Dear Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour,
Hope you have had a wonderful summer and that a wonderful fall lies ahead.
As you can see from the pic, sent anonymously, we are seeing increased numbers of juvenile turtles basking in the Inner Harbour these days. It would appear that our turtle protection programs for the last four seasons are really having an effect!
This is an unusually long update but important issues affecting us all needed to be addressed. Feel free to focus on what is important to you! DO get a cup of tea and relax with it.
1) More Exciting Turtle Stuff: Council Decision, Art Event, First Fall Hatchling, Origins
2) Thoughts on Kingston’s Housing Crisis
3) Inner Harbour Invasive Specie + Great inaturalist Pics for Belle Island
4) Tree Management Plan for Third Crossing
5) Climate/Environmental Protection Issues & Events
6) Sir John A + Other Indigenous Issues and Events
7) Fitness: Kingston Gets Active + Artillery Park Closure Info
8) Food and Farm Issues: All Candidates + Food Access
9) City Webpage offers Local Look at 5G Network
10) Event Reminder: Queen’s Sustainability Week, Sept 29 – Oct 3
1) More Exciting Turtle Stuff : Council Decision, Art Event, First Fall Hatchling, Origins
a) Huge congrats and huge thanks to Mabyn Armstrong of Turtles Kingston who did a wonderful delegation at City Council on Aug 13 in support of a motion by Councillors Lisa Osanic and Simon Chappelle to stop vehicles from passing one another at the Westbrook marsh. Thanks to Lisa and Simon and also to the Mayor and all of Council who voted unanimously in favour. Mabyn has also done a truly outstanding job this summer with Turtles Kingston, getting local vets to agree to have injured turtles taken to them and then organizing volunteers to transport these injured turtles to Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre in Napanee. In addition she has been a stalwart helper in reading lengthy and complex documents from a variety of sources for our Turtle team. She is amazing!
Here is the motion that passed unanimously:
“Whereas Highway #2 runs across the Provincially Significant Wetland, Collins Creek Complex in Westbrook
Whereas the data shows that there is higher turtle mortality in this particular location on Highway #2 than on any other roadway that has been studied within the City of Kingston
Whereas Turtles Kingston has reported close to 80 turtles nesting on the sides of the road, 43 of which had to be manually transported across the road to prevent them from being run over in 2019
Whereas Highway #2 in Westbrook has a speed limit is 60km/hour and it is difficult for police to enforce speed control in this particular location due to limited resources and difficult topography since the road is surrounded by wetland with very narrow shoulder,
Whereas it is acknowledged that this short section of road, that is less than 1 kilometre long from Baxter Avenue to Collins Bay Road, is admittedly generally flat and straight and the sight lines are good and as such, a Vehicle “No Passing” zone would not be warranted according to Book 11 of the Ontario Traffic Manual “Pavement, Hazard, and Delineation Markings
Whereas Book 11 of the Ontario Traffic Manual, however, does not give consideration to the protection of wildlife when warranting Vehicle “No Passing” Zones
Whereas protecting the turtles in this location is important to the integrity of the Collins Creek significant wetland complex
Therefore Be It Resolved that council direct staff to establish a Posted No Passing Zone on Highway #2 in Westbrook from Baxter Ave to Collins Bay Road”
b) Turtles Kingston Art Event
What: Turtles Kingston Art Exhibition
When: Now running 7:00 am til 7:00 pm until Oct 1
Where: Kingston Coffee House, Springer Market Square, 322 King St. East
More Info?https://www.facebook.com/events/404259317106027/?event_time_id=404259350439357
c) First Recorded Hatchling this Fall
Seen at the 1.5 trail sign near the Woollen Mill. Thanks so much to Derek Wong for sending this documentation to harbourturtles@gmail.com/ We always appreciate information – especially with pics.
d) Wonderful Hatchling Release Program at 1000 Islands
e) Received from Cathy Myers. Truly Fascinating Article on the Origins of the Turtle. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/how-turtle-got-its-shell-apologies-aesop-180972929/?utm_source=smithsoniantopic&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20190825-Weekender&spMailingID=40484823&spUserID=NzU4NzEyNTY0NjMyS0&spJobID=1582085434&spReportId=MTU4MjA4NTQzNAS2
2) Thoughts on Kingston’s Housing Crisis
Four issues need to be addressed.
The first is global, the second local, the third local, but governed heavily by provincial legislation, and the fourth local with help from the feds.
First: The Commodification of Housing (housing as an investment). Historically speaking, this is actually a new issue. It started after the 2008 financial meltdown with its subsequent government bailouts on the grounds of “too big to fail”. With the financial windfalls received from these bailouts, large newly-formed companies started buying up housing as an investment to sell at a profit. If you haven’t already seen “Push”, the documentary with UN Special Raporteur on Adequate Housing, Leilani Farha, you absolutely should – http://www.pushthefilm.com/about/
Kingston is not immune. At last count Starlight/Blackstone (Blackstone is the largest of these companies) owned close to 700 units in Kingston. Google it for yourself. Their practice is to buy, neglect, and resell at a profit. Globally units often sit empty in downtowns such as London and New York, destroying what were vibrant neighbourhoods. We must stop this from happening in Kingston. It is up to the Mayor and Council to do what they can.
What we can do personally is divest from these companies. Talk to your investment advisor – if you are lucky enough to have enough assets to warrent one!
Second: The Post-Secondary Issue. Queen’s and St. Lawrence continue increasing student numbers without providing adequate housing. This results in a skewing of population projections and the displacement of housing that used to exist for both families and for the poor in Kingston’s downtown. Home Base Housing deals heroically with these issues on a daily basis. It is critical that the City, Queen’s and St. Lawrence work together on this.
Third: The issue of Densification. The Provincial Policy Statement (2014) has legislated that municipalities need to densify their downtowns in order to avoid urban sprawl. This makes sense. The basic problem is with conflicting aesthetics.
There is no actual relationship between greater density and high rises. Kingston’s most densely populated district is the McBurney Park/Inner Harbour area. Small lots, small houses, cut up into small apartments. Luxury spacious high rises can actually be less densely populated than low/mid rise buildings.
Proponents of downtown high rises simply like the style. They like the feel of the mix of modern high rise with low and mid rise heritage buildings. Those opposed to high rises in the downtown value the human scale of the heritage buildings and don’t want the ambiance to change with the addition of out-of-scale high rises. It really is a difference in aesthetics.
If you feel like exploring the social, economic and environmental issues surrounding high rises in general have a look at this wonderfully comprehensive overview:https://www.mdpi.com/search?q=The+sustainability+of+tall+building+developments%3A+A+conceptual+framework&authors=Kheier+Al-Kodmany&journal=buildings&article_type=&search=Search
A related problem is an overall vision of the downtown and the marketing of proposed downtown condos. The Downtown Business Improvement Association wants more people living in the downtown. The question then becomes who? Do Kingstonians really want the downtown to become another student residence area? That is how the current Capitol Condo project is being marketed – as an investment property focused on student rentals. Opponents, including some downtown business owners, are concerned that this approach will result in higher downtown property values resulting in increased rental fees for businesses. It will also further complicate the availability of affordable accommodation for downtown workers. Complicated issues.
Fourth, Building more Affordable and Social Housing
The mayor has very wisely and usefully created a taskforce on housing – very ably co-chaired by former MP Ted Hsu and Councillor Mary Rita Holland. They are looking seriously at options like Cooperative Housing (currently subsidized to some degree by the feds).
One other factor here is the cost of steel and concrete building for developers.
Frame options are now available and being done in B.C. Much cheaper for developers.
The Province of Ontario needs to alter the current allowed height from 6 storeys to 12 storeys.
Here is another interesting feature on the way timber is fabricated for frame construction.
Here is the submission I recently sent to the Mayor’s Task Force on Housing – for more detailed macro and micro suggestions for the city:
“Dear members of the Mayor’s Task Force on Housing,
First of all thank you so much for your work and for reaching out to interested citizens for comments. Wishing you success with this really important initiative.
I’m not sure that doing an oral presentation to the task force would say more than what is written here below. Here below are my considerations.
Macro Issue: Adequate Housing as a Basic Human Right.
The most important underlying factor concerning the housing debate is the separation between rich and poor that has been legislated one way or another for hundreds of years However this trend has been vastly exacerbated by the global financial crisis of 2008 which led to the creation of a commodification/financialization of housing that has actually never been seen before.
This type of financialization gives local developers (both small and large) a bad name, results in fewer homes available for local residents in need – the poor as well as the middle class (especially as in recent years wages have not kept up with housing costs) and leads to unnatural spikes in real estate costs.
Following the lead of Leilani Farha, UN Special Raporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing, Kingston needs to join with Montreal (and 40 other municipalities worldwide including New York) to declare housing a human right and partner with the federal government that is working to enshrine adequate housing as a basic human right. Kingston needs to do what it can to stop financiers from further buying/selling for investment purposes only. Kingston could be a national leader here.
Kingston is definitely not immune.
Starlight/Blackstone, the largest of the financiers involved, now owns 686 units in Kingston:
700-710 Sir John A Blvd with 100 units, 84 Runnymede Road with 110 units, 111-131 Notch Hill Road with 130 units, 800 Castell Road with 170 units, 480-485 Canatara Counrt with 164 units and 300-302 Frontenac St. with 12 units. Here is the link to their website:
For more information see Steve Paikin of TVO’s short interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcFzImegjXs
Micro Issues: A few smaller made-in-Kingston suggestions:
Housing barriers between different groups in society need to be broken down to help create a more equitable society and provide more housing options.
Current housing needs:
1) Student housing
2) Social, Affordable and affordable housing
3) Indigenous housing
4) Alternative shared housing options for seniors
5) Shortage of single family homes
Current housing surfeits:
1) Single or married seniors living in 3-4 bedroom homes
2) Empty student apartments in the summer.
3) Snow bird’s empty houses Jan – May (one university term)
Current market problems:
1) Downtown units being built and marketed as investments – increasing both downtown housing costs for buyers and renters as well as rental costs for downtown businesses.
2) Potential (and real) problems with non-resident investors causing escalating housing costs.
3) To quote from David Rockne Corrigan of TVO: “Focusing solely on the supply side is not the right approach. Doug Yearwood, a PhD student at Queen’s who advocates on behalf of Katarokwi (Kingston) Union of Tenants, says that Kingston’s housing system needs to be fundamentally restructured, as it focuses too much on market housing and not enough on non-market and social housing.”
A few Kingston suggestions:
1) Organize a town/gown working group to arrange for single students to live with seniors throughout the city in spare bedrooms.
This would help seniors: a) pay their taxes, b) provide the security of someone living in the house when they are away for whatever reason, c) provide friendship and help with odd jobs like cleaning, snow shoveling and gardening.
This would help students by: a) providing them with a lower than market rate for housing. b) providing friendship and possible help with life issues.
Legal arrangements would have to be put in place in case the arrangement didn’t work out for whatever reason.
2) Organize a working group to consult with seniors and create both designs and a legal framework for building new shared living spaces. What has been suggested to me by several seniors is a sort of upscale version of shared student housing. It would be a shared building with spaces for each individual that would include spacious bedrooms/offices with ensuites but where kitchen and living/dining room space is shared. Responsibilities such as cleaning, show shoveling, gardening, food shopping and cooking, and maintenance/repair could either be shared or payment shared.
As a result of #2, seniors who are currently living in single family homes with mostly unused bedroom space could sell their houses to put more single family homes on the market.
Some sort of legal framework would need to be set up where interested seniors could find suitable housemates – e.g. people with similar interests and tastes?
3) Encourage more co-operative housing alternatives. Councillor Rob Hutchison is on this.
4) The city and federal government should partner to subsidize affordable housing and social housing in a variety of long-term ways? Perhaps the Federation of Canadian Municipalities could kick start this? Developers could be required to either create both social and affordable units as part of their build or give money towards a fund designed to support it.
5) Dramatically increase the number of secondary suites being allowed in suburbs. This would allow home-owners to rent something like a basement apartment to cover mortgage costs as well as increase rental space availability.
6) Limit short term rentals like Air B&B to a portion of a person’s primary residence only rather than limiting the number of days.
7) Truly try to get a handle on the actual number of illegal rental properties on the market. I know this is being worked on – but it is essential information for planning.
8) Try to deal with the homeless problem. Certainly tiny homes are being suggested in other jurisdictions. Dealing with the influx of homeless people from other nearby jurisdictions also needs to be addressed.
9) Somehow discourage the marketing of downtown condos as investment properties for renting to students. In all honesty, students don’t need to live in prime downtown real estate.
10) Actually work with Queen’s and St. Lawrence College on joint planning for long-term student accommodation.
11) Perhaps a tax on empty houses/businesses if the problem becomes severe?
12) When considering new builds, the local context must be a serious concern – how the new build fits with its neighbouring buildings, with neighbourhood demographics, and with natural features. Protecting our waterfront and marshlands is critical for sustainability given the climate emergency. Heritage concerns also matter. Parks, trails, and all active transportation connections with other neighbourhoods, the water and the downtown also matter.
Mary Farrar”
3) Inner Harbour Invasive Specie + Great Pics inaturalist Pics for Belle Island
a) Sadly Beautiful Invasive Specie: European Water Chestnut
Received from Kyle Borrowman, Ducks Unlimited, Aug 29
“Have you seen this plant in the Greater Cataraqui River or elsewhere in the Kingston Area?
European water chestnut is an invasive floating-leaved aquatic plant that was first introduced to New England and New York in the 1800’s as an ornamental plant due to it’s unique look. However, it wasn’t long until this plant escaped cultivation and spread across the north-eastern United States. Its ability to grow quickly and outcompete native plants has allowed water chestnut to quickly populate in creeks, wetlands and slow moving waters. In Ontario, water chestnut has been discovered in small pockets in a handful of locations in Eastern Ontario along Lake Ontario, the Ottawa River and the Rideau River.
Since 2014, Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) has been actively controlling populations of the plant within the Kingston area and monitoring roughly 40 sites between Brighton and Gananoque every year to discover new populations before they become established. Over the past two years, DUC has extensively surveyed and controlled European water chestnut north of Belle Park within the Greater Cataraqui River, as well as a smaller population just south of the park adjacent to the Davis Tannery site this year. Due to concerns over contaminated sediments, DUC has controlled these populations with the use of an approved aquatic herbicide (Reward) commonly used at marinas in the province. In 2018, this approach reduced the European water chestnut population at the north site by 92%.
In addition to performing the treatment, DUC has been actively surveying the water chestnut to determine the effectiveness of control. These surveys are performed throughout the growing season and focus on water chestnut as well as native floating leaved plants.
So, what do you do if you find European water chestnut in the Kingston area?
DUC has requested that people do not to remove them from the water, rather, they would love to hear about the locations of the plants. This allows the crew to effectively visit known locations year after year. This can be done by uploading reports onto the provincial invasive species database, EDDMapS Ontario(www.EDDMapS.org/ontaro) using the website or smart phone app or contact the program coordinator, Kyle Borrowman, with GPS coordinates at k_borrowman@ducks.ca.
You can learn more about the program here: https://www.ducks.ca/stories/the-great-lakes-st-lawrence/european-water-chestnut-eradication-program/“
b) inaturalist for Belle Island
Have a look! Amazing! Beautiful photos posted by Hilbert Buist and others.
4) Tree Management Plan for Third Crossing
This CKWS news clip from Monday, Aug 26, shows Indigenous activist, Laurel Claus Johnson stating that she would tie herself to trees to prevent cutting
Possibly as a result the planned cutting didn’t happen.Three days later, Aug 29, the City issued the following statement which, in my opinion, actually raises more questions than it answers. What sort of Indigenous consulting was/is happening? Which Indigenous groups are being consulted? And what agreements have been reached with whom?
”Protecting wildlife and their habitat is a key part of conserving Kingston’s biodiversity and the project team is dedicated to protecting the ecosystem within the Project Area. Experts have and will continue to conduct surveys of plants and wildlife around the Third Crossing project area.
To determine the potential for adverse effects to Species at Risk and their habitat; the study area has been extensively investigated. Removal of some vegetation will be required during the construction of the project. To accommodate this vegetation and tree removal many measures have and will continue to be undertaken: surveys will be done in advance of excavation activities to assess for any sensitive vegetation and tree species, which if identified, will then be avoided or relocated to other suitable locations, as feasible and appropriate; the removal of shoreline vegetation will be minimized to the extent possible; the landscape improvement works will be seen as an opportunity for a degree of ecological restoration on the west side lands and ecological compensation on the east side lands; a Natural Heritage Protection and Enhancement Plan will be prepared and include detailed design measures related to wetland restoration, aquatic habitat enhancements as well as stabilizing and rehabilitating the shoreline shallows.
Tree Management Plan
The tree management plan considers the use of cut trees by offering them to Indigenous nations as well as working with the past president of the Ontario Woodland Association to provide them with a limited number of trees. We have offered trees to several Indigenous nations and participated with one Indigenous nation who expressed interest in some trees. As part of the tree management plan, the project team has been able to reduce the impact area and number of trees to be removed to accommodate construction activity. Also as part of the tree restoration plan for every healthy tree taken down at least one, if not more, trees will be planted as compensation.
With respect to permits for this work, we have already received approval from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry (MNRF). Our environmental work with Parks Canada on the Detailed Impact Assessment (DIA) is related to in-water work associated with the bridge.
Tree removal on the east approach
Since we started early works for the project, we have been communicating with near neighbours on the east shore and interested residents on tree removal, tree management and restoration among other elements. In August the Third Crossing project team offered to meet with east side residents and about 15 residents went on a guided walk to inform residents about tree removal on the east approach, the tree management plan, wildlife management, the development of our tree restoration plan and to provide a better understanding of the connectivity and paths on the east side.
Continued communication through construction activity
We appreciate your patience as we start to have more site presence on both the east and west approaches. As work continues we want to ensure we have good communications with our near neighbours. If at any time you would like to speak with member of the project team, please email us at thirdcrossing@cityofkingston.ca and a team member will be in touch.”
5) Climate/Environmental Protection Issues & Events
a) Received from Ontario Nature, Aug 30, 2019
This is particularly significant given the recent unnerving news from the governments of Brazil, the U.S. and Ontario.
“As a party to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, Canada has an international obligation to protect at least 17 percent of its lands and inland waters by 2020.
In Ontario, we’re falling far short of that goal, with only about 11 percent currently protected.
We have a golden conservation opportunity in southern Ontario that cannot be ignored if we work to preserve both crown land and our Provincial Wildlife Areas.”
More Info?https://ontarionature.org/make-pwas-count/
b) Received from Kathleen O’Hara of Extinction Rebellion
What: Extinction Rebellion is holding a free presentation on “Heading for Extinction and What to Do About It.” The first half includes key information on the present frightening state of our planet. The second half shows how a small, determined percentage of the population can bring about change non-violently!
When: Wed, Sept 11, 7-9 pm
Where: Unitarian Fellowship, Main Hall (enter through side door), 206 Concession St., Kingston
More Info?https://www.facebook.com/groups/2169072376483862/?multi_permalinks=2486919128032517%2C2482266345164462¬if_id=1566692843279765¬if_t=group_activity
c) Received from Kathleen O’Hara, Aug 30, 2019
The September 20 Global Climate Strike by students and supporters will begin at 10 am in Market Square when Dianne Saxe, the former Environmental Commissioner fired by Ford, is speaking. Wear black. We will hold a funeral procession for the globe, symbolizing the frightening crisis we are in, up Brock and down Princess and back to Market Square.
MPP Ian Arthur will speak at noon, plus other speakers. We will then bring out colour, art, music, and more to celebrate the fact that so many of us care, giving us hope!
d) Received from the City of Kingston, Aug 26, 2019
City launches “Change for Climate” campaign
“What’s our city doing to address climate change?” “As a resident, what can I do at home?”
These are just a couple of the questions the City of Kingston will address in its inaugural Change for Climate campaign, launching today.
“Change for Climate” is an opportunity for us to build awareness and engage residents in tackling this climate emergency,” says Julie Salter-Keane, community projects manager for the City.
The City has set a target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions across the City’s operations by 15 per cent between 2018 and 2022, and aims to be carbon neutral by 2040 or sooner. “Through Change for Climate, we will explore the steps we’re taking to meet these goals. Departments across our City are taking an even deeper look at their work through the lens of climate change. This includes everything from how we manage waste to how we build and maintain our parks. We know if we want to tackle climate change in a meaningful way, we need wide support” says Salter-Keane.
This campaign, which will begin to roll-out on the City’s social media channels before making its way more broadly into the community, is also a call to action to all Kingstonians to take a deep look at their home, work and recreational practices and make their own plans to make real and sustainable changes.
Residents can find climate actions tips at CityofKingston.ca/ClimateAction.
On March 5, the City of Kingston was the third municipality in Canada and the first in Ontario to declare a climate emergency. Since then, City council has set its strategic priorities and identified “demonstrate leadership on climate action” as one of its priorities. These priorities help direct and inform the City’s work.”
e) Received from the Kingston Whig Standard, Aug 28, 2019
“The city is to receive more than $20 million to separate storm water and sanitary sewer lines and repair and strengthen shoreline damaged by high lake water levels.
Standing near a section of the shoreline in Macdonald Park damaged by high water levels this year, Kingston and the Islands MP Mark Gerretsen said $20.2 million of the money was coming from the federal gas tax revenue.
The money is to be split equally between the shoreline work and the sewer line separation.
“Climate change is having a dramatic impact on our Canadian communities,” Gerretsen said.
“Floods, wildfires and winter storms are getting worse and, quite frankly, more frequent,” he said. “The effect of these extreme weather events don’t go away overnight. It takes time to rebuild and repair the damage and the major toll they take.”
The funding comes from a $2.2-billion increase in the amount of money municipalities are to receive from the federal gas tax.
Gerretsen said providing money to municipalities to pay for work they consider priorities is the best way for local communities to become more resilient.
“In recent years, local landmarks like the waterfront trail and the baseball diamond behind the Province Care Hospital had to be closed due to high water levels resulting in valuable community amenities being closed,” Gerretsen said.
“Significant rain events continue to close roads and affect city services as flooding occurs.”
Gerretsen said the risk of flooding is becoming a growing concern across Ontario communities each spring and work has to be done to limit the damage done by future floods.
“We can no longer stand and wait,” he said.
For the past two decades, Utilities Kingston has been separating storm water sewers and sanitary sewers to reduce the potential for flooding after severe rainfalls or rapid snow melt.
This funding is expected to pay for more than 1.4 kilometres of sewer line separation.
“It is really important to get those separated so when we have a lot of rain come down at once it doesn’t end up coming up in people’s basements,” he said.
The city has identified about three kilometres of shoreline along Lake Ontario and the Cataraqui River that is in need of repair after this summer’s flooding, said Kingston Mayor Bryan Paterson.
“There are probably 10 or 15 different locations,” he said.
Included in the city’s list of projects are more than 1,000 metres of shoreline repair and more than 2,100 metres of shoreline reinforcement.
Paterson said the funding will help make Kingston more resilient to the impact of climate change, not only by repairing damage from flooding, but also by strengthening shoreline to withstand future flooding.”
f) Received from Amelia Berot-Burns at KAIROS Peterborough – of special interest to those who attended our “Reconciliation in the Watershed” workshop earlier this year!
“September is Climate Action Month at KAIROS!
Throughout the month, we will highlight the work that our members, networks and others are doing to address the climate crisis. Every day, we will share resources and post events, blogs, and environmental challenges – or some combination of all three! Events and resources will be regional, national and international in scope.
Beginning September 1, the KAIROS website will feature a calendar with weekly themes: water, community action, Indigenous rights and ecological justice, and election advocacy, while highlighting the work of congregations, communities and national and international partners. Expect Calls to Action, helpful resources, suggestions on different ways to engage on climate issues, giveaways, tips on good books and websites, and hopeful messages via videos, interviews, blogs and spiritual reflections.
As well, we will have a challenge for you every single day! The 30-Day Challenge is designed to help us all make small lifestyle changes while learning more about the climate emergency.
Climate Action Month is a KAIROS initiative intended to further reconciliation by encouraging discussion and reflection on how climate change and Indigenous issues are deeply interwoven. We hope Climate Action Month will serve as inspiration for community collaboration.
Learn more! Visit kairoscanada.org/climateactionmonth“
g) New Greener Ships for the Great Lakes-St Lawrence
Seen on Twitter
For the past 10 years, more than $4 billion has been spent to refurbish and build new domestic and ocean-going vessels for the region that have the latest engine technology and hull designs to increase fuel efficiency and decrease air emissions; double hulls to prevent spills in the event of an accident, and state-of-the-art cargo handling systems to minimize dust and cargo residue.
6) Sir John A + Other Indigenous Issues and Events
a) Received from the City of Kingston, Aug 27,2019
City to facilitate public conversation on Sir John A. Macdonald’s legacy this fall.
“This fall, the City will facilitate a public conversation on Sir John A. Macdonald’s historic connections to Kingston. It will explore his role and actions as a political figure and the legacy of those actions today, which must be viewed through the lens of reconciliation. Residents are invited to participate in this dialogue either online or in-person.
‘This is an important conversation for the community to have and it aligns with the overarching goals of the City’s ongoing Your Stories, Our Histories project, which aims to identify and share a broader understanding of our local history,’ says Colin Wiginton, cultural director with the City of Kingston.
‘It is healthy to re-examine our relationships to historic figures and events,’ adds Jennifer Campbell, manager, cultural heritage. ‘It helps us better understand history and how the past impacts the present.’
The City will host a panel discussion event on Sept. 17 featuring three renowned historians who will discuss how Kingston can share a more complete, inclusive and diverse history of Sir John A. Macdonald. Residents are invited to attend this free event to hear the speakers’ perspectives and compare them with their own.
The panelists are:
Charlotte Gray, the author of 11 best-sellers about Canadian history and personalities. She advocated for Sir John A. Macdonald for the CBC program, “Who is the Greatest Canadian?” Charlotte lives in Ottawa and is a Member of the Order of Canada and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.
Christopher Moore, writer, journalist, and blogger who has been described as Canada’s most versatile writer of history. He is a contributing editor to Canada’s History magazine, the winner of two Governor-General’s Literary Awards, and the author of several books, including 1867: How the Fathers Made a Deal and Three Weeks in Quebec City: The Meeting that Made Canada.
Lee Maracle, an instructor at the University of Toronto in Indigenous Studies and First Nation’s house. Maracle served as a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the Universities of Toronto, Waterloo, Western Washington and Guelph University. Maracle received an Honorary Doctor of Letters from St. Thomas University, and an Honourary Doctor of Laws from the University of Waterloo. She is the recipient of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal and is an Officer of the Order of Canada.
Residents will have the opportunity to contribute their own input to this important dialogue at two community workshops held on Oct. 16 and 17.
In addition to these in-person engagement sessions, an online Get Involved engagement page will be open for public comment from Sept. 3 – Oct. 31.
b) Tanya Talaga: MacClement Lecture
What: Lecture by award-winning Indigenous journalist Tanya Talaga
In this compelling and thought-provoking lecture, Tanya Talaga, author of Seven Fallen Feathers, will highlight the research she’s done, emphasising its application to education and youth.
When: Thurs, Sept 26, 5:00 – 6:30 pm
Where: Faculty of Education, Duncan McArthur Hall Auditorium, Queen’s University
NOTES:Tanya Talaga’s book, Seven Fallen Feathers, was a national bestseller that introduced us to seven Indigenous high school students who mysteriously died in Thunder Bay. It won the 2018 RBC Taylor Prize. She is also the first Ojibway woman to deliver the CBC Massey Lectures, and has been nominated five times for the Michener Award in public service journalism. In addition she won the Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writing, and the First Nation Communities Read: Young Adult/Adult Award. It was also a finalist for the Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust Nonfiction Prize and the BC National Award for Nonfiction, and was named CBC’s Nonfiction Book of the Year and a Globe and Mail Top 100 Book. From 2017-2018, Tanya was the Atkinson Fellow in Public Policy through The Canadian Journalism Foundation. In her powerful keynotes, Tanya shares Indigenous stories from across Canada and the world, humanizing the legacy of cultural genocide and sharing her hope for a more inclusive and equitable future.
Tanya is of Polish and Indigenous descent. Her great-grandmother was a residential school survivor and her great-grandfather was an Ojibwe trapper and labourer. For the past 20 years, Tanya has worked as a journalist, and now columnist, for The Toronto Star.
c) Indigenous Land Rights and Reconciliation Workshop, Sept 5,6
d) Belle Island Caretakers Circle + Belle Island Clean-Up, Sept 7 & 21
i) What: Meeting
When: Sat, Sept 7, 1:00 – 6:00 pm
Where: HARS, 844 Princess St.
More Info?https://www.facebook.com/events/2280821991967590/
NOTES: All Welcome. For agenda, see Facebook Page.
ii) What: Clean-up of Belle Island
When: Sat, Sept 21, noon -5 pm
Where: Belle Island
NOTES: All welcome. Come and help for as long as you wish. Wear boots and gloves.
7) Fitness: Kingston Gets Active + Artillery Park Closure Info
a) Received from the City of Kingston, Aug 29, 2019
“The City of Kingston is one of many community organizations offering FREE activities in September as part of Kingston Gets Active Month.
“Finding a new ways to get active is what Kingston Gets Active Month is all about. Discover a new sport, explore your active living options and have free fun with family and friends,” says Niamh Nicholas, fitness and wellness program coordinator.
Kingston Gets Active month activities include fencing, martial arts, paddling, bouldering, swimming, Pilates, skating and kickboxing. While all the activities are free, some require participants to RSVP, so it is a good idea to plan ahead.
From Sept. 3 to 30, explore the free community-offered activities at www.KingstonGetsActive.ca or “Like” Kingston Gets Active on Facebook to receive daily updates on free activities being offered.
Grade 5 and 9 students are reminded that their ActivPass offers them free access to City recreational facilities all year long. To get in, Grade 5 students can show their ActivPass and Grade 9 students can show their student identification card.
Kingston Gets Active increases awareness of and access to physical activities in Kingston, which seeks to improve the quality of sport and physical activity in Kingston. Find out more at www.KingstonGetsActive.ca.
Fostering healthy citizens and vibrant spaces is a strategic priority of Kingston city council.”
b) Artillery Park Aquatic Centre to close during annual maintenance
Received from the City of Kingston, Aug 26, 2019
The City of Kingston’s Artillery Park Aquatic Centre will be closed from Tuesday, Sept. 3 to Sunday, Sept. 15, 2019 for annual maintenance. During the shutdown, the pools, gym, fitness and meeting rooms will be closed to the public.
The front desk area will remain open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and will be closed on weekends.
Keep up your fitness routine during the maintenance closure!
Gym, Wellness and FitPass membership holders:
Your memberships will be honoured at the INVISTA Fitness & Wellness Centre, 1350 Gardiners Rd. during the maintenance shutdown.
Pool membership holders:
The Outdoor Aqua Park will offer drop-in lane swimming, aqua fit, family and leisure swims. See CityofKingston.ca/WaterPark for specific program dates and times.
Program schedules for the Outdoor Aqua Park and INVISTA Fitness and Wellness Centre can be found on the City’s website at CityofKingston.ca/Facilities
Remember: Artillery Park Aquatic Centre will be closed Monday, Sept. 2 for the statutory holiday. The Outdoor Aqua Park and McBurney Park wading pool will be open Sept. 2.
8) Food and Farm Issues: All Candidates Meeting + Food Access
a) Received from Diane Dowling, Aug 25, 2019
What: Eat Think Vote All-Candidates Meeting on Food and Farm Issues
Candidates running in the Kingston and the Islands riding and the Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston riding will speak briefly about their party and personal commitments regarding food and farm issues, followed by Q&A
When: Tues, Sept 24, 6:30 – 9:00 pm
Where: Memorial Hall, City Hall, 216 Ontario St.
NOTES: Free admission. Donations welcomed to cover meeting costs. Refreshments served.
Organized by the Food Policy Council for Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox-Addington, and co-sponsored by food, farm and social issues organizations in the Kingston area.
b) Received from KFL&A Food Access Advisory Committee, Aug 28, 2019
What: This food access project is proudly supported by the KFL&A Food Access Advisory Committee and funded by City of Kingston, Community Foundation for Kingston & Area, KFL&A Public Health, and United Way of KFL&A.
Good Food Stands began popping up across Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington beginning August 27, 2018. The goal of this project is to make fresh produce more readily available and affordable for everyone in the community.
Food Access is one dimension of food security that has emerged as an overarching theme for poverty reduction in Kingston and Area. When people live in poverty it impedes their access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food. This project aims to improve food access for individuals and households in our region.
Schedule of times & locations + More Info? https://www.unitedwaykfla.ca/good-food-stand/
9) City Webpage offers Local Look at 5G network
Received from the City of Kingston, Aug 23, 2019
“In response to resident interest, the City of Kingston has launched a new webpage to offer information about 5G – fifth generation mobile wireless – networks.
“We have been receiving many resident questions about 5G networks and wanted to offer a local resource to point people to sources of information,” says JC Kenny, director, communications and customer experience.
She points out that neither the City, nor Utilities Kingston has any service contracts for 5G service and that none of the telecom service providers operating in Kingston currently offer 5G service.
While the regulation of 5G and other digital cellular networks sits with the Federal Government, the webpage has been launched to speak to questions about the City’s role when it comes to 5G networks.
The webpage offers answers to frequently asked questions about 5G networks as well as links to other government bodies that have connections to this issue, including the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), KFL&A Public Health and Utilities Kingston. See the “About 5G Networks and Kingston” webpage.
Digital wireless technology questions? Contact Kevin McCauley, director, Networking at Utilities Kingston at kmccauley@utilitieskingston.com.
Local health and 5G networks questions? Contact KFL&A Public Health at communications@kflaph.ca“
10) Event Reminder:
Queen’s Sustainability Week Heads Up: Sept 29 – Oct 3
Visit our Webpage for details: www.friendsofinnerharbour.com. Click on the About tab and then the Monthly Updates tab to find the August Update with this information. More anon..
So that’s it for now.
Hope to see you around the Inner Harbour on these beautiful fall days.
Mary Farrar,
Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour