
21) The totally amazing BLOB!
1) FKIH Annual General Meeting, Thurs, Nov 14,
What : AGM including presentation by Kenny Ruelland on this year’s turtle projects
When: Thurs, Nov 14, 7 pm
Where: Frontenac Village Condo Common Room.
NOTES: All welcome. Light Refreshments. Accessible. To get to Frontenac Village, go as far north as possible on King St. to the cul-de-sac that is the entry to the parking garage. Signs will be posted for directions on foot. Parking available at the Anglin Parking Lot or Food Basics.
Need accessible entry? Contact Mary.
2) Shoreline Mitigation + Another possible approach with trees?
$20M+ Disaster Mitigation Adaptation Fund to help protect Kingston as climate changes
Received from the City of Kingston:
“The city is entering agreements with Infrastructure Canada to access more than 20 million in grant funding under the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) to help protect Kingston from flooding and make our community more resilient as our climate changes.
‘We are very grateful for this timely and sorely needed federal funding that will help us hone our infrastructure to address the high water levels and dramatic downpours we’ve experienced in recent years – and can expect to keep on experiencing as our climate changes,’ says Craig Desjardins, Director, Strategy, Innovation & Partnerships.
Kingston is one of 20 communities to be awarded this funding through the DMAF’s competitive granting program and pursued it as part of the City’s strategic priority to demonstrate leadership on climate action.
It should be noted that the City and the community have been working to become more resilient to climate change for years, taking actions outlined in the community-built 2014 Kingston Climate Action Plan – recognized as Canada’s best Climate Action Plan in a 2018 study that appeared in Climatic Change, an academic journal.
The DMAF support represents 40 per cent of the $50.5 million cost of the projects, outlined below, to be completed over the next decade. Here’s how the funds will be used:
Shoreline protection works
‘We’re a lake city and our quality of life and integrity of infrastructure is very much linked to the state of the lake and the water,’ says Paul MacLatchy, Environment Director.
In 2017 and 2019, the combination of record-high water levels and severe wind/wave action resulted in flooding and erosion along Lake Ontario and Cataraqui River shorelines affecting public safety, key transportation routes and City assets.
Up to $9.8 million in Government of Canada DMAF funding will go to protect Kingston shorelines against erosion. The City’s contribution is $14.7 million.
A total of 2,140 linear metres of rock revetment to support the shoreline and 1,052 linear metres of shorewall repairs are planned to help protect roads, trails and ensure safe access at 18 locations along Kingston’s waterfronts from Treasure Island to Crerar Park. City staff will offer a report to the Environment, Infrastructure and Transportation Committee on the shoreline projects in early 2020.
Wondering if work is planned for a shoreline near you?
See the list of planned projects on e-page 3 of Council Report # 19-260.
– Waterfront Trail (Lake Ontario Park to Portsmouth Olympic Harbour) – Rock Revetment and Shorewall Treatment
– Horsey Bay Parkette – Rock Revetment
– Morton Way – Rock Revetment
– Richardson Beach (Rock Revetment and Emily Street to Maitland Street Shorewall Enhancements)
– Douglas R. Fluhrer Park – Rock Revetment and Shorewall Repairs
– Molly Brant Point – Rock Revetment and Shorewall Repairs
– Place D’Armes (Anglin Bay) – Shorewall and Seawall Repairs
– Portsmouth Olympic Harbour – Rock Revetment and Shorewall Enhancements
– An Gorta Mor Park – Rock Revetment
– MacDonald Memorial Park – Rock Revetment
– Emma Martin Park – Rock Revetment and Shorewall Repairs
– 17/19 Point Crescent – Rock Revetment
– Crerar Park – Rock Revetment
– Crawford Wharf (Tour Boat Area) – Shorewall Repairs
– 100 Foot Park – Rock Revetment
– Old Front Road/Horsey Bay – Rock Revetment
– Front Road/Cataraqui Bay – Rock Revetment
– St. Lawrence Avenue to Treasure Island – Rebuild Low-Lying Road”
We received the following from Luke Folwell, Director of Engineering, Oct 23, 2019 when we inquired about what might be happening in Doug Fluhrer Park.
” I don’t have exact timing for the delivery of the projects or the full scope of work yet, but I can advise that we are doing some shoreline inspections this fall now that water has receded a little and will bring a report to committee in Q2 2020 to update council and the public.”
In all honesty those rock walls are neither very inviting nor aesthetically pleasing. If trees could actually work better that could be wonderful.
This article was taken from the February 2014 issue of Wired magazine.
“The 85-year-old Japanese environmental scientist Akira Miyawaki has planted more than 40 million trees in 15 countries. Now the ardent arborist is using planned forests as a tidal-wave shield. “After the earthquake in 2011, the tsunami destroyed hard concrete barriers,” Miyawaki says of Japan’s safeguards, which cover at least 40 per cent of the country’s 35,000 kilometres of coast. “On the other hand, coastal Shinto shrines and temples survived, protected by forests of native trees.”
Miyawaki, director of the Japanese Center for International Studies in Ecology, is taking an all-natural approach to disaster prevention: growing a Great Wall of Forest. He’s using non-toxic debris from the 2011 quake to build mounds for planting deep-rooting trees such as Japanese varieties of machilus, evergreen oak and blue oak. In October, Miyawaki and his team completed a forest in Minamisoma, a city in Fukushima. But he wants to go beyond Japan and persuade governments worldwide to plant tsunami-buffering trees. The goal, he says, is for the protective forests to survive 9,000 years, into the next ice age,”
Here is another paper:
The Japanese and Chinju-no-mori* Tsunami-protecting forest after the Great East Japan Earthquake 2011** Akira Miyawaki, Yokohama, Japan with 32 photos and 2 figures
Abstract: A great earthquake hit the Tohoku District, eastern Japan, on March 11th 2011. This Great East Japan Earthquake including great tsunami that followed claimed the lives of about 20,000 people, though we made best possible prediction and preparation for natural disasters with full use of the newest science and technologies. Tide prevention forests of pine trees alone did not serve the purpose, but not a tree from the local potential natural vegetation fell in the earthquake and the tsunami. In order to survive in such fl at areas, it is essential to build high coastal levees with native forests of indigenous tree species. Most of the debris from disaster areas is ecologically an earth resource. After removing poisonous materials, debris should be utilized to make well aerated mounds along the 300km-long coasts of disaster areas. Saplings of native tree species with fully developed root systems are planted mixed and densely on the mounds. They will grow to form tsunami-preventing native forests a “Great Wall of Forests”. This afforestation on embankments should spread as a government project and a national movement. Keywords: tsunami, debris, potential natural vegetation, Great East Japan Earthquake 2011
More Info?
Thanks so much Joyce Hostyn for drawing these to our attention.
3) Lake Level Concerns:
a)For a broad picture piece have a look at this
b) NY state to sue US-Canada panel over Lake Ontario flooding, New York Upstate (Albany, New York), October 9, 2019 (also appeared at NNY 360, in the Daily Press and at WBFO). New York state plans to sue the U.S.-Canada commission that regulates Lake Ontario levels, claiming that the commission’s neglect caused extensive flooding and damage along the lake this year. A citizens group, Lake Ontario Saint Lawrence River Alliance, is trying to raise $1 million to file a separate lawsuit suit against the International Joint Commission, according to recent newspaper advertisement. Both the state and the citizens group charge that the commission’s new plan to regulate water levels led to record flooding that year and again in 2019. The plan, called Plan 2014, took effect in early 2017, at the same time a period of record rainfall began in the Great Lakes basin. Those records stood for just two years; 2019 rainfall was even higher than 2017, and so were lake and river levels.
c) Letter to the International Joint Commission from TIARA
Received from sister organization -Thousand Islands Area Residents Association (TIARA), Oct 18, 2019
“Hello, TIARA members,
Attached is a copy of a letter we sent this morning to the Co-chairs
(Canadian and American) of the International Joint Commission (IJC)
urging them to let out as much water as possible over the Moses-Saunders
dam at Cornwall/Massena, so that we don’t go into another winter/spring
starting with high river levels. We are also urging a simulated
comparison between the old Plan 1958DD and the present Plan 2014, and a
review of the Plan’s regulations in the future.
Here’s how the IJC describes its responsibilities: “The IJC has two
main responsibilities: approving projects that affect water levels and
flows across the boundary and investigating transboundary issues and
recommending solutions.The IJC’s recommendations and decisions take into
account the needs of a wide range of water uses, including drinking
water, commercial shipping, hydroelectric power generation, agriculture,
ecosystem health, industry, fishing, recreational boating
and shoreline property.
Best wishes from all of us at TIARA
As always, we welcome your comments. Please email us at tiara@tiaraweb.org.”
“Dr. Pierre Béland, Chair,
Canadian Section, International Joint Commission,
234 Laurier Avenue West, 22nd Floor,
Ottawa K1P 6K6. e-mail mageauc@ottawa.ijc.org.
Ms. Jane Corwin, Chair,
American Section, International Joint Commission,
1717 H Street NW, Suite 835
Washington, DC 20006. e-mail lawsonc@washington.ijc.org.
Mr. Terence Bowles, President and CEO,
St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation,
202 Pitt Street,
Cornwall ON K6J 3P7 e-mail pleblanc@seaway.ca
Dear Dr. Béland, Ms. Corwin and Mr. Bowles,
As winter approaches, we in the 1000 Islands are extremely concerned at the high water levels in the St.Lawrence River: almost a foot and a half higher than normal for this time of year. As you are well aware, municipalities, individuals and businesses along the St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario suffered great losses in 2017 and 2019 due to flooding, and are genuinely alarmed at the prospect of more destructive flooding in 2020.
In view of this situation, the Thousand Islands Area Residents Association (TIARA) urges the International Joint Commission (IJC) to immediately require the Seaway to schedule intermittent shipping closures, allowing times when the International Lake Ontario St. Lawrence River Board (ILOSLRB) can increase outflows to bring the River’s water level down at least a foot before freeze-up. This “patterning” would be only fair, given that the IJC reduced the outflows over two full days to permit Lake St. Lawrence boaters to haul out their boats. By comparison, the 1000 Islands and Lake Ontario potentially stand to suffer far more damage from spring flooding if water levels are not reduced now, an unfairly disproportionate burden.
The IJC has stated that it was a coincidence that Plan 2014 came into effect just when the Great Lakes experienced record-breaking precipitation in 2017 and 2019, but it was inevitable that Plan 2014 (already unpopular in some quarters) would be blamed for the severe flooding that ensued.
To restore and preserve the reputation and integrity of Plan 2014, we urge the IJC to run and publish a simulated comparison between Plan 1958DD and Plan 2014 to demonstrate its assertion there would only have been a very small difference in water levels under each plan in 2019.
Further, TIARA urges the IJC to use the results of the online survey run by the Great Lakes St. Lawrence River Adaptive Management (GLAM) Committee to review the Plan’s regulations and decide whether changes should be considered. We further suggest, although they may be contentious, that the IJC undertake a series of public engagement sessions throughout the watershed to solicit local knowledge about the flooding and to rebuild citizen trust. We also advise the IJC to seriously consider commissioning an independent study of Plan 2014, to further the rebuilding of trust. Perhaps the public engagement sessions could be incorporated into the process of the independent study.
Founded in 1975, TIARA is a 44-year old, all-volunteer grassroots organization of some 250 members, both Canadian and American, whose mandate is to preserve and improve the character of the Thousand Islands with emphasis on the environment. We are currently completing our document to nominate the upper St. Lawrence as a Canadian Heritage River.
Yours sincerely,
Michael M. Bell
Co-President, TIARA, 481 Thousand Islands Parkway, Lansdowne, ON K0E 1L0
On behalf of Martin Bordt, Co-President, and the entire TIARA Board of Directors:
Charles Baker, Roswitha Baker, Laura Bell, Michael Bell, Mike Bell, Martin Bordt, Blu Mackintosh, Jennifer Macklem, Marion MacLeod, Christina McCarthy, Pierre Mercier, Margot Miller, Brian Reynolds, Elisabeth Sterken, Jonathan Thorburn”
International Joint Commission webpage: https://www.ijc.org/en/who/role
4) Separating Combine Sewers and Drainage Control in Central Kingston
According to the Cataraqui Regional Conservation Authority and weather modelling conducted for our community, Kingston is expected to see an increase in both the frequency and severity of extreme weather events as a result of climate change. In recent years, we have witnessed higher amounts of precipitation occurring over short periods of time.
The City’s contribution to this project is $15.6 million.
“The City and Utilities Kingston have been working since 2008 to separate central Kingston’s combined sewer system so that one system will deal with storm water and another will carry sewage. This work is coordinated with road reconstruction projects, like the Big Dig on Princess,” says Jim Keech, President and CEO of Utilities Kingston.
Separating sewers helps reduce the sewer overflows associated with significant downpours. In addition, improvements to storm water systems (such as drainage paths) in flood-prone neighbourhoods will add resiliency in the event of major storms.
5) Pitch In Kingston Fall Edition (incl K&P Trail)
What: City and Sustainable Kingston team together to host a community-wide clean-up
When: Fri, Oct 25 and Sat, Oct 26, 8:30 am – 9:30 pm
NOTES: “Between April 22 and 29, nearly 10,000 residents donated their time to help collect litter at various locations around our city, as part of Pitch-In Canada’s annual event. This was a great show of civic involvement and an impressive display of environmentalism,” says Kristin Mullin, Executive Director of Sustainable Kingston.
“One of the things that stood out to national organizers of Pitch-In Week was the awesome posts being shared on social media by Kingstonians. We hope, once again, people will take to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and share messages to inspire others around our community – and our country,” says Mullin.
“We are ready for Kingstonians to ‘wow’ us again,” adds Mullin.
Two of the 14 sites are along the K&P Trail!! Bags available on-site.
More Info and Registration Details?
6) Giveaway Day + Recycling Open House, Sat, Oct 26
What: WasteNotYGK Part of Waste Reduction Week: Giveaway Day in Kingston
– the day you put out reusable items you no longer want to your neighbours who might like them.
“Use Giveaway Days to divert useful items from landfill. Garbage in landfill creates climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions and leachate. Items that have life left in them, or that can be re-purposed do not belong there,” says Heather Roberts, Director of Solid Waste.
When: Sat, Oct 26
Only set out appropriate items that you know someone else might want.
Appropriate: books, CDs, DVDs, furniture and small appliances, electronics, construction materials (including drywall, lumber, hardware), kitchen gadgets, dishes, cutlery, pots and pans and, yes, unwanted gifts.
Inappropriate: the Consumer Product Safety Bureau of Health Canada advises that these items should not be given away (or picked-up): baby walkers, cribs, car seats, strollers, playpens, bath seats, mattresses, blinds and toys.
How to put items out:
Place items at the curb in front of your home.
Place stickers or signs on the items with the word ‘FREE.’
Ensure any items that you do not want taken are kept away from items placed at the curb.
At the end of the day, bring any uncollected items back in to your home. The City will not collect unwanted items left at the curb. Consider donating them to a local charity.
How to pick items up:
Respect other people’s property: don’t walk on people’s lawns or gardens.
Take only the items marked ‘FREE’ and placed at the curb.
Don’t leave previously picked up items on the curb at other people’s property.
Find these guidelines at www.CityofKingston.ca/Giveaway.
Share pictures of your Giveaway Day items on Twitter at #WasteNotYGK.
What: KARC ( Kingston Area Recycling Centre) Open House
When: Sat, Oct 26, 10 am – 2 pm
Where:196 Lappan’s Lane
NOTES: Come see what happens to your recyclables after they are picked up at the curb and learn more about the City’s many waste diversion programs!
7) City seeks Volunteers for Committees, Deadline Nov 8.
“Do you want to help shape your community? Volunteer for one of the City of Kingston committees, boards, or working groups now seeking informed advice from committed Kingstonians.
“Committees, boards and working groups provide insight and advice to Council respective to their mandates. When residents bring their knowledge and skill set as a volunteer for one of these groups, our community truly benefits,” says Janet Jaynes, Deputy City Clerk.
The City is seeking new members for the following:
Advisory Committees
Heritage Kingston
Legislated Committees and Boards
Appeals Committee
Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee
Taxi Commission
Kingston Economic Development Board of Directors
Kingston Frontenac Public Library
Kingston Frontenac Housing Corporation Board of Directors
Working Groups
Planning Advisory Working Group (Central Kingston Urban representative)
Those interested in serving must be 18 years or older, a resident/business owner in Kingston, and be either a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident, a person who has been given permanent resident status by immigrating to Canada but is not a Canadian Citizen, and has resided in Kingston for at least one year.
Apply by Nov. 8 at 4:30 p.m. online at www.CityofKingston.ca/Committees or at the city clerk’s office at City Hall, 216 Ontario St.
8) Density By Design, Nov 4 + Week of Nov 18
Density by Design, the City’s project to develop mid-rise and tall building design policies, enters the next phase of public consultation on Nov. 4. That’s when an Issues and Options Paper outlining the work done so far and next steps for the project will be released for public review and input. Watch for it on GetInvolved.CityofKingston.ca.
“These design policies will govern critical aspects of mid-rise and tall building construction in Kingston,” explains Andrea Gummo, Acting Manager of Policy Planning for the City. “This is a great chance to help shape the future of Kingston and it’s important that residents take this opportunity to ask questions and share their views.”
Density by Design, the City’s project to develop mid-rise and tall building design policies, enters the next phase of public consultation on Nov. 4. That’s when an Issues and Options Paper outlining the work done so far and next steps for the project will be released for public review and input. Watch for it on GetInvolved.CityofKingston.ca.
Brent Toderian to attend engagement sessions
Engagement sessions with expert planning consultant Brent Toderian are being planned for the week of Nov.18. Interested residents will have two weeks to review the Issues and Options Paper and are encouraged to bring their questions and feedback to these sessions. The sessions will feature a station-based format, to encourage one-on-one interactions with members of the City’s Planning Division.
More Info: www.CityofKingston.ca/DensitybyDesign.
9) Bike Box Installed at Princess and Division
Kingston’s first bike box is now installed at the intersection of Princess and Division streets. A bike box is a green road marking that indicates the bike-designated area at a signalized intersection. The bike box allows cyclists to move ahead of motorized vehicles into a safe and visible location when traffic signals are red.
“Bike boxes are one type of cycling infrastructure the City is implementing to make it easier for residents to get around using active modes of transportation,” explains Ian Semple, the City of Kingston’s Director of Transportation Services. “Bike boxes make it easier and safer for a cyclist waiting at an intersection to make a left turn.”
Installation of the bike box at Princess and Division was originally scheduled for summer of this year before City engineers identified needed asphalt repairs in the area. These repairs have now been completed.
Bike boxes significantly increase the visibility of cyclists, making motorists more aware of their presence. They also prevent drivers from making right turns in front of cyclists approaching from behind, increasing the level of safety at the intersection for all road users.
Vehicles are required to stop behind the green bike box. Once the signal is green, the motorist will wait for the cyclist to proceed through the intersection. Motorists cannot turn right on a red light at an intersection with a bike box. If the signal is green on approach to the intersection with a bike box, it is treated as a normal intersection and traffic proceeds as usual.
10) Alderville First Nations Garden
City of Kingston public art project underway to commemorate Alderville First Nation
“Manidoo Ogitigan” (“Spirit Garden”) has been designed as a landscape installation and was developed through an ongoing engagement process with the Alderville First Nation. The work is intended to function as a homecoming for the Alderville First Nation that explores how the shared experiences of colonization and attempts at cultural assimilation have impacted the living culture of the Alderville First Nation. “Manidoo Ogitigan” also incorporates design elements based on Wampum Belts, the symbolism of the Medicine Wheel along with a selection of culturally significant food and medicinal plants in a formal layout based on the Alderville Methodist Church.
Artist Terence Radford has been selected to design the Alderville First Nation Commemoration Project – a landscape installation called “Manidoo Ogitigan” – that is to be installed in Lake Ontario Park. The fabrication of this permanent public art project is scheduled to begin in fall 2019 with the installation expected to be complete by fall 2020. The project has a budget of $150,000 and was facilitated by the City in keeping with the Public Art Policy. Radford was selected by a jury through an open call and two-phase procurement process and the artwork will become part of the City’s Civic Collection. This project commemorates the past, present and future of the Alderville First Nation and functions as a space for the Alderville First Nation and the Kingston community to gather, teach and learn.
“This public art project is many years in the making and has been realized through extensive collaboration and engagement with Alderville First Nation,” says Danika Lochhead, Manager of Arts and Sector Development at the City of Kingston. “The intent of the project is to nurture the relationship between the Alderville First Nation and the Kingston region by exploring the historical connections the Mississauga Ojibway and members of the Anishnaabeg Nation have to this area.”
“Alderville First Nation has a long history in Kingston, one that goes back centuries,” says Dave Mowat, Chief of Alderville First Nation. “This public installation and partnership with the City of Kingston speaks to our past while also looking forward to the future.”
Planning for this project first began in 2013 after James Marsden, then-Chief of the Alderville First Nation, approached the City with a request to form a partnership to commemorate the story of the Mississauga Nation in Kingston. This request coincided with the development of the first-ever Public Art Master Plan for the City. This public art project, along with its location in Lake Ontario Park, was approved by Council in 2017 and its aim is to commemorate the Alderville First Nation and to raise awareness of the diverse histories and narratives of with Indigenous Peoples in this area.
Artist Selection Process
Artist Terence Radford was selected for this project by a jury that included three members of the Alderville First Nation along with three Indigenous artists. The jury was unanimous in its enthusiasm for Radford’s proposal, titled “Manidoo Ogitigan” (“Spirit Garden”), which references themes and ideas that are significant to the Alderville First Nation.
Terence Radford is a contemporary Canadian artist who works with painting, sculpture, photography and multimedia installations. He is a registered landscape architect and runs Trophic Design, an aboriginally owned and operated landscape and architectural practice based in Cobourg, Ontario. Radford’s Cree heritage and membership with the Metis Nation of British Columbia, as well as his work with the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres, provided a basis for his studies in cultural landscape theory and Indigenous art history that also informs his work.
11) Standard and Poor’s Affirms Kingston’s ‘AA’ Credit Rating
A recent Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Rating Agency Research Update affirms the City of Kingston’s ‘AA’ credit rating with a stable outlook.
The Research Update outlines S&P’s perspective on the City’s healthy cash position, its “steadily” growing economy and assessment base, and strong operating performance.
S&P provides the following comments in its report: “Kingston’s improving demographic trends are sustaining its assessment base and revenue growth, helping the city fund its capital expenditures from internally generated sources. While benefiting from a large and stabilizing public sector presence, Kingston has recently attracted private investment, particularly in its food processing sector, and is slowly diversifying, adding to its economic strength.”
The report also gives credit to the City’s financial management strategies, prudent debt and liquidity policies, manageable debt levels and a strong political consensus in setting strategic priorities and approving budgets that are built on realistic assumptions.
This rating allows the City to continue to secure funds on the investment market at attractive interest rates and terms.
“Standard & Poor’s comprehensive review is an important validation of our processes and approach. This consistently high rating helps ensure that our investors and residents maintain confidence in the City’s approach to being fiscally responsible,” says Desirée Kennedy, the City’s Chief Financial Officer.
12) Kingston’s Digital Twin
The City of Kingston’s Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Services offered a user demo of a “digital twin” of Kingston at an industry conference in Ottawa on October 16.
“It’s really exciting to be in on the construction of virtual Kingston. We are literally building a 3D model of our physical city that we can use to better service, maintain and improve City infrastructure and services in a smart way,” says Phil Healey, Manager, GIS.
Esri Canada has been working with City staff to create this presentation using the City’s web GIS platform and open data. More specifically, it makes use of elevation data collected using LiDAR technology and geospatial data stored in the city’s GIS to create a digital model of physical Kingston that will allow City staff to be able to visit, measure and make plans for spots around town from their devices using the ArcGIS Online platform. Version 1 of this smart tool provides simple 3D buildings and ground elevation models.
The vision is to, over time, build Kingston’s Digital Twin so that it can aid staff decision-making at every stage of an infrastructure project, from planning to design to municipal operations and asset management. A video featuring City staff accompanies the presentation and focuses on this technology’s possibilities and looks toward creating a single integrated view of Kingston for City staff and residents.
Once constructed Kingston’s digital twin will support many of the City’s priorities including improving walkability, roads and transportation, strengthening economic opportunities and fostering healthy citizens and vibrant spaces.
More Info? OpenDataKingston.CityofKingston.ca
13) Marine Museum Event + Chit Chat
a) What: “The Magnificent Work of Nicholas Henderson and Our Glorious Age of Sail”. Autumn Speaker Event put on by the Marine Museum in partnership with the Kingston Yacht Club and the Pump House Museum. Local historian Maurice Smith and Kingston sail-maker Andy Soper will explore the glorious age of sail through the remarkable works of Kingston artist Nicholas Henderson (1862-1934). Henderson’s painting “Grain Ships Entering Harbour at Kingston” is currently on display at the Pump House Museum’s exhibit “Ontario Street: Brewers, Bakers and Boilermakers, 1830-1970”. The exhibit is open until 23 November 2019.
Who: Maurice served as Executive Director of the Marine Museum of the Great Lakes from 1978 to 2001 and served in command of the brigantine “Pathfinder”. Kingston sail-maker Andy Soper is well known for his extensive knowledge of traditional sail-maiking techniques throughout history.
When: Wed, Oct 30, 2019, 7 pm
Where: Kingston Yacht Club, Maitland St. Kingston
NOTE: Donations gratefully accepted
b) The Marine Museum has been hoping for some time to dig up the “Ontario” for display in Kingston. A really ambitious and expensive but exciting idea. If you haven’t already read it, A. Britton Smith did write a fun book on it called “Legend of the Lake: The Ontario, 1770-80. Here is a recent piece about the Ontario received Oct 19, 2019 from the Chamber of Marine Commerce.
“Discover the shipwrecks of Lake Ontario with noted explorer, NNY360 (Watertown, New York), October 17, 2019. Jim Kennard has discovered some of the most historic Great Lakes shipwrecks in his more than 40 years’ exploring New York’s waterways, and he’ll recall his experiences in an upcoming presentation at Cayuga Community College. Kennard’s “Shipwrecks of Lake Ontario” will provide an opportunity for an in-depth look at his discovery of the HMS Ontario and the Washington, two of the oldest shipwrecks in the Great Lakes. The presentation is not only a look into some of the greatest shipwreck discoveries in Lake Ontario, but also how the ships are found and identified.
c) High Rise on the Marine Museum site? Rumour has it that Brit Smith is planning a 10-12 story high rise on the Marine Museum site that is being seen as transitioning from the higher rises back from the water to the lower rises along the water. Fact or fiction?
14) It Takes a Forest to Fight Climate Change: How a made-in-Canada national tree planting strategy can help
Received Sept 27 from Forests Ontario
“Good news is rare, though it seems like nearly every day for the past few weeks there have been new commitments by global leaders to fight climate change by planting huge numbers of trees.
In my 38 years as a forester, I’ve never experienced enthusiasm for tree planting as powerful as what we’ve seen in 2019. The trigger? Climate change. So now, as Canadians, how do we harness and deploy large-scale tree planting on a national scale?
Planting one trillion trees around the world may be one of the most effective ways to combat the impacts of climate change, according to a recent study by ETH Zurich University and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
The study determined that Canada has the third highest land potential to plant trees in the world – 117 billion trees over 78.4 million hectares, to be exact. This represents more than 10 per cent of the global trillion tree target, meaning Canada has real potential to become a climate leader on a global stage by putting these trees in the ground.
To step up to our global responsibilities, I propose a national tree planting strategy led by Forest Recovery Canada. Forest Recovery Canada, the national division of non-profit charity Forests Ontario, has already proven to have the unique expertise, infrastructure and network required to bring this mighty goal to fruition. There’s no questioning it any longer – Canada can and must contribute to the world’s growing need for trees and new forests.
Luckily, Forest Recovery Canada and Forests Ontario are well-versed in tree planting. With our dedicated partners, we have already planted trees across the country in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Nova Scotia, Quebec, and Newfoundland and Labrador – about three million trees per year.
In fact, we are the only non-profit organization in Canada that oversees all aspects of forest restoration from beginning to end, or from seed to survival.
The complexity of tree planting is far greater than many realize; from seed forecasting and collection to monitoring tree survival. We conduct site assessments to determine the best-suited species for the site; use native trees grown in local nurseries with source-identified seed stock; and have expert local partners who undertake the planting, conduct survival assessments, and deliver appropriate care. All steps of the process are completed with an unmatched level of accountability and are reported online and in real time.
As the global spotlight increasingly shines upon climate change, Canadians are embracing the fact that our country has a moral obligation to respond. Planting trees is an excellent response. Not only does Forest Recovery Canada know how to plant trees, but it is the organization best-suited to deliver a home-grown, national-scale tree planting program. Canada’s contribution to the climate crisis must begin today, and we are ready and eager to be a part of the solution.
By Rob Keen, Registered Professional Forester and CEO of Forests Ontario and Forest Recovery Canada”.
15) The Big Picture: Where Carbon is Stored
Much of the talk surrounding the management of carbon emissions focuses on what goes up into the atmosphere. But the amount of carbon above ground is only a fraction of all the carbon stored on Earth.
More Info? whatonearth@cbc.ca (Oct 17 edition)
16) How to buy Sustainable Hallowe’en Treats
whatonearth@cbc.ca (Oct 17 edition)
17) Ever Wonder about Wooly Bears?
Received from The Land Between, Oct 15, 2019
Written by: Joshua Solti and Brittany Stoneman, Species at Risk Conservation Technicians
“Have you noticed those hairy caterpillars crossing roads recently and wondered, what are they and why are they crossing the road?
These hairy caterpillars are known as woolly bear caterpillars and average to be about 2 inches in length and consist of rust-and-black bands.
Well it’s that time of year! Like many species, woolly bears are inching across the road or your driveway to locate a spot to overwinter. But to survive winters, Woolly Bears have a unique adaptation: they spend most of their lives frozen! They are found in places like Canada and Greenland, and they survive here by freezing for the winter. That’s right! Woolly’s have a type of an antifreeze in their blood and they slow their hearts down enough that they almost stop pumping. But in order to survive in these extremes, the caterpillar needs to gather enough food by eating leaf litter during the autumn months. Then these caterpillars look for places under rocks, rotting logs and the existing leaf litter to freeze; one of many reasons not to rake your leaves this fall! (For more reasons not to rake the lawn, check out our blog “Leave the Leaves”).
In the spring, these guys emerge again and “defrost”. While they look warm and cozy, they actually need to bask in order to grow enough to enter chrysalis and they spend a lot of their time on roads and rocks soaking up the sun.
Also, while these insects appear to look almost cuddly soft and woolly, as the name suggests, this is a species you’re not going to want to touch! Woolly bears have tiny barbs (stinging hairs used as a common defense mechanism to dissuade predators) at the tips of their coat that can break off and irritate your skin, thus inducing a rash.
Another interesting thing about the species, is that they live longer than any other caterpillar; up to 14 years, but once they reach adulthood/turn into a moth, they only live 24 hours in order to lay eggs, before they die.
Fun fact! The woolly bear is the larval stage of the Isabella Tiger Moth.
Myths, Demystified
There are many myths surrounding our woolly friends that seem to appear everywhere in the fall, whether you see them taking over roadways, your lawns, the trees in your yard or even your front doorstep. If you ask around you may hear funny stories; such as that these furry friends predict the severity of upcoming winters through the amount of black ‘fur’ they have or even their direction of travel. This myth came about in 1948 from a small study completed by Dr. Howard Curran in which he traveled (with reporters I may add) to Bear Mountain, New York, where he counted the bands on a mere 15 specimens and made a prediction about the upcoming winter which happened to go “1948-style viral” and was picked up by New York Herald Tribune and later by national press.
The fact of the matter is that these cute critters do not actually predict the weather for the upcoming winter. The changes and differences in their coat are really an indicator of the previous season’s growth, their age, and how well they have been feeding. The better the season, the more the caterpillars will grow, which then leads to narrower rust-coloured banding and more black throughout their body!
WE hope to hold a Woolly Bear Bonanza in 2020! If you’d like to participate or have woolly cool ideas, contact us at The Land Between info@thelandbetween.ca
18) Shipping is one of the dirtiest industries. Now it’s trying to clean up its act, CNN, October 3, 2019. Maritime emissions account for around 3% of global carbon dioxide output, roughly the same as aviation. Under pressure from island states threatened by rising sea levels, the IMO — a UN body that regulates shipping — set a target last year of slashing emissions by at least 50% by 2050, compared to 2008. But achieving this ambitious goal requires ship owners to move away from fossil fuels and invest in cleaner technology, much of which has never been used on large vessels before. The challenge is particularly acute because the choices shipping companies make now will play out over the next 30 years.
19) NOAA Seeks Members for Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council,
Interesting US initiative.
Oswego County News Now (Oswego, New York), October 15, 2019. The federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is looking for community members from Oswego, Cayuga, Jefferson and Wayne counties to serve on an advisory council for the proposed Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary (NMS). Ellen Brody, Great Lakes Regional Coordinator for NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, told members of the Oswego County Legislature’s Economic Development and Planning Committee that plans are moving forward to have a 1,700-square mile area of Lake Ontario designated as a marine sanctuary. Part of the process is to establish an advisory council to provide input to NOAA.
20) Letter to City re Third Crossing
Here is a copy of the letter sent by FKIH’s turtle group and Turtles Kingston to the city’s Third Crossing Team that we copied to Mayor and Council. Sadly some of the residents of Pittsburgh District misinterpreted this letter as advocacy against construction of the Third Crossing. This misinterpretation resulted in some incorrect and even one nasty comment about the Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour, and me in particular, on the Greenwood Park Community Facebook page. As you will see, if you take the time to read the letter, the intent was NOT to advocate against the bridge. The intent was first to advocate on behalf of turtles throughout construction by pointing out inaccuracies in the data presented. Secondly the intent was to point out process problems that occurred because of efforts to get the bridge built on budget and on time. Certain shortcuts were necessitated that meant construction on the bridge is moving forward without due process and without official approval from Parks Canada. People have a right to know what is happening – whether or not they approve of the bridge. This is about understanding, not advocacy. We understand that the bridge is moving forward.
“Dear Holly (& Third Crossing Team), Debbi Miller, JC Kenny (& Communications Team), Dwight (& Parks Canada Team), Christine (and the Kingston Coalition of Communities) and John Bolognone (with the request that this communication be considered official correspondence relative to the Third Crossing and be shared with Mayor and Council)
The Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour have two major concerns about the DIA for the Third Crossing:
1. lack of openness and transparency re process
2. conclusions about turtles based on insufficient data
Concern #1: Lack of Openness and Transparency re Process
First the positives:
1. We understand that there is huge pressure to get this project done on time and on budget.
2. We are also very grateful that the Third Crossing Team made time for us to meet on site to discuss some of our concerns and that they have all been very personable, open, and easy to talk with.
3. We appreciate the enthusiasm of the Third Crossing Team concerning the Integrated Project Delivery model – an interesting and ground-breaking model.
4. We appreciate the team’s repeated suggestions for possible further meetings.
5. We appreciate the huge amount of work that has gone into this report. It is truly massive.
The problems we have felt and that have been expressed by community members:
1) Change in plan of bridge design The first plan involved extensive community consultation with the broader Kingston community. Then, somehow behind closed doors, that plan was changed with no similar public consultation and with insufficient explanation.
2. Change in plane for temporary bridge Similarly no adequate explanations have been offered as to why the huge amount of rock for a temporary bridge seemed necessary rather than the original temporary floating bridge concept.
3) Breadth of public consultation about the build process As part of the communication strategy, the Third Crossing Team held “Near Neighbourhood” meetings to inform local residents about the timetable re construction and allow citizens to air concerns. This was good. What was missing however was communication with the broader community across the city. As this is the most expensive project the city has ever been involved in all tax payers should be informed. It would have been better if, from the outset, communications had been sent out by the city newsfeed to all interested citizens as well as to near neighbourhood residents.
4. Length of time allowed for comment on the DIA by the general public Normally an Open House is held and then 30 days are given for public comments. In this case, the DIA was put online and the 30 day countdown started then. We are not sure if this is actually legal and wonder about those who don’t have either easy access to a computer or ability with computers.
5. Accessibility of the DIA Hard copies were made available when requested but they did not contain the appendices. Some of the appendices only appeared online a week or so before the deadline for comments. As the appendices were as long as the DIA report itself, this was clearly insufficient time for citizens to be able to digest them, let alone offer comments.
6. Some of the maps and diagrams are too small to read easily and require a magnifying glass. Fold-out pages in the hard copies would be preferable.
7. Problem with the Integrated Project Delivery Model Although this was touted to be a process where Parks Canada was working step-by-step through the work process with the city and the consultants, some citizens actually took it into their own hands to meet with representatives of Parks Canada to discuss their concerns and we were told that the perspective they received from Parks Canada differed from that of the city. For that reason, Parks Canada has been copied with this e-mail.
8. Why is the curtain going in before official approval? Is this actually legal?
Concern #2: Conclusions Based on Insufficient Data
This is a very hasty, scrambled together, inadequate response. This response would have been better organized and much more coherent if a complete report, including appendices, had appeared online initially with hard copies available that actually allowed for thirty days of appraisal.
I am including, first, the comments by Kenny Ruelland and Matt Keevil, our two turtle experts, hired by the Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour this past season to:
a) assist with our citizen-science turtle monitoring and nest protection initiatives,
b) assist Lesley Rudy, our former volunteer and current Queen’s graduate student, with her study of Inner Harbour turtles involving placement of thermometers in selected nests to determine relationships between nest temperature and other variables,
c) undertake a new capture/release initiative, and
d) work on our new radio-telemetry pilot project where antennae were attached to six northern map turtles to track their range and try to determine where they hibernate. Kenny Ruelland runs a private consulting firm entitled Reptile & Amphibian Advocacy. Matt Keevil is currently completing his PhD on Turtles at Laurentian University and has written numerous papers on Ontario turtles.
Comments on DIA by Consultants Kenny Ruelland and Matt Keevil
“FKIH radio telemetry observations of four female Northern Map Turtles suggest that the reach between Highway 401 upstream to the Kingston Mills dam is a primary overwintering site for Map Turtles captured in the Inner Harbour in July and August. Prior to the radio-telemetry study and incidental observations by boat, FKIH suspected that the primary overwintering area for Map Turtles was somewhere in the river south of Belle Park, close to the Davis Tannery property as indicated in the Third Crossing Detailed Impact Assessment (DIA). This had been inferred based on walking surveys documenting concentrations of basking Map Turtles at the Tannery shoreline in April at the beginning of the active season. Because of the new data we have collected, we now suspect that most Map Turtles in the Inner Harbour must traverse the proposed Third Crossing site in late summer or fall and again in early spring in order to migrate to and from their primary overwintering site. With the third-crossing being directly in their route, we cannot be sure how this will negatively affect the seasonal movements of this species at-risk.
Six female Map Turtles were fitted with transmitters during July and August. One transmitter fell off in late August and we have been unable to detect a signal for another after 9 September. Between 13 August and 2 September the remaining turtles moved approximately 6 km from the Inner Harbour area downstream of Belle Park to the Kingston Mills/401 reach. Over the same period, we observed a pronounced increase in basking Map Turtles in the Kingston Mills/401 reach while incidental observations of adult and older juvenile Map Turtles declined in the Inner Harbour to the point that we essentially ceased encountering them there in September.
On 23 August we observed five Eastern Musk Turtles during 60 minutes of directed searching in the Kingston Mills/401 reach with several others observed opportunistically on other occasions. Similar sampling at several sites downstream of the 401 in late August failed to detect Musk Turtles although we had been able to find them earlier in the active season. This suggests that they are also present in large numbers in the Kingston Mills/401 reach towards the end of the active season and this is consistent with the possibility that this species also uses this area for overwintering. However, there are no longitudinal survey data for Musk Turtles available to establish a spatio-temporal trend in habitat use for this population. Given that Musk Turtles, like Northern Map Turtles, are constrained to overwinter at sites with relatively high dissolved oxygen, we provisionally presume that it is likely that Musk Turtles in the Inner Harbour also undertake migrations for overwintering that may intersect the proposed Third Crossing site.
Other turtle species present in the Great Cataraqui River include Painted and Snapping Turtles which are less constrained by dissolved oxygen levels during the winter. There is a complete lack of data on their overwintering sites. While most individuals of these species may not migrate across the Third Crossing route, we are concerned that some may overwinter at the proposed site and may be displaced or killed during construction.”
Submitted by
Kenny Ruelland Matt Keevil
Reptile & Amphibian Conservationist Research Consultant, FKIH
www.reptileandamphibianadvocacy.com PhD. Candidate, Boreal Ecology, Laurentian Univ.
One further comment related to the turtle presence late in the season at Kingston Mills.
In recent discussions with local avid fishermen in the area, they stated that right now salmon are spawning at Kingston Mills. Evidently lots of fish eggs end up floating in the water that become food for many other species of fish and very probably for the turtles as well. In addition to the eggs, when the salmon have finished spawning they die and their bodies become food for insects which also end up floating in the river as food for other species. It seems possible that the turtles may be going up to Kingston Mills late in the season for food as well as for hibernation in oxygenated water. More research is needed.
General Comments on the DIA by Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour focusing on incomplete commentaries and insufficient data to warrant conclusions
Here is our basic list of 17 concerns. Some have received more attention than others to date.
In many cases our major concerns have not yet been connected to specific items in the Draft DIA due to lack of sufficient time to assess both the DIA itself and the appendices.
1. When turtle habitat is discussed, it appears to concentrate on nesting and overwintering with no mention of either basking habitat or actual ranges that have been observed to date.
2. In the Sound Impact section, the possible impact on turtles seems missing. The data doesn’t exist to warrant any conclusions here.
Species of Interest We note that in the report there are references from Golder, Snetsinger, Li and Zessies providing bird and reptile species that could be affected by construction and traffic noise but no reference to turtles. In Appendix N – Underwater Noise Modeling Report it states that the top sediment layer at the riverbed surface is composed of fine, water-saturated sediments (very loose silt, and silty clay to clay, Appendix B.3) and in general, soft sediments allow for high penetration of acoustic energy and its subsequent attenuation as the acoustic wave propagates and interacts with sediments.
Impact to Animals In section 4.2 Based on the criteria proposed by Popper et al (2014) for acoustic impacts on fish and turtles, the distances to the thresholds for injury are quite small (Table 6). The peak pressure thresholds for mortal and recoverable acoustic injury to fish and for mortal injury to fish eggs, fish larvae, and turtles occurred within 2-3 m of the source. The SEL 24th thresholds for mortal acoustic injury to fish with a swim bladder, fish eggs, fish larvae, and turtles were within 5-6m of the source; the SEL 34th threshold for recoverable acoustic injury to fish with a swim bladder was within 7 m of the source. For dual-criteria thresholds, such as the peak pressure and SEL24th, the greater of the two ranges is generally used for regulatory purposes. The maximum distance to the temporary threshold shift-onset (186 dB re 1 uPa2 s) was 86m.
Popper at al (2014) do not specify quantitative thresholds for recoverable injury for turtles, fish eggs, or fish larvae, nor do they specify quantitative thresholds for masking or behavioural disruption of any fish or turtle. Instead, qualitative risk levels as a function of relative range are used as shown in Table 3. Turtles within tens of meters of the pile are at high risk of recoverable injury, and fish eggs and larvae are at moderate risk of recoverable injury within this range. The relative risk drops to low for distances of hundreds to thousands of meters. Adult fish with a swim bladder not involved in hearing and turtles are at high risk of behavioural disruption within tens of meters of the pile, while fish with a swim bladder involved in hearing are at high risk within tens to hundreds of meters. Larval fish are at moderate risk of behavioural disburbance within tens of meters of the pile.
4.3. Mitigation System: Unconfined Bubble Curtain
As described in Section 2.2, bubble curtains are less effective when a significant portion of sound travels unimpeded through the sediment substrate and enters the water column via the bottom interface at a distance greater than the bubble curtain can contain. In this study, the pile is installed 45 m inside the riverbed sediments, and 0.54 m in the water column (water depth). Most of the sounds originated from and then travelled through the sediment substrate, refracting upwards towards the water column (Figure 5). In this case, the bubble curtain does not attenuate the sound propagation effectively. Based on our modelling results and due to such strong acoustic propagation within the sediment, the distances to thresholds using an unconfined bubble curtain are very similar to those without a bubble curtain. For a broader discussion of mitigation of underwater noise effects on wildlife, refer to the Third Crossing of the Cataraqui River Preliminary Design Natural Heritage Protection and Enhancement Plan (Golder 2017).
City of Kingston – Projects – Third Crossing – Final Preliminary Design Summary Report – Appendix N – Underwater Noise Modelling Report
C.3. Turtle Hearing
There is little information on turtle hearing. Morphological studies of green and loggerhead sea turtles (Ridgway et al. 1969, Wever 1978, Lenhardt et al. 1985) find that the sea turtle ear is similar to other reptile ears, but has some adaptations for underwater listening. A thick layer of fat may conduct sound to the ear in a similar manner as the fat in jawbones of odontocetes (Ketten et al. 1999), but sea turtles also have an air cavity that presumably increases sensitivity to sound pressure. Electrophysiological and behavioural studies on green and loggerhead sea turtles found their hearing frequency range is ~50–2000 Hz (Ridgway et al. 1969, Bartol et al. 1999, Bartol and Ketten 2006, Piniak et al. 2011, Lavender et al. 2012). No information is available on underwater hearing in freshwater turtles.
C.4. Potential Effects of Sound on Turtles
There are few data about the response of turtles to acoustic exposure, and there are no studies of hearing loss or the effects of exposure to loud sounds. McCauley et al. (2000) reports the behavioural response of caged green and loggerhead turtles to an approaching seismic airgun—for received levels above SPL 166 dB re 1 μPa the turtles increased their swimming activity and above SPL 175 dB re 1 μPa they began to behave erratically, which was interpreted as an agitated state. Additional data suggest that behavioural responses occur closer to SPL 175 dB re 1 μPa and TTS or PTS occur at even higher levels (Moein et al. 1995).
3) We disagree strongly that all impacts are “Not Significant”. It would actually be correct to say that insufficient data exist to determine impact.
4) We are concerned about follow-through. What proof is there that all of the follow-up monitoring procedures will actually happen? Past instances in other places have shown that monitoring ends up being slipshod and insufficient.
5) We are not confident that exclusion fencing is adequate to keep turtles out. Our experience in Doug Fluhrer Park showed that the turtles broke it down. We have concerns that turtles may be caught up in the vegetation removal and that the AETC is being put in when turtles may be migrating to Kingston Mills.
6) The map showing turtle sightings is incomplete. Other sightings exist. Pages 3-42 to 3-46 have interesting although not always accurate information on each of the types of turtles. We would be happy to meet to assist in these corrections.
7) Overwintering comments? The suggestion that the turtles may be overwintering south of Belle Park but closer to the main channel rather than near the main shoreline is undocumented and the rationale is unclear. Perhaps the reason we are finding out that they seem to like Kingston Mills for overwintering is due to the oxygenated water there due to flow?
8) The impact of change in flow on turtles and other wildlife may well be much greater than indicated in the DIA – especially given how seasonal and climate change will effect water levels and flow. There is simply insufficient data to warrant any conclusions.
9) There is too much reliance on on-site decisions i.e. when to lower curtain
10) As there is no data as to where turtles actually overwinter (although we are currently discovering that Kingston Mills seems to be a major site) no assumptions can be made on what the impact of the bridge footprint will be on their choices of overwintering sites.
11) The report is lacking in specifics regarding storm management details.
12) The impact of snow removal, salting/sanding is not accounted for.
13) The comment that the causeway substrate will not be suitable for nesting lacks details/authentication.
14) Permanent exclusion fencing is needed where the bridge joins the roads on each side of the causeway to be sure to keep turtles off the road.
15) Reference is made in a few places that missing information will be gathered during construction. However this assumes that the information gathered will not indicate a significant impact or need for mitigation. This assumption is lacking in rationale. All data should be in place before any work starts.
16) The comment about the low eel abundance seems to contradict the actual behaviour of the commercial fishermen who are fishing for them.
17) The statement that ” Although the general habitat disruption is undisputable it remains unavoidable despite mitigations.” is true. However the subsequent words “however the overall impacts remain relatively minor with the total construction footprint representing less than 0.7% of the total habitat available with the Provincially Significant Wetland estimated at 504 ha” is, quite frankly, irrelevant. What matters is that the parts of the marsh that the turtles do use are not destroyed and that the entire marsh is protected. In fact we don’t have enough data to make any sort of assumption that because 0.7% represents the total construction footprint, that the effect of construction will be minimal on the turtles. It could well be that the 0.7% actually represents 50% or more of the area where turtles actually choose to be within the whole of the Provincially Significant Wetland.
In conclusion, we truly hope that these comments and suggestions are helpful and will encourage future deliberation about the stewardship of the turtles who are actually, globally, the world’s most endangered vertebrates.
Sincerely -on behalf of the Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour and Turtles Kingston,
Mary Farrar,
Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour
21) The totally amazing BLOB
So that’s it for October!
Happy Hallowe’en,
Mary Farrar,
Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour